DNC Talkers’ Toplines — April 26

DNC Talkers’ Toplines — April 26



Monday, April 26 2021



1. President Biden’s First 100 Days

2. Republicans Don’t Want Solutions on Immigration — They Want a Political Crisis

3. Back on Track: Weekly Unemployment Claims Fall to Another New Low

4. America’s Back, Tackling the Climate Crisis, and Creating Jobs

5. President Biden’s American Jobs Plan

6. The Biden-Harris Administration Meets Goal of 200 Million Vaccinations in First 100 Days

7. Help is Here: The American Rescue Plan





1. President Biden’s First 100 Days 

  • This Thursday will mark President Biden’s 100th day in office. Today, the Democratic National Committee is unveiling an updated billboard campaign across the country and a new billboard in President Biden’s hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania to thank the president for getting America back on track with vaccines in arms, checks in hands, and more than one million jobs created since he took office.

  • Because of President Biden’s leadership:

    • Over half of U.S. adults have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose

    • 160 million stimulus checks have been delivered

    • More than a million jobs have been created since President Biden took office and weekly unemployment claims fell last week to the lowest level since March of last year, when the pandemic began

  • The DNC has compiled a guide with resources to spread the word about Biden’s work for the American people in his first 100 days HERE.



2. Republicans Don’t Want Solutions on Immigration — They Want a Political Crisis

  • A recent report revealed that Republicans saw the challenges coming at the border and plotted ways to use the issue to sabotage President Biden and politicize the lives of children to try to win elections.


  • Republicans had 4 years to fix the immigration system and only made it worse. They separated children from their parents, ended DACA, gutted asylum, and attempted to pass legislation cutting legal immigration in half. 


  • The fact is that the largest increase in migration in decades began in the spring of 2020 — following Trump’s cruel and inhumane family separation policy, which clearly did not serve as a deterrent to migration. 


  • Republicans are not interested in solving the problem. Instead of working with Democrats on solutions, Republicans are using immigration as a political football to distract from the president’s popular economic relief package and high approval rating.


  • The Biden administration is bringing order and humanity back to the immigration system.

    • The administration restarted the Central American Minors (CAM) program that Trump terminated to provide a safe and orderly means for children to reunite with their parents in the United States.  

    • USAID leveraged more than $85 million to support vocational training, education, and employment opportunities for at-risk youth, and increased food security and incomes for vulnerable communities. 

    • The administration continues to send messages to the region that people should not make the dangerous journey north and that we are establishing protection programs in the region.


  • The American people support commonsense immigration measures.

    • There is overwhelming support for a path to citizenship and responsibly managing the border.

    • Just like the COVID package, Republicans are ignoring the will of the American people and their constituents and refusing to solve the problem.

    • Fear-mongering backfired in the 2018 midterms, resulting in huge Republican losses, and it failed in 2020. Voters supported the president’s fair, orderly and humane approach. 


  • The president has a plan.

    • Republicans have nothing except cruelty, chaos. The president believes that we can have a well-managed border and also treat people fairly and humanely.  

    • The President has laid out a clear vision that includes: 

      • Investing in Central America to stabilize economies, address violence, and strengthen governments and civil society; 

      • Establishing refugee processing in the region and creates other legal channels for people to migrate so they don’t have to make the dangerous journey north; 

      • Strengthening other countries asylum systems; 

      • More technology at the border and repairing crumbling infrastructure at ports of entry; 

      • Provides more asylum judges to deal with the backlog and efficiently and fairly process asylum claims.


3. Back on Track: Weekly Unemployment Claims Fall to Another New Low

  • Thanks to the leadership of President Biden and Democrats, our country is back on track. For the second consecutive week, weekly unemployment claims fell to the lowest level since March of last year, when the pandemic began.


  • With the effective distribution of vaccines and the aid in the American Rescue Plan, Americans across the country are beginning to go back to work, small businesses are able to keep their doors open, and Americans’ lives are beginning to return to normal. 


  • The American people know that our country is back on track thanks to President Biden and Democrats, and no thanks to a single Republican in Congress.


  • While these numbers are good news, we still have a long way to go until we’ve fully recovered. President Biden’s American Jobs Plan is the next critical step in reimagining and rebuilding a new American economy.  


4. America’s Back, Tackling the Climate Crisis, and Creating Jobs

  • President Biden fulfilled his promise to rejoin the Paris Agreement on Day One. He set America on a path to net zero emissions by no later than 2050, restored U.S. leadership on the global stage, and started rallying the world to tackle the climate crisis.


  • When President Biden thinks of climate, he thinks of jobs. He has always believed that tackling the climate crisis presents a valuable economic opportunity to create millions of good-paying, union jobs, strengthen working communities, protect public health, and advance environmental justice.

    • President Biden’s American Jobs Plan showcases how creating jobs and tackling climate change go hand in hand. His plans to build back better include historic investments to build resilient infrastructure, ensure access to clean drinking water, and deploy clean energy technologies and innovations.


  • The U.S. announced its new climate target to demonstrate its commitment to combating the crisis in a way that creates jobs. The administration has looked at every sector of the economy to ensure we can spur innovation, unleash new economic opportunities, drive U.S. competitiveness, and cut pollution.


  • The Leaders Summit shows the world that America is back. Confronting the climate crisis requires unprecedented cooperation across the globe that meets the urgency science requires. 


  • We must rally the world to step up. The cost of inaction is too great. We must spur our clean energy economy — creating good jobs, advancing environmental justice, reducing pollution, protecting our public health, and tackling the climate crisis. 


5. President Biden’s American Jobs Plan 

  • President Biden believes this is the moment to reimagine and rebuild a new American economy. The American Jobs Plan will create millions of good-paying jobs, rebuild our country’s infrastructure, and position the United States to out-compete China.

    • There is no reason why the United States should rank 13th globally in overall infrastructure quality and is outspent by competitors on research and development.


  • This is a once-in-a-century capital investment in America to not only meet our current infrastructure needs – like rebuilding crumbling roads and bridges and making sure every American has access to broadband and clean water – but also investing in research and development, so that we can make 21st century products in the U.S. and sell them around the world.

    • Unlike investments of the past - we are not going to leave behind communities that have been systematically excluded for generations, including communities of color and rural communities. 

    • Our investments will allow us to take on the climate crisis and move to a clean energy economy. 

    • President Biden proposed a tax code that rewards work, not wealth, and pays for this agenda.


  • A majority of Americans support raising corporate taxes to rebuild our nation’s infrastructure, and another recent poll also shows that a majority of Americans support every key provision presented to them in the American Jobs Plan.


  • President Biden will later announce the second part of his recovery agenda, focused on helping families with challenges like child care, paid leave, and education. 


6. The Biden-Harris Administration Meets Goal of 200 Million Vaccinations in First 100 Days

  • Last week, the United States met President Biden’s expanded goal of 200 million vaccines administered in his first 100 days in office, reaching the goal on day 92.

    • The administration surpassed the original goal of 100 million vaccinations on day 58 of the Biden-Harris administration.


  • As of April 19, just as President Biden previously announced, every adult in the United States is eligible to receive the vaccine.


  • Despite Trump’s failures, President Biden is delivering for the American people and continues to ramp up vaccine production and distribution.


  • As of Sunday, nearly 140 million people in the United States had received at least one dose of the vaccine, including nearly 95 million people who have been fully vaccinated. 

    • Over 50 percent of all American adults, and more than four in five American seniors, have received at least one vaccine dose. 


7. Help is Here: The American Rescue Plan 

  • Republicans must explain why they voted against a package that will help millions of Americans suffering from the effects of the public health and economic crises and why they think Americans do not deserve direct relief.

    • Some Republicans are trying to take credit for the American Rescue Plan’s benefits to their constituents, even though every single one of them voted against it. 


  • The American Rescue Plan will:

    • Get money to those who are hurting with $1,400 checks to Americans and extended unemployment insurance.

      • 85% of American households will receive checks of up to $1,400 per person.

      • A typical family of four making $100,000 a year is receiving $5,600 in direct payments through the American Rescue Plan. 

      • More than 156 million Americans have already received their checks. 

    • Get more shots in arms with a national vaccination program. 

    • Get children back in school with resources to reopen schools quickly and safely.

    • Cut homelesness.

    • Combat child hunger and poverty.

    • Provide small business owners with risk capital.

    • Make the largest investment in our history in Tribal governments and Native communities.

    • Rescue public transportation systems across the country.

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