Monday, September 27, 2021CONTENT TO SHARE NEWS OF THE DAY 1. Week of Opportunity for the American People
MESSAGE OF THE DAY 2. The Path Out of the Pandemic: President Biden’s COVID-19 Action Plan
CONTENT TO SHARE Washington Post: Opinion: The nation faces financial calamity. Republicans will be to blame. @POTUS: I give you my word as a Biden: If you make under $400,000 a year, I’ll never raise your taxes one cent. But, I’m going to make those at the top start to pay their share in taxes. It’s only fair. @VP: Working families deserve lower health care costs and affordable, accessible child care. That is why we must pass our Build Back Better Agenda. @SpeakerPelosi: The Biden agenda: lower costs, historic middle class tax cuts, millions of green good-paying jobs for the American people and much more to #BuildBackBetter – and paid for by making sure the wealthy and corporations pay their fair share. [VIDEO] NEWS OF THE DAY1. Week of Opportunity for the American People President Biden won the most votes of any candidate in American history by running on an economic plan that will change the game for the middle class by making investments in families the heart of our economic growth strategy instead of more tax giveaways for the rich or big corporations. This week, Congress can nail down two huge wins for the American people by passing the Build Back Better Act and the bipartisan infrastructure deal. The Build Back Better agenda is massively popular among all voters. We need to build back better with investments in jobs, economic competitiveness, and confront the existential threat of climate change, all while lowering prices on health care, prescription drugs, and other essentials for working families. After years of neglect and broken promises, Americans know that now is the time to make historic investments in our infrastructure that will build roads and bridges, improve ports and airports, and ensure every American has access to clean drinking water and high-speed internet.
This afternoon, the Senate will vote on legislation to fund the government and avert a catastrophic default on the debt.
MESSAGE OF THE DAY2. The Path Out of the Pandemic: President Biden’s COVID-19 Action Plan Since January 20, we have gone from about three million fully vaccinated Americans to nearly 185 million. We are bringing the same wartime spirit and science-based approach that we have always brought to match the scale and type of challenges we face as the virus evolves. President Biden’s COVID-19 action plan focuses on: Vaccinating the Unvaccinated: President Biden announced vaccination requirements that cover an estimated 100 million Americans – two-thirds of all workers – including all employees in the federal government and those at most health care settings. Further Protecting the Vaccinated: President Biden announced there will be enough booster shots available to everyone for free as soon as they are authorized – with a national distribution system ready, providing easy access for all eligible Americans, and ensuring Americans know where to get a booster. Keeping Schools Safely Open: The president called on all governors to require vaccinations for all teachers and staff, will require vaccination for educators at federal Head Start Programs, and is helping increase regular testing at schools. And, any teacher or school official whose pay is withheld by a governor will have that pay restored by the federal government – 100%. Increasing Testing & Requiring Masking: The president’s plan will ensure that every American – no matter their income – can access free, convenient tests. The plan expands easy-to-use testing production through the Defense Production Act, makes tests more affordable, expands free pharmacy testing, and sends free rapid tests to food banks and community health centers. The plan also continues to require masking for interstate travel and on federal property. Protecting Our Economic Recovery: The president announced several programs that will help ensure the U.S. economy continues to grow, including an expansion of the COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan program so small businesses can borrow up to $2 million to keep their businesses strong. Improving Care for Those with COVID-19: The administration is strengthening its surge response, with nearly 1,000 personnel already deployed across 18 states and the Department of Defense doubling the number of their teams deployed to support hospitals. The administration is also increasing the weekly pace of monoclonal antibody shipments.
The majority of Americans who were fully vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine are now eligible to receive a booster shot six months after they've received their second shot. Boosters will help increase people’s protection as we fight the Delta variant and try to end this pandemic. We are following the science. The FDA and CDC have determined these booster shots can begin, based on the latest data and evidence, after a thorough, independent and transparent process of evaluating safety and effectiveness. Individuals who are age 65 and older, at high-risk for severe COVID or illness, or work in a frontline job like health care workers or teachers are now eligible to get a booster shot six months after their second dose.
The president committed to the American people that he’d do everything in his power to defeat the virus. That’s what he’s done – and this plan builds on that and pushes us further.