May 2023 BPI Newsletter

May 2023 BPI Newsletter

****If you have not yet subscribed to the BPI Newsletter, sign up HERE****

Hello Democrats,  

As a reminder our T3 is BPI’s six-week, 12-part webinar course covering several aspects of grassroots campaigns. This is a program that seeks to expand the skills of volunteers by ensuring that comprehensive training is free and accessible for Democrats all over the country.

Sign up for the 2023 T3 program today! 

As our T3 program grows each year, so does our training curriculum. Some of the topics you will see covered this year are how to implement voter protection tools and tactics into your campaign plan, how to build a field plan, security 101, combating disinformation by using communication tools and so much more. Even if you’ve joined us for past T3 programs, you’re sure to learn something new this year. 

Sign up for our 2023 T3 program before Sunday, May 14, so you don’t miss out on this once-a-year opportunity, and check out our May Activist Challenge below to learn how you can help spread the word to your fellow Democratic volunteers! 


Jessica & Morgan
Best Practices Institute Team



2023 Train the Trainer (T3) Webinar Program 

The DNC Best Practices Institute is excited to announce the launch of our 2023 Train the Trainer (T3) Webinar Program! 

T3 is the six-week, 12-part webinar course covering several aspects of grassroots campaigning. This program seeks to expand the skills of volunteers by ensuring that comprehensive training is free and accessible for Democrats all over the country. 

Click Here to Register for the 2023 T3 Program!


T3 trainings will be held every Tuesday and Thursday from 7:00-8:00 p.m. ET, from May 16 through June 22. The deadline to register is Sunday, May 14, at 11:59 p.m. ET. 

Participants must complete all 12 sessions in order to receive the certification. All training sessions will include a skills test to track retention and participation. Each training session will be recorded and made available following the session via a weekly wrap-up email, delivered on Fridays. 

CLICK HERE to submit your registration for the 2023 T3 Training Program! Registration will close at 11:59 p.m. ET on Sunday, May 14.

May Activist Challenge 

Our monthly Activist Challenge is designed to build infrastructure for Democratic campaigns and organizations through grassroots engagement. Are you ready to accept the challenge and help elect Democrats up and down the ballot?!

This month, we are challenging our #BPItraining family to help spread the word about our 2023 T3 program before the May 14 registration deadline!

  • Click HERE to sign up for our 2023 T3 program today! 

  • Find two of your fellow Democrats and ask them to sign up with you.

  • Bonus: Post about the T3 program on your social media accounts and encourage even more of your friends to participate! Below is some sample language: 

    • “Are you ready to help elect Democrats? Register today for the DNC Best Practices Institute Train the Trainer (T3) Webinar Program! T3 is a free course covering several aspects of grassroots campaigning. Learn more and register HERE!”

Once you’ve completed the challenge, take a selfie and create a post on social media that includes the following information:

  • Your state or territory 

  • A brief explanation of how you completed this month's challenge

  • The hashtag “#BPItraining” 

  • And don’t forget to tag “@TheDemocrats


May Spotlight Training 

Our dedicated Spotlight Training portion of the BPI Newsletter highlights specific trainings that cover skills and concepts integral to our work. We hope that you revisit those trainings in our BPI Victory Vault throughout the year. The trainings spotlighted in each month’s challenge will correlate to skill building that we believe is most relevant to the timeframe in which it is recommended, allowing participants to put their new knowledge to work right away. 

After reviewing these Spotlight Trainings, we will encourage you to share and implement what you have learned within your local Democratic organizations and groups.

Spotlight Training: Countering Disinfo and Security 

Countering disinformation online and protecting the security of yourself, your team, and your organization has never been more important. These resources are a great place to start if you don’t already have a security or counter-disinformation plan in place. If you already have implemented some of these measures into your day-to-day, then please share these tools with fellow organizers in your ecosystem. 

This comprehensive training on Disinformation brought to you by the DNC counter disinformation team covers the basics of what disinformation is and why it matters, how to prepare your organization against disinformation, and how your organization can effectively respond to disinformation.  

This document outlines some tips and additional resources to protect yourself and your networks against disinformation. The information in this guide is provided by the DNC cybersecurity and counter disinformation teams. 

Security has never been more important, and protecting yourself and your team against bad actors and online threats can be prevented! This training walks through how to complete your security checklist, identify disinformation on social media, and effectively be your own digital organizer. 

Happy training to all the amazing Democrats stepping up to run for local office, and those who are continuously working to support their campaigns!

BPI Victory Vault

The BPI Victory Vault contains on-demand training resources — tailored toward volunteers, community organizers, activists, and campaigns — covering a variety of grassroots organizing skills. The BPI Victory Vault continues to grow, with new additions added periodically as resources become available. New members are added each Wednesday, and you must use a Gmail account to register in order to access the BPI Victory Vault Google Drive folder. Check out our BPI Victory Vault instructions if you have trouble accessing the BPI Victory Vault once you receive your email invitation.

The BPI Victory Vault resources are meant for educational purposes only. BPI Victory Vault materials are not downloadable or shareable. Any individual interested in viewing the BPI Victory Vault resources must complete the application in order to request access. We reserve the right to remove individuals from any and all BPI resources in the event of inappropriate use.



DNC Talent Bank

The DNC Talent Bank is a resource to help state parties and campaigns find the best applicants for a wide range of positions, from field organizers to digital directors to communications staff and more.

If you are interested in pursuing a campaign position, please sign up for the DNC Talent Bank to receive information on available positions and other career opportunities. All levels of experience and fields of interest are encouraged to apply.

Jobs in the states through state parties:

Many of our state parties are hiring new staff! Check out the DNC State Party Jobs page to apply.

Jobs in the states through the DLCC: 


Best Practices Institute

The Best Practices Institute (BPI) is the shared training department of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Association of State Democratic Committees (ASDC). The BPI delivers training to activists and volunteers, party leaders and staff, students and youth organizers, candidates and campaign staff, constituency caucus members and community leaders, and so many more! 

BPI training topics range from field organizing to digital mobilization, data to finance, communications to compliance, and leadership development to movement building, just to name a few.

Through this vast expansion of training programs, the new BPI is building and strengthening the Democratic Party infrastructure to ensure success for years to come!


  • Text “Training” to 43367 to stay updated on BPI training opportunities and other insider DNC news! (By texting 43367, you are consenting to receive recurring and/or automated text messages and calls from the DNC. Text STOP to stop, HELP for Help. For SMS, msg & data rates may apply. http://Democrats.org/privacy-policy )

  • Check us out on social media by searching #BPItraining — and don’t forget to tag us in all of your training and volunteer activities! 

Want to be part of an online community of Democrats, get involved at the local level, and stay up to date on events happening in your state? Click HERE to join one of our many DNC Facebook groups!

Happy Training! 

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