December 8, 2019 DNC Member: The House Intelligence Committee Report Help Us Amplify Our Message Retweet our content, or text WEEKEND to 43367 for ways to get involved in 2020 and beyond. DNC on the House Intelligence Committee Report
 (Photo by Susan Walsh, Associated Press) With the release of this report, Congress is nearing the conclusion of a major phase of the impeachment inquiry. The report itself contains overwhelming evidence that Donald Trump used the office of the presidency to pressure a foreign government to help him win his next election. Congress has no choice but to move forward. We must protect our national security and the integrity of our democracy. No one is above the law, not even the president. DNC on World AIDS Day World AIDS Day provides us the opportunity to support those living with HIV, unite in the fight to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and mourn those we’ve lost. This week, we’re thinking about all the progress we’ve made, and the work still before us. This president is no ally of people living with HIV, who are disproportionately LGBTQ and people of color. His administration has proposed cutting global HIV-prevention programs and attacked health care services that people living with HIV rely on, including the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid, and Planned Parenthood. Just last month, we saw firsthand just how uninformed and callous the Trump orbit can be through Donald Trump Jr.’s despicable attack on people living with HIV. 
Democrats are committed to ending the stigma and the epidemic. This year, House Democrats passed bills to lower prescription drug costs and protect access to the health care that those living with HIV deserve. And Democrats fought to pass the Americans with Disabilities Act and to ensure it protects against discrimination based on HIV/AIDS status or perceived status, and of caregivers of people living with this disease. We stand in solidarity with those living with HIV and AIDS in America and around the world. Trump’s Attack on SNAP Benefits 
Trump and his Republican allies in Congress never waste an opportunity to attack farmers and Americans living in poverty. This rule is a disgrace. 
Tom –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Tom Perez Chair Democratic National Committee
October 8, 2019 DNC Member: On the Road
Help Us Amplify Our Message Retweet our content, or text WEEKEND to 43367 for ways to get involved in 2019, 2020, and beyond. On the Road  (Photo from the Nevada Democratic Party)
I had a great time on the road this week talking to Nevada Democrats about the work we’re doing to beat Donald Trump and elect Democrats up and down the ballot. I also joined Montana Democrats to talk about our commitment to engaging rural voters, organizing in every ZIP code, and implementing a robust 50 state strategy. In fact, just this week, we announced that the DNC will be funding a rural organizer in Montana as part of our 2020 efforts. You can read more about my visit to Montana here.  (Photo by Gary Marshall, Independent Record)
I'm back on the road this weekend speaking to Texas Democrats in Austin about our work to turn Texas blue and build on the progress we made in 2018. National Disability Employment Awareness Month October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month, a time to remind us that Americans with disabilities help fuel our economy. Every day, Americans with disabilities help fuel our economy. They bring diverse experiences, critical skills, and new perspectives to the workforce, and they deserve equal opportunity and dignity in the workplace. Our nation has made great strides toward building a more inclusive economy for Americans with disabilities. But we still have work to do. Across the country, people with disabilities still face barriers in the workplace and high unemployment rates. Democrats believe no one should be denied the dignity of work because of a disability. We believe people with disabilities deserve fair wages and employment protections. That’s why our party has banned sub-minimum wage contracts at our convention, and opposes them in our party platform. And we will keep fighting for the disability community every day. Rosh Hashanah Earlier this week, Jewish families around the world celebrated Rosh Hashanah. A new year is a new opportunity to reflect on the past and recommit ourselves to building a brighter future for all. It’s a time to come together in our work to repair the world and strengthen the bonds that unite Jewish Americans and the Democratic Party. Shanah Tovah to all those celebrating, and may the new year bring you joy and peace. DNC, CNN, And The New York Times Announce Candidates Participating In Fourth Democratic Presidential Primary Debate 
This week, the DNC, CNN, and The New York Times announced that 12 candidates have been invited to participate in the fourth Democratic presidential primary debate. Each candidate was invited based on qualification criteria agreed to by the DNC, CNN, and The New York Times that were announced in May 2019. The DNC, CNN, and The New York Times previously announced that the fourth debate will take place on October 15 at Otterbein University in Westerville, Ohio. Based on the qualification criteria agreed to by the DNC, CNN, and The New York Times and announced in May 2019, the following candidates have been invited to participate in the fourth Democratic presidential primary debate: Vice President Joe Biden Sen. Cory Booker Mayor Pete Buttigieg Sec. Julian Castro Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Sen. Kamala Harris Sen. Amy Klobuchar Rep. Beto O’Rourke Sen. Bernie Sanders Mr. Tom Steyer Sen. Elizabeth Warren Mr. Andrew Yang I'm excited to head to Otterbein University in a couple of weeks for the fourth Democratic presidential primary debate. We’ll see you soon. Yours, Tom –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Tom Perez Chair Democratic National Committee
September 28, 2019 DNC Member: National Voter Registration Day Help Us Amplify Our Message Retweet our content, or text WEEKEND to 43367 for ways to get involved in 2019, 2020, and beyond.
National Voter Registration Day 
Tuesday was National Voter Registration Day, and I celebrated by heading out to Virginia to talk to and register voters. We’re approaching the most important election of our lifetime, and we all need to make sure our friends, families, and members of our communities are ready to vote. 
DNC Announces Qualification Criteria For Fifth Democratic Presidential Primary Debate This week, the DNC announced the qualification criteria for the fifth Democratic presidential primary debate, which will take place in November. Like the September/October debate qualification criteria, the November criteria requires candidates to demonstrate broad-based support by meeting both a grassroots fundraising requirement and a polling requirement. The qualification criteria apply only to the November debate. 
There are now two pathways to reach the polling requirement. The new polling pathway provides candidates with the opportunity to qualify for the debate by demonstrating a higher level of early state support through fewer qualifying polls. DNC on Trump Watering Down Overtime Rule Millions of American workers are underpaid and overworked, and the Trump administration apparently wants to keep it that way. By watering down President Obama’s proposed overtime rule, President Trump has made his disdain for workers crystal clear. When I was labor secretary under President Obama, we actually fought for working families. We made sure more workers benefited from overtime pay, not fewer. Now Trump and Republicans in Congress are betraying working people so they can give more tax breaks to their wealthy friends. Democrats will keep fighting for the wages, benefits, and job security workers deserve. And voters will remember Trump’s betrayal on Election Day. The Electables Podcast It was great to be on an episode of The Electables podcast. You can listen to our conversation here: 
DNC on Announcement of Impeachment Inquiry I stand with Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats as they move forward with this impeachment inquiry. The summary of the transcript and the whistleblower’s report are incredibly damning. And based on the president’s own admission, he has committed a gross abuse of power. Congress has an obligation to thoroughly investigate this matter and other wrongdoing; anything less would be an abdication of its constitutional responsibility to serve as a check on the executive branch. 
Donald Trump has made countless promises to the American people, but he’s proven that he’s only capable of serving himself — and that there is no line he won’t cross to do so. Americans are tired of it, and they deserve better. Democrats are fighting day in and day out to expand access to health care, raise wages, help the American worker, and uphold the rule of law. That is our promise to America – and unlike this president, we keep our promises. Yours, Tom –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Tom Perez Chair Democratic National Committee
September 13, 2019 Help Us Amplify Our Message Retweet our content, or text WEEKEND to 43367 for ways to get involved in 2019, 2020, and beyond. Third Democratic Primary Debate
Last night I was in Houston to celebrate our amazing field of presidential candidates as ten of them took the stage for the third debate in our party’s presidential primary. Once again, we saw our candidates engage on the issues that matter to American families. No matter who voters choose as our eventual nominee, one thing is clear: all of our candidates would make a far better president than Donald Trump. You can watch my opening remarks from last night’s debate here. 
From Pennsylvania to Nevada, millions of Americans tuned in to see our terrific candidates and hear their visions for the future. Check out some of the watch parties below: 

It was also great to have a chance to meet with local Latinx leaders here in Houston as we kick off Hispanic Heritage Month this Sunday.  
CEO Seema Nanda Speaking to Texas AAPI Community While we were in Houston, DNC CEO Seema Nanda spoke with AAPI community leaders about how we’re working together to organize AAPI voters and build a brighter future for all. 
Details for the Fourth Presidential Primary Debate We had a great time in Houston, and we’re ready for another great debate next month in Ohio! Today, the DNC announced that CNN and the New York Times will co-host the fourth debate at Otterbein University in Westerville, Ohio on October 15, and potentially October 16. CNN and the New York Times also announced today that the debate will be moderated by CNN’s Anderson Cooper and Erin Burnett, and by Marc Lacey of the New York Times. The format will be announced at a future date. Remembering Marca Bristo We lost a true champion earlier this week. Every time Marca Bristo was told something couldn’t be done, she went ahead and did it. From founding Access Living in Chicago to helping pass the Americans with Disabilities Act, Marca spent her life championing the rights, dignity, and opportunities of people with disabilities. As the first disabled person to chair the National Council on Disability and one of the architects of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, she was a trailblazer who was never afraid to call out inequality and discrimination. Our hearts go out to Marca’s family and all who had the fortune of knowing her. At the DNC, we will continue to carry on Marca’s legacy by fighting to expand opportunities for people with disabilities and advocating for the U.S. Senate to ratify the U.N. treaty she helped craft. When she became paralyzed at the age of 23, Marca lost nearly everything: her job, her home, her health insurance. But, she said, she never lost her fighting spirit. Instead, she used that spirit to fight for others and change the world. And we’re all better for it. Commemorating the 18th Anniversary of 9/11 18 years ago this week, our nation was attacked and nearly 3,000 people were murdered. The horrific images of 9/11 are ingrained in our national memory: falling towers, rising smoke, grieving faces desperately searching for their loved ones amid the rubble. But just as indelible as these horrors are the images of hope and heroism: first responders carrying the injured; Good Samaritans, like the man in the red bandana, risking their safety and even giving their lives to help others; valiant passengers on Flight 93 fighting to protect their fellow Americans; three firefighters raising our nation’s flag above Ground Zero and sending a message to the world that terrorism will never triumph. This week, we affirm that message once more. We recognize the courage of the first responders who saved so many, and all of the heroes who have followed in their footsteps by answering our country’s call to serve. We recommit ourselves to the values that were attacked that day – life, liberty, equality, and justice for all. We honor the survivors and families whose strength reminds our nation every day that out of many we are one. And we pay tribute to the lives we lost – in New York, Virginia, and Pennsylvania – by holding them forever in our hearts. Yours, Tom –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Tom Perez Chair Democratic National Committee
September 6, 2019
Help Us Amplify Our Message Retweet our content, or text WEEKEND to 43367 for ways to get involved in 2019, 2020, and beyond. Celebrating Labor Day I hope you all had a safe and restful Labor Day weekend. American workers built this country brick by brick, from the ground up. They’re the ones who rise before the sun – or tuck their children into bed before going to work. They’ve made our country what it is today and will continue to shape it for generations to come. 
As Democrats, we know the middle class is the backbone of our economy and our country. And while Republicans continue taking aim at the labor movement, Democrats will keep standing shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters. Because we know these fights aren’t just about dollars; they’re about dignity. Our Next Debate The next official Democratic presidential primary debate is just around the corner. We’re headed to Houston next Thursday to give the American people another chance to hear from our candidates about their vision for the future of the country. We’re also encouraging Democrats everywhere to host debate watch parties for the big event. You can sign up to host your own event here. 
Another Troubling Jobs Report The Department of Labor’s monthly jobs report came out today, and it’s clear that President Trump’s erratic behavior and reckless economic policies are causing more uncertainty and angst for the American worker. Wage growth is flat. Manufacturing is in decline. And job growth continues to slow. 
Trump has utterly failed to fight for working families. He gave a massive tax break to his wealthy friends. And instead of building an economy that works for everyone, he spends all day on Twitter spewing obvious lies and petty insults. The American people have had enough of this ineffective president and his Republican enablers, and that’s why they’re going to vote for Democratic leadership up and down the ballot next November. Denver Visit  

I had the chance to visit and hear from Democratic leaders in Denver, Colorado this week, including the grandson of Democratic giant Frank LaMere at a youth roundtable. It’s always great to talk about the incredible progress our friends are making to create a better, fairer, and brighter future for all Coloradans. Remembering the life of Baxter Leach Last week, we lost Baxter Leach, a labor leader, civil rights activist, and prominent member of the Memphis sanitation workers’ union. He spent his life on the frontlines of the fight for better wages, working conditions, and brighter future for his union brothers and sisters. You can read more about his extraordinary life here. May he rest in peace. 
Yours, Tom –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Tom Perez Chair Democratic National Committee
July 12, 2019 DNC Member: Trump’s Latest Health Care Attack
Help Us Amplify Our Message
Retweet our content, or text WEEKEND to 43367 for ways to get involved in 2019, 2020, and beyond. Trump’s Latest Health Care Attack Once again, President Trump and Republican lawmakers are threatening to rip health care away from families and punish people with preexisting conditions. I traveled to Phoenix, Arizona this week to join Democrats for a “Protect Our Care Rally.” You can read about the event here. 
These relentless attacks on hardworking Americans are cold, cruel, and absolutely reprehensible. But this is what we’ve come to expect from Donald Trump’s Republican Party. They’ve tried and failed to repeal the Affordable Care Act without offering a replacement; they’ve schemed to sabotage the insurance market; and now they’re trying to use our legal system to eliminate the law entirely. Democrats believe health care is a right for all. That’s the message our candidates campaigned on in 2018, and that’s why voters elected Democrats up and down the ballot across the country. With the 2020 election on the horizon, Democrats are going to keep fighting tooth and nail to expand access to quality health care, drive down the cost of prescription drugs, and ensure that people with preexisting conditions are never left out in the cold. Meeting with AZ Democrats 
While I was in Arizona, I also had the chance to meet with over 35 Latinx leaders from the Phoenix region to talk about their priority issues, organizing experiences, and how we can work together to turn AZ blue. 
I also had the opportunity met with Chairman Robert Miguel of the Ak-Chin Indian Community, who gave me a tour and shared his community’s concerns regarding land sovereignty, water, and climate change. Third Democratic Presidential Primary Debate to be Held in Houston 
We announced this week that the third presidential primary debate, hosted by ABC News in partnership with Univision, will be held in Houston, Texas. The debate may occur over consecutive nights in prime time to accommodate a large field of qualifying candidates, with the first night on September 12 and the potential second night on September 13. The debate will air on the ABC television network, on Univision with Spanish translation, and on ABC News Live, the network’s streaming channel. It will be available on the website and apps, as well as Hulu Live, The Roku Channel, and Facebook Watch, among other outlets. Additional details on the venue, moderators, communication accessibility, and timing will be announced at a later date. ESPN Visit I also stopped by ESPN radio in Los Angeles today for the Mornings w/Keyshawn, LZ & Travis show, where I had the chance to discuss a new bill in California that would allow college athletes to get paid. 
Defeat of Trump’s Census Citizenship Question This week, Trump backed down from his pursuit of putting a citizenship question on the 2020 census. This is a victory for the American people. We need an accurate census to ensure that Americans everywhere receive their fair share of resources and representation. And that’s why Democratic attorneys general from multiple states fought to prevent Trump from distorting the results with a discriminatory citizenship question. 
As soon as the Supreme Court rejected the administration’s rationale for including the question, Trump’s utter disrespect for the rule of law was on full display. And despite his defeat in our courts, he’s still trying to use the power of the federal government to demonize and discriminate against immigrant communities. So our fight is far from finished. Democrats will never back down, and we will hold Trump accountable on Election Day. Remembering Héctor Figueroa I was deeply saddened to hear of the sudden passing of one of our members today, Héctor Figueroa. My heart goes out to his wife, Deidre, his children, Eric and Elena, and all his friends and family in this difficult time. Héctor represented the very best of the Democratic Party and the American Dream. He was a tireless champion for workers, he never stopped fighting for the rights of immigrants, he believed in the dignity of work, and demanded that every worker be treated with the respect they deserve. Thanks to his leadership, thousands of workers have higher wages, better hours, stronger workplace protections, and a brighter future. I know that he’ll be sorely missed by his brothers and sisters of 32BJ, his extended SEIU family across the country, and Democrats everywhere. In his honor, we will carry on fighting for the cause that he cared about so deeply. Yours, Tom –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Tom Perez Chair Democratic National Committee
June 28, 2019 DNC Member: The First Democratic Primary Debate
Help Us Amplify Our Message Retweet our content, or text WEEKEND to 43367 for ways to get involved in 2019, 2020, and beyond. The Democrats Twitter Tom Perez Twitter DNC War Room Twitter The First Democratic Primary Debate

On Wednesday and Thursday night, 20 Democratic presidential primary candidates had the opportunity to debate the issues Americans care most about. We were excited to hear the candidates’ visions on health care, climate change, immigration, and so much more. With a large field, voters will be able to fall in love with a number of our candidates as we work towards a better America. 
Democrats Across America Hosted Debate Watch Parties #PartyWithTheDems 

The Seat at the Table Tour Held a Roundtable to Discuss the Impact of Gun Violence in the Black Community On Wednesday, we held a roundtable discussion with DNC CEO Seema Nanda, DNC Senior Advisor to the Chair Waikinya Clayton, and Sybrina Fulton, president of the Trayvon Martin Foundation, to discuss the impact gun violence has had on Black communities in Florida and throughout the country. The Seat at the Table Tour connects Black women organizers across the country with training opportunities, organizing grants, and conversations about the core issues that directly affect Black women, their families, and their communities. Meeting with Latinx Leaders in Florida 
On Thursday, DNC Hispanic Caucus Finance Chair Leopoldo Martinez and Latino Victory Fund’s Interim President Melissa Mark-Viverito joined me in Florida to meet with Latinx community leaders and voters at La Social Coffee & Bistro. We discussed the upcoming 2020 election and the issues that affect Latinx communities, including health care, immigration, and how to best mobilize and organize voters to turn Florida blue. The Supreme Court Ruled That A Citizenship Question Will Not Be Added to the Census 
Yesterday’s ruling is a victory for our democracy, but the fight to ensure a fair and accurate census is not over. No one is fooled by Trump’s efforts to intimidate and undercount immigrant communities. No one is fooled by this administration’s determination to disempower Latino voters, silence communities of color, and strip states of their fair share of resources and representation. It’s long past time for Donald Trump and Republican leaders to stop using the census as a tool for political gain. But as long as they continue, Democrats will stand in their way.
The Supreme Court Just Opened the Door for More Partisan Gerrymandering Voters should choose their representatives, not the other way around. But yesterday, the conservative justices on the Supreme Court just empowered lawmakers to silence the voice of the people, especially in communities of color. This decision is an insult to ourdemocracy and yet another reason Democrats need to win in 2020 – not just the White House, but seats up and down the ballot across the country. That’s why Democrats are organizing everywhere and fighting every day to protect voting rights. The foundation of our democracy is at stake. We have to stop this. Sincerely,
Tom –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Tom Perez Chair Democratic National Committee
June 21, 2019
Help Us Amplify Our Message Retweet our content, or text WEEKEND to 43367 for ways to get involved in 2019, 2020, and beyond. The Democrats Twitter Tom Perez Twitter DNC War Room Twitter Promoting Our Values I had a great time this week talking about the Democrats' message in New York. I stopped by The Breakfast Club and The Daily Show to talk about our plans going forward and our upcoming debates, which will be live-streaming on Twitter in both English and Spanish via NBC News and Telemundo. Every American should be able to have access to our debates, and that’s why I’m committed to making our debate process more inclusive than ever before. 
(Photographs by Sean Gallagher and the Daily Show)
Our 20th Annual LGBTQ Gala
On Monday night, the DNC hosted its 20th Annual LGBTQ Gala in New York City. I was thrilled to join my fellow DNC officers and some amazing elected officials and community leaders as we laid out our plans to protect LGBTQ rights and defeat Donald Trump in 2020.  (Photo of Jason Rae and Bill Derrough)
Also, in honor of Pride Month, activist and actor George Takei took over our@TheDemocrats account to talk about how this is the most important election of ourlifetime. Read his message to our supporters here. 
Remembering Frank LaMere
The Democratic Party lost a true leader in Frank LaMere last Sunday. Frank was a trailblazer, a tireless advocate for Native American communities, and a lifelong champion of justice and opportunity for Nebraskans and all Americans. Whether he was standing up for people with mental illness against police brutality or fighting for the welfare of Native American children, Frank devoted his life to bettering the lives of the most vulnerable among us. My thoughts are with his loved ones and the Winnebago Tribe at this difficult time. Seat at the Table Tour 
Senior Advisor to the Chair Waikinya Clanton worked tirelessly last summer on our Seat at the Table Tour, and we're excited that she's expanding it this summer. Last year, we traveled to cities across the country to hear from Black women about the issues that matter most to them, their families, and their communities. This year, we are proud to be investing in the critical work that Black women are doing across the country. Black women are the backbone of the Democratic Party, and their leadership is vital to moving our nation forward and electing Democrats up and down the ballot. Find out more about our Seat at the Table program here: Celebrating Juneteenth On Wednesday, we celebrated Juneteenth, the day slaves throughout the Confederacy received the long-awaited news of their freedom. But while we recognize the progress ournation has made, we also know that the scars of slavery and segregation have not fully healed. African Americans still face injustices every day, in all areas of our society – from voter suppression and racial gerrymandering, to pay gaps and predatory lending, to police brutality and sentencing disparities. As we commemorate the day freedom’s call reached Galveston, let us continue to be vigilant against discrimination and bigotry, and let us recommit ourselves to the cause of justice and equality for all Americans – no matter the color of their skin. Commemorating World Refugee Day On Thursday, we commemorated World Refugee Day. Let us remember to treat every human being with dignity – no matter where they come from. It's our duty to ensure that every person feels safe in this world. The 20th Anniversary of Olmstead v. L.C. 20 years ago tomorrow, Americans with disabilities secured a historic victory when the Supreme Court affirmed their right to live in their communities free from discrimination and isolation. Two decades later, that right and so many others are under attack by Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress. This administration doesn’t care about people with disabilities, and they are working to undermine the ADA and turn back the clock on our nation’s progress.
Democrats are fighting to protect the promise of Olmstead. We’re fighting to make ournation more inclusive and expand opportunity for Americans with disabilities. And we’re working to ensure that every American, no matter their disability status, is afforded the dignity and equality they deserve.
Yours, Tom –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Tom Perez Chair Democratic National Committee
June 15, 2019 DNC Member: Lineup Announced for the First Democratic Debate!
Help Us Amplify Our Message Retweet our content, or text WEEKEND to 43367 for ways to get involved in 2019, 2020, and beyond. We were excited this week to announce the lineup of our first 2020 presidential primary debate, which will air live over two nights on NBC, MSNBC and Telemundo from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. ET on June 26 and 27. 
We Launched Organizing Corps 2020

This week, I traveled to Atlanta for a welcome barbecue to kick off our Organizing Corps 2020 program. With this unprecedented investment, we’re training 1,000 college juniors as organizers in key swing states across the country. There are 300 students in the first group of organizers in Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin—all states Democrats lost in 2016, but where we know we can win in 2020. After a week long training session in Atlanta, which starts Monday, the students will embed with their respective state parties for another seven weeks. On the Road It was great meeting with Democrats and community leaders in Kansas and New Mexico this week. When we organize, mobilize, and vote, we can elect Democrats everywhere. 

3rd Anniversary of the Pulse Shooting: Remembering the Lives We Lost 
Three years ago this week, in the middle of Pride Month, America witnessed a horrific attack on the LGBTQ community, the Latinx community, and LGBTQ people of color everywhere. 49 Americans were brutally murdered, dozens more were injured, and our nation was forever shaken. It's long past time to honor the victims of this tragedy with action. We must combat the hatred that turned a night of celebration into a nightmare of bloodshed. And we must change the dangerous and irresponsible gun laws that enable evil people to take so many innocent lives in our country every single day. The Democratic Party is leading the way by passing common sense legislation to reduce gun violence and give LGBTQ Americans the full equality they deserve. Democrats believe diversity is our nation’s greatest strength, and we will never stop fighting to ensure that everyone is safe from violence and discrimination – no matter what they look like, where they come from, who they love, or how they pray. The First All-LGBTQ City Council 
This week we celebrated Palm Springs City Government's City Council, the nation’s first all-LGBTQ city council and its members: Mayor Robert Moon, Mayor Pro Tem Geoff Kors, J.R. Roberts, Lisa Middleton, and Christy Holstege. ️ 20th Annual DNC LGBTQ Gala I'm headed to New York City next Tuesday for our 20th Annual DNC LGBTQ Gala. We’ll be celebrating ourvictories in the 2018 midterm elections and discussing how to build on our progress ahead of 2020. Some of ourDemocratic presidential candidates will be speaking at the event, including South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg and U.S. Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Amy Klobuchar. It’s going to be a great event, I hope to see some of you there! Yours, Tom –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Tom Perez Chair Democratic National Committee |