Post August 2018 DNC Meeting Summary
Dear DNC Member,
I hope you all had a great week. It was great to see many of you at our 2018 Summer Meeting in Chicago. It was an extremely busy meeting, with lots of thoughtful discussion about the direction of our party.
As we do after every meeting, I wanted to share a few quick notes with you on the business that was conducted:
- Adoption of the 2020 Delegate Selection Rules and Call to the Convention – During our general session on Saturday, we voted by acclamation to adopt the Delegate Selection Rules and the Call to the Convention as was presented by the Co-Chairs of the Rules & Bylaws Committee, Jim Roosevelt and Lorraine Miller. You can find a complete and final copy of Rules here and the Call here.
- Approval of Amendments to the DNC Charter and Bylaws – During the general session, the membership also unanimously adopted two amendments to the DNC’s Charter & Bylaws. The first amendment incorporated transparency-related party reforms from the Unity Reform Commission’s Report. The second amendment updated equal division language to make it consistent with the 2020 Delegate Selection Rules and 2020 Call for the Convention, and to allow for inclusion of gender non-binary members and delegates. You can find an updated copy of the DNC Charter & Bylaws here.
- Adoption of the Report from the DNC Credentials Committee – The full DNC also approved the report, presented by Credentials Committee Co-Chairs Karen Carter Peterson and John Currie. You can see their report here.
- Adoption of the Report from the DNC Resolutions Committee – On behalf of himself and Co-Chair Lottie Shackelford, Co-Chair Stuart Appelbaum presented the report of the DNC Resolutions Committee. The report included the approval of 33 resolutions – a mix of policy and commemorative. He also shared that the Executive Committee adopted four commemorative resolutions at its meeting on Thursday morning.
In addition, we heard reports from a number of DNC Officers and Staff on the work that we are doing to build towards victory on November 6. During the meeting we shared a copy of the DNC Member Toolkit. This is an important document for all members and highlights many of the recent successes of the new DNC and also shares the number of ways you can be engaged in the work. Please take a moment to read the document and let us know which ways you will be engaged.
Thank you all for your work and dedication to our party. As a reminder, the full DNC will not meet again in-person until after the Election in November. Until then, we all need to be hard at work helping elect Democrats from the school board to the Senate.
If you have any questions or need anything else, please do not hesitate to let me or my office know. Thanks again.
Jason Rae
Democratic National Committee
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