DNC Member Call Wrap-up

DNC Member Call Wrap-up

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Dear DNC Member,

Thank you so much to those that were able to join yesterday's DNC Member Call with Chair Jaime Harrison. During the call, the Chair spoke about his vision and values, as well as highlighted where the Democratic Party is headed in the next few months. 

Specifically, Chair Harrison laid out for members today his four pillars for our work as a party. Those pillars are:

  • Build and maintain a robust infrastructure in all 57 states & territories

  • Connect with voters early and often and establish a constant presence where they are 

  • Act strategically and expand our data and technology reach

  • Do the work right through a fair, transparent, and equitable party

Chair Harrison talked about his programmatic priorities and how you as a member can get engaged. The Chair identified key areas where you, as DNC members, can play a vital role in helping us to build and sustain the infrastructure necessary to ensure victory in 2022 and beyond. Please click here to find the DNC Member Actions we are asking each member to commit to doing.

We had a few laughs when Jamie spoke about his award winning Red Velvet Cake. He asked all members to become a recurring donor to the DNC and issued a challenge - the first state delegation with 100% participation in giving will win the Red Velvet Cake challenge (and maybe win some actual cake!). Here is the link to the Red Velvet Cake challenge. Can we count on you to make a monthly donation? Will your state delegation be the first with 100% participation and win the Red Velvet Cake challenge?

As was also mentioned on the call, we are still in the process of determining what makes sense for our next full DNC meeting. While I would love for everyone to be together, our decision-making will be guided by what is safest for everyone involved. We will be in touch again soon once we have more details.

Finally, we wanted to remind members to complete the RBC Reforms survey that we sent at the end of April. The Rules & Bylaws Committee will be meeting virtually on May 27th and we want to make sure all DNC members have been able to share their thoughts prior to this meeting.

Thank you so much for your partnership and, as always, please let our Office know if you need anything.


Jason Rae
Democratic National Committee

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