Scripts for Calling Members of Congress

Scripts for Calling Members of Congress

Since January, the DAUK Women's Caucus has produced weekly scripts for our members to call their Members of Congress. Attached are several scripts that our members wrote. Each file contains a script for calling the Member of Congress and links to articles for more information on the issue. Please feel free to use them and share them with your membership.  For more updates, please check http://womenscaucus.co.uk/

  File Modified

Microsoft Word Document SameDay _Voter_Registration Script.docx

17-May-2017 by DPCA Leadership Shared Acct

Microsoft Word Document Call in Script - Russia May 8.docx

17-May-2017 by DPCA Leadership Shared Acct

Microsoft Word Document VAWA Call-In Script.docx

17-May-2017 by DPCA Leadership Shared Acct

Microsoft Word Document EPA Call-In Script.docx

17-May-2017 by DPCA Leadership Shared Acct

Microsoft Word Document FAMILY Act script.docx

17-May-2017 by DPCA Leadership Shared Acct

Microsoft Word Document Support the BRIDGE Act for Dreamers (1).docx

17-May-2017 by DPCA Leadership Shared Acct

Microsoft Word Document Fighting the Global Gag Rule with the HER Act_RZG edits (1).docx

17-May-2017 by DPCA Leadership Shared Acct

Microsoft Word Document DAUK WC - Activist Happy Hour - FATCA - May 22 (1).docx

22-May-2017 by DPCA Leadership Shared Acct

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