DNC Talkers’ Toplines - June 25, 2024

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Team Biden-Harris Slams Trump’s Attacks on the Middle Class, Small Businesses 

  • Two days before the first general election debate, Team Biden-Harris is underscoring a fundamental question Americans are going to ask themselves at the ballot box in November: Are we going to have an economy that works for the middle class or one that enriches the wealthiest among us while leaving working people behind?

  • Joe Biden knows his answer. He is rebuilding the backbone of America – the middle class – so that everyone gets a fair shot. And, he is working every day to make life more affordable for the American people:

    • After Trump left office with the worst jobs record since the Great Depression, Joe Biden brought us back from the brink, with more than 15.6 million jobs and a record number of small businesses created. 

    • Beat Big Pharma to cap the cost of insulin at $35 a month for seniors and lower prescription drug costs. 

    • Has a plan to make housing costs more affordable by building and preserving 2 million homes, lower child care costs, and cut taxes for hardworking families.

    • Cracking down on corporate price gouging that pads the profits of big corporations at your expense. 

  • In stark contrast, Donald Trump has no plan to help the middle class. Instead, his agenda would rig the economy for himself and his billionaire donors: 

    • Proposing another billionaire tax break of $3.5 million apiece, every year, and more handouts to big corporations, exploding the national debt.

    • Jacking up the prices of everyday goods, like groceries and medicines, through a plan that increases taxes on working families by up to $8,300.

    • Cutting Social Security and Medicare and terminating the ACA, sending health care costs skyrocketing.

  • That’s the choice the American people are going to see on the debate stage on Thursday night.


Please see below for key content we would appreciate your help in amplifying:

USA Today: Ahead of debate, Biden accuses Trump of ignoring middle class in new ad

Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Georgia Democrats hammer Trump on 2-year anniversary of Roe v. Wade’s overturn

Cardinal & Pine: Abortion bans are only the beginning if Trump wins, doctors and Democrats warn

NBC News: 'A race to the bottom': DNC attacks potential Trump running mates over abortion rights

MSNBC: 'It's insulting': VP Harris slams Trump for saying his indictments appeal to Black voters

@Morning_Joe: "[A Trump win] would mean the unimaginable. It would mean [women] have no options... It would just be one rule for everybody, and that would be no abortions. And that is a very, very dangerous world for women."

— Activist Hadley Duvall on the risk of a Trump presidency for women

@JoeBiden: Here’s the difference: Donald Trump is only out for himself. I’m fighting for your family. Watch our new ad.

@BidenHQ: Trump ally Jeff Durbin, leader of Republican opposition to Arizona abortion measure, says women deserve to be executed if they have an abortion: “You forfeit your right to live”

@JoeBiden: Donald Trump is the sole person responsible for this nightmare.

Listen to Kaitlyn’s story in our new ad.

CBSNews: Kate Cox, a woman denied an emergency abortion last year in Texas, announced that she is pregnant again during an event with Vice President Harris marking two years since the Supreme Court's Dobbs decision.

"I feel so happy...but it's also very scary," Cox tells @NikolenDC

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