MFOL Call Script

MFOL Call Script

Find your Senators here

“Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [VOTING STATE/ZIP]. I’m calling today to ask Senator [NAME] to take action to reduce the epidemic of gun violence in the United States. This is not a states rights or second amendment issue. This is a safety issue that has plagued our nation for far too long and must be addressed urgently. 

Specifically, I ask that the Senator move to:

  • Close the loophole that lets people buy guns at shows and through private sellers without background checks
  • Institute universal background checks for ammo and gun buyers 
  • Vote in favor of S.2095, the Assault Weapons Ban of 2017 
  • Remove the Dickey Rider from the federal budget and finally allow the CDC to research gun violence prevention
  • Support S. 1916, the Automatic Gunfire Prevention Act, to ban bump stocks 

I’m also incredibly disturbed that H.R. 38, the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act passed the House, and it’s essential that the Senate stop it from becoming law. I’d like to see the Senator commit immediately to opposing this legislation, S. 446. It’s as important as ever not to weaken gun safety standards, and prevent firearms from falling into dangerous hands. This is why every major law enforcement agency has opposed this bill. 

[Consider pointing out the differences you've experienced and seen as an American overseas, your support of March For Our Lives, or:] As an American voter living abroad, I know that it doesn’t have to be this way. The US must be a positive example to the world, not the opposite. We cannot afford to wait any longer to protect innocent lives from gun massacres. Thank you.”

 Find your Representative here

“Hi, my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent from [VOTING STATE/ZIP] calling from [LOCATION]. I’m calling today to ask Representative [NAME] to take action to reduce the epidemic of gun violence in the United States. This is not a states rights or second amendment issue. This is a safety issue that has plagued our nation for far too long and must be addressed urgently. 

Specifically, I ask that the Representative move to:

  • Vote NO on the SHARE act, which would make it silencers more accessible and lead to more deaths in mass shootings, legalize armor piercing bullets and force states to recognize concealed carry permits from other states. This vote has been repeatedly shelved because there simply hasn't been enough time between shootings for a controversial bill like this to be brought to the floor. It must be voted down or shelved permanently.
  • Vocally support closing the loophole that lets people buy guns at shows and through private sellers without background checks and institute universal background checks for ammo and gun buyers. Despite these being popular among all Americans, Congress has yet to act.
  • Remove the Dickey Rider from the federal budget and finally allow the CDC to research gun violence prevention

[Consider pointing out the differences you've experienced and seen as an American overseas, your support of March For Our Lives, or:] As an American voter living abroad, I know that it doesn’t have to be this way. The US must be a positive example to the world, not the opposite. We cannot afford to wait any longer to protect innocent lives from gun massacres. Thank you.”

**You can also find out how your Representative voted on the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act and voice your (dis)approval.

More info:

Tell the Senate to reject the dangerous 'concealed carry reciprocity' act

House Republicans voted on a "concealed carry reciprocity" bill that could weaken states’ gun law enforcement

Sen. Dianne Feinstein reintroduces assault weapons ban legislation 

Why Our Government Cannot Study Gun Violence: The Dickey Amendment 

Poll Finds Near-Universal Support For Gun Background Checks 

Assault Weapons Ban of 2017 

Automatic Gunfire Prevention Act

Gun Show Loophole FAQ

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