(Archived) 2019 Guidance for DA Marches, Demonstrations, Vigils
Get Prepared:
identify the purpose and objective of your event, as well as the message you are trying to convey
notify your city police and other officials of the vigil or march (each country will have its own set of rules on marches, so double check with your local authorities)
notify your local US Embassy or Consulate (the regional security officer (RSO) at a minimum) - be alert to security concerns, terrorist threats to large groups of Americans, etc.
notify local press before and after the event
use your DA social media platforms before, during and after the event; share fotos, etc. on DA Facebook and Twitter
consider meeting ahead of time to make posters together. This will help shape the dialogue at the vigil
create a Democrats Abroad {your country} banner to carry
reach out to Our Revolution and other local American groups to see if they would like to join in
if other groups are also joining, be clear about the message of DA
find a place to meet before and after the march
Choosing a location:
iconic spots in your cities/towns (main squares, in front of recognizable bldgs)
not in front of local gov’t offices – we’re not talking to local governments, but to ourselves and people of the world
begin somewhere where you talk with attendees to discuss goals of march, go over do’s and don’ts
meet afterwards at restaurant or pub to continue the conversation
do focus on the positives – what we support: tolerance, equality, human rights, civil rights, an economy that works for all, liveable wage, equal pay, family leave, quality affordable education, Obamacare/quality affordable health care, progress on climate and the environment, protection and expansion of voting rights, multilateral foreign policy, comprehensive immigration reform, bridges rather than walls, evidence-based policy decisions
do talk about what we are not for, but focus on issues not personalities. We’re not for: concentration camps, walls, racism, sexism, cronyism, trickle down economics, unilateral impulsive foreign policy, ignoring science, etc
do point out that as loyal opposition we will stand firm, keep fighting for our values and common sense policies, will try to achieve our policies and prevent implementation of policies harmful to USA or the world
do hold the Republicans in WH and Congress accountable as they are now responsible to govern
do talk about working to win the WH and the US senate in 2020
do welcome all to join, other US citizen organizations and non-Americans, but focus on DA members/ US citizens talking about what we as Americans believe in and need to do in the USA
don't use anti-USA language or signage
don't hold the US flag upside down, and never suggest burning the flag
don't mix the DA brand with other political party brands during events
don't endorse any local political party or candidate, likewise do not condemn any local political party or candidate
don’t invite any local political party or candidate to speak at a protest that DA organizes
in short - avoid discussing local politics and policy
in general - don’t comment on US foreign policy (Some exceptions: for example, ok to express support for Paris climate accords. If uncertain, check DA Comms talking points in the wiki or consult with your RVC.)
Questions: Please feel free to ask for specific guidance as you think through any unique situation/complexities in your country - email the Global Comms team at comms@democratsabroad.org or the Chair at chair@democratsabroad.org
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