Activities and Project Ideas for your Caucus
Activities and Project Ideas for your Caucus
Here are just a few suggestions for activities you might want to plan to get your new caucus rolling:
Educate yourselves and others on the issues with:
- Film nights
- Discussion groups on a specific topic
- Viewing and discussing of TED talks, lectures or political events from YouTube and other relevant media
- Hold teach-ins workshops etc. on Activist's skills such as phone-banking, writing letters to the editor, or the art of persuasion
- Invite local experts to talk to your group.
Monitor legislation in the U.S.
- Participate in calling/writing campaigns (Topics are updated regularly on our DA website under "Take Action.")
- Research women’s advocacy groups and learn about their issues
- Familiarize yourselves with women's legislative caucuses in the U.S.at the federal and state level.
- Join on-going DA “Calls to Action,” as a group activity in your own living room; Actions are updated regularly on our website and Facebook page.
Get to know our women legislators, candidates and party leaders
- Each member in your group could "adopt" one favourite woman in politics and give a short presentation on her.
- Track the ups and downs of "your gal" and report back to the group on her progress.
- Alert your group and the global team if your legislator needs our help with a "call-to-action."
- Reach out to your own local legislators and see if they will do an online Skype or WebEx meeting with you. (The GWC Comms team is there if you need help.)
Sponsor events:
- Do a Voter Registration Drive. Consider which locations in your community would be best for engaging American women.
- Hold a social or seasonal get-together with an emphasis on women's issues or on a significant date such as International Women's day, or the founding day of NOW.
- Check out local cultural events such as plays, films, art exhibits and lectures that your group might attend and discuss afterwards.
- Participate in events sponsored by other DA caucuses such as pride marches. They would appreciate our support.
- When the Global Women's caucus does an online Webinar orGlobalTown Hall, have a "watch party" at a member's home.
If you have other great ideas for a project or event to add to our list please share it with all of us at womenscaucus@democratsabroad.org
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