GWC Statement of Purpose

GWC Statement of Purpose

The Women's Caucus of Democrats Abroad is committed to fostering and promoting gender-informed perspectives in issues analysis, communication and policy-making and ensuring that issues that impact women and the future of our nation become central to the political debate at all times and in particular during election years and at all levels of governance.  

We will take action to address policies that negatively impact women and their families and so, by implication, the economy and our democracy.

We propose to:

  • Act as disseminators of information  to  Caucus members and Democrats Abroad members at large, and as a catalyst to action on issues which affect American women both in theUnited Statesand internationally;

  • Ensure that the women’s perspective is effectively incorporated in all the work of Democrats Abroad, including issues advocacy, communication and GOTV strategy, planning and execution;

  • Stay current and ensure that issues and policies which impact women are discussed in the Caucus and by Democrats Abroad and included in the Democrats Abroad and Democratic Party platforms;

  • Promote Democratic Party candidates committed to policies that positively impact women’s lives;

  • Support Democratic Party candidates who are proposing to improve women’s standings and rights in society at every level, in their election campaigns for State and Federal Government positions and in their appointments to judgeships and high positions in Government offices and agencies;

  • Monitor and, with Democrats Abroad, lobby for or against legislation affecting women directly or indirectly;

  • Inform our communities of injustices against women in areas of civil rights, economic equality, health, and welfare;

  • Engage with other women’s caucuses for the purpose of information sharing, mentoring and maintaining solidarity; and

  • Make our voice heard nationally and internationally with members of women’s groups and all groups fighting for justice, equality and the rule of law around the globe.

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