Alphabet Soup
Alphabet Soup
Stanley Grossman (past International Treasurer and DNC member) wrote a piece called "Alphabet Soup" for the first Democrats Abroad (DA) Handbook. It was a helpful guide to the many acronyms that are too-easily tossed around our discussions. The latest version of Stanley's work is from 2013 and available from the DPCA-Leadership archives.
This informal guide draws from Stanley's work and intentions, although it is much less discursive. We hope that these short descriptions will help orient new leaders and we welcome your comments and further questions.
Democrats Abroad (DA) and the Democratic Party
CC = Country Committee | Country Committees are constituent units of Democrats Abroad as defined by the DA Charter. We use the term so often that "CC" has become a very common acronym. Members of DA that don't live in countries served by CCs are served directly by their Regional Vice Chair (RVC). The financial relationship between CCs and the rest of the Democratic Party can be counter-intuitive. Stanley wrote: No CC is registered with the FEC... This has several important consequences:
[Note added in 2017: CCs may not accept donations from corporations of any kind, whether American or not.]
If you have further questions about CC finances or you are planning extraordinary fundraisers, you must check with the International Treasurer and International Counsel to ensure that the arrangement follows all applicable laws and practices. This short entry isn't enough to make informed decisions! |
DPCA = Democratic Party Committee Abroad | This is the official name of the governing committee of Democrats Abroad (DA). The DPCA is the group responsible for the mission of DA and it is distinct from each of the CCs and the full membership of Democrats Abroad. The members of this committee are listed in the Charter Section 2.2 (roughly, the Chair and Vice-Chair of each CC, the Voting Representatives of those CCs with large enough members, the elected officers of the DPCA, and the DNC members representing DA). As Stanley wrote:
DNC = Democratic National Committee | The Democratic National Committee is the formal governing body of the Democratic Party. It coordinates among state Democratic parties, Democratic candidates, and a variety of constituency groups. Democrats Abroad participates in the DNC via our elected 8 DNC members (6 elected as DNC members, plus our International Chair and International Vice Chair). Stanley explained the relationship between the DNC and the DPCA in terms of financial reporting:
DCCC = Democratic Congressional Campaign CommitteeDSCC = Democratic Senatorial Campaign CommitteeDLCC = DEMOCRATIC LEGISLATIVE CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE | These three organizations are powerful fund-raisers for Democratic candidates, run by Democratic elected officials. They often publish lists of targeted elections that other parts of the Democratic party use to prioritize GOTV energy and funds (although they do not have formal authority and many parts add or subtract from those lists).
GOTV = Get Out The Vote | This is a core mission of Democrats Abroad and the Democratic Party. For DA, this term covers voter's process from completing the FPCA, through sending back a completed ballot, to checking to verify that the ballot was counted. |
Voter Registration and Voting Law
FPCA = Federal Post Card Application | The Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) is a form that allows military voters, their families, and civilians living overseas to register to vote and request their absentee ballots. Completing the form accurately requires a reference to state rules, typically either a website like or the reference Voter Assistance Guide (VAG) published by the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP). |
FWAB = Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot | The Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) is a form that serves as a "backup ballot" for overseas voters. Completing the form accurately requires a reference to state rules, typically either a website like or the reference Voter Assistance Guide (VAG) published by the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP). |
UOCAVA voters = Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act | The Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) is the name of a 1986 law that required the 50 states (as well as territories) to allow absentee voting for US citizens living abroad. "UOCAVA voters" came to mean the group of US citizens whose voting procedures are governed by that Federal law. The act does not apply to state and local elections, which creates a "Federal-only" status for voters in some states. Subsequent laws that further protected the overseas vote include the Help America Vote Act of (HAVA) of 2002 and the Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act (MOVE Act) of 2010. |
LEO = Local Election Official | Ultimately, LEOs decide whether a given FPCA is accepted, when absentee ballots are distributed, and how absentee ballots are integrated into the final count for Federal, state, and local elections. During each Federal election, the troubleshooters of DA's GOTV team interact dozens of times with LEOs to resolve problems that arise between a voter's completion of the FPCA through to the counting and verification of their ballots. |
FVAP = Federal Voting Assistance Program | FVAP is a program within the US Department of Defense that helps military voters, their families, and civilians living overseas to register to vote and request their absentee ballots. FVAP is responsible for the reference to state rules called the Voter Assistance Guide (VAG). |
EAC = Election Assistance Commission | The EAC was created in the wake of the 2000 election. Its certification program for voting systems sets standards for America’s voting machines and its recommendations help improve accessibility at the polls for voters with disabilities. The EAC provides best practices on voting and election administration for local election officials. The EAC also protects the right to vote for U.S. citizens living abroad by compiling data about overseas absentee ballots and tracking compliance with Federal laws and rules established. |
Regulation of Political Activities
FEC = Federal Election Commission | The FEC regulates the donations that the DPCA relies upon as well as the political activities of the DPCA including coordination (or the legally mandated lack thereof) with candidates, political action committees, and other parts of the Democratic Party such as state parties. The Federal Election Commission (FEC) defines itself as the independent regulatory agency charged with administering and enforcing the federal campaign finance law. The FEC has jurisdiction over the financing of campaigns for the U.S. House, Senate, Presidency and the Vice Presidency. In 1975, Congress created the FEC to administer and enforce the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) – the statute that governs the financing of federal elections. The duties of the FEC are to disclose campaign finance information, to enforce the provisions of the law such as the limits and prohibitions on contributions, and to oversee the public funding of Presidential elections. In sum, the FEC enforces campaign finance rules. Each political party and federal candidate must register with the FEC and submit monthly reports. These reports list the money received and spent during the previous month. According to FECA, each donor of over $200/year must be listed with his/her address. Since foreign nationals (except green card holders) are prohibited from contributing to federal campaigns, Democrats Abroad collects donor information on each donor regardless of amount due to the overseas context in which it operates. Each registered party must conform to FEC limits on the amount any individual can contribute to a party in a calendar year (currently $41,300 in 2023 and 2024). Violation of campaign finance law can lead to heavy fines and even prison sentences. Country Committees are constituent units of Democrats Abroad as defined by the DA Charter. We use the term so often that "CC" has become a very common acronym. Members of DA that don't live in countries served by CCs are served directly by their Regional Vice Chair (RVC). While Democrats Abroad is one of the 57 states of the Democratic Party, that is not the case to the Federal Election Commission (FEC). In Advisory Opinion1976-112, the FEC explicitly denied state party classification to Democrats Abroad. Rather, Democrats Abroad is considered a subordinate of the Democratic National Committee and is obligated to follow national party committee FEC rules, not state. What does this mean, and specifically, what does this mean for country committees? Democrats Abroad is registered with the FEC and files monthly on behalf of the whole organization including the country committees. But that does require coordination between the International Treasurer and your country committee: The simplest way to collect donations for Democrats Abroad and/or your country committee is through the website. All required donor information is collected when donors give. This information is reported to the FEC. Country committees may also collect cash donations locally and transfer these donations via Western Union to the Democrats Abroad bank account within 10 days. Country committees must manually collect donor information by using the Democrats Abroad Donor Form and relay this to the International Treasurer also within 10 days for FEC reporting. Note: monies collected on behalf of the party should never enter a personal bank account; this is what is known as commingling and is illegal. By completing either the digital or paper form of the Democrats Abroad Donor Form, the donor verifies that they are an eligible donor, have not exceeded yearly donor limits, and consent to their information being reported to the FEC. Donors may donate to Democrats Abroad Global at Fight For Democracy - Donate . Donors may donate to a specific country committee by clicking on the country page and navigating to the donate tab. Alternatively, they can use the URL ISO code) – Donate to support UK Outreach for the United Kingdom, for example. Since DA is a subordinate committee of the DNC, individuals may only donate up to $41,300 (2023-2024) to a Democrats Abroad country committee, Democrats Abroad, and the DNC in a single year. [Note added in 2017: CCs may not accept donations from corporations of any kind, whether American or not.] Country committee should raise and spend as much as they can to promote our mission as Democrats Abroad – getting Democrats elected! Country committee Treasurers can visit to request forward payments to a vendor or reimbursements for monies spent. Vendor and sales information is also reported to the FEC. Country committee Chairs and Treasurers can view their country committee balances through their CC dashboard. Contact the International Treasurer and Executive Director to manage access.
Issues and Advocacy
FATCA = Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act | Straight from the one-page document distributed during DA's 2017 door-knock on Capitol Hill:
The expert committee of DA leaders devoted to responding to FATCA has been called: FATCA Task Force, FBAR/FATCA Task Force, and as of June 2017, Taxation Task Force. There is a wealth of information on this wiki about FATCA and other elements of tax law, including the FBAR, which is an abbreviation for "FinCEN Form 114 Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts". |
RBT = Residence Based Taxation | From the FAQ published by the Taxation Task Force in May 2017: