Democrats Abroad (DA) Wiki Intro


DA Wiki Introduction and Overview for Leaders and Volunteers.

If you are a new volunteer, a newly elected leader, or are just looking for an introduction refresher, then this page is for you.

Note: Some pages in the DA Wiki are restricted to DA leadership and not visible to the public.
– Send a request to the DA Wiki Team if you need further access

There's lots of information here, so feel free to click around and discover the DA World.


Democrats Abroad: Who Are We?

Democrats Abroad Volunteer Structure, Contacts Lists, our Vision & Mission Statement and related items.

This is a good place to start to better understand your role and how it fits into the overall Democrats Abroad organization.

Democrats Abroad is the largest organization of civilian Americans outside the US. We are volunteer-led, with active Committees around the world and members who vote in every U.S. state and congressional district.

We represent the millions of eligible voters who live abroad. With almost 200,000 activists and voting members in over 190 countries, our extensive reach goes far beyond our 51 formal Country Committees through engaged and active online communities of Americans around the world.

Want to learn more? Read Talking Points about DA on

Want an overview of Democrats Abroad including Committees, Task Forces, and Caucus Groups? (restricted based on access)

Reference Documents: , ,

Terms and Acronyms you don’t understand?

Find your fellow Leaders: (restricted access)


New to DA: Required Trainings


If you are a new volunteer helping out, or becoming a new Website or Database Admin, this section is your starting point in knowing what form you need to sign or trainings to complete.

New Volunteer or Newly Elected Leader? Be sure to sign the

New Admin? Follow the To Do Steps on following link

Want to learn best practices?



Welcome to New Leaders


Welcome Guide for all New DA Leaders: ,

Want to start learning more?

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Global Calendar:

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