DA Confidentiality Agreement form

DA Confidentiality Agreement form




For background on our current Democrats Abroad and Vote From Abroad Privacy policies, please review: https://www.democratsabroad.org/privacy and https://www.votefromabroad.org/privacy

If you signed the previous version of the Confidentiality Agreement, (2015b) you DO NOT HAVE TO SEND IN A NEW ONE.

You MUST submit a signed Confidentiality Agreement if:

    • You are a Country/Chapter/Caucus Committee officer
    • You have any access to the DA membership database 
    • You post news or events on the website
    • You send e-mails to members
    • You have access to any of the Password protected content in the DA Wiki or use the Wiki DA Leadership Shared Login account
    • You deal with, or have any access to member information - email addresses, street addresses, names, phone numbers
    • Have access to the VFA Dashboard

Submit your signed Confidentiality Agreement as described below:

Submitting your Confidentiality Agreement:

  1. Download and print the latest CA form (updated October 2023): Confidentiality Agreement
  2. Read it, date it, and sign it. Print your name, email address, your country and position ("Volunteer" is fine if you don't have a position).
  3. Please use Preview (Mac), Adobe Reader (Windows) or a signature app on your phone to e-sign your document if you can't print and sign the form.
    – Typed Signatures are not accepted.
  4. Scan or take a photo of your signed document (be sure that it is clearly legible).
  5. Save your file, and name it like this: CC-NAME-ConfAgree.pdf
    (For example: MX-Smith-ConfAgree.pdf)

    CC is your ISO country code (AU, MX, CA, etc.). NAME is your Last Name.  You can find the ISO code list here: http://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/country_code_list.htm
  6. Save the file as a PDF, JPEG, or PNG image.
  7. E-mail your scanned CA image to: ConfAgree@democratsabroad.org 
    with the Subject line: Confidentiality Agreement Form

Questions? Contact helpdesk@democratsabroad.org

Blank Confidentiality Agreement for download:

Confidentiality Agreement 2023

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