New Leader Orientations 2021
Will Bakker -LU, RVC
Merrill Oates -HU, Wiki
New Leader Orientations 2021
The EMEA and AP regional teams hosted New Leader Orientation sessions in April and May 2021 to help newly-elected leaders understand the basics of Democrats Abroad and how we work.
The program was designed to give new leaders a basic DA foundation by providing information on:
Our purpose, our organizational structure, and how we conduct business (45 minutes)
Our IT Team and key resources (30 minutes)
Our Comms Team and how we share our messages (20 minutes)
Our other teams and committees that support leaders and Country Committees (40 minutes)
Upcoming and regular regional and global meetings (20 minutes)
You can stream the recording of one New Leader Orientation session at this link:
This agenda may help you find a particular section of the recording:
Time (EDT) Segment
03:00 - 03:05 Welcome and housekeeping
03:05 - 03:10 Vision/Mission, Overview of Calendar
03:10 - 03:15 Alphabet Soup
03:15 - 03:30 Organizational Structure
03:30 - 03:45 Good-to-Know Information
03:45 - 04:10 Overview of Global Caucuses
04:10 - 04:25 Key Committees and Teams
04:25 - 04:35 BREAK
04:35 - 04:55 Communication Overview
04:55 - 05:25 IT Team
05:25 - 05:45 DA Meetings – Global, Regional, and General Expectations
05:45 - 06:00 Q&A
The slides and documents from the sessions are attached to this page:
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