Advocating for same-sex partners in immigration law

Advocating for same-sex partners in immigration law

Democrats Abroad work from 2006-2013 to expand US immigration law to include same-sex partners


LGBT Immigration Rights Task Force


Resolution on  Comprehensive  Immigration Reform

Proposed by Martha McDevitt-Pugh (Netherlands), Bob Bragar (Netherlands), John Chudy (Guatemala) and Wayne Weightman (Cambodia).

Amended and adopted by the DPCA general membership at the Global Meeting in London, 21 April 2013

2013 Resolutions - London April 2013

2013 Congressional Testimony

Including 2006 Resolution supporting the Uniting American Families Act - Adopted by the Democratic Party Committee Abroad, Washington, D.C., March 4, 2006


Resolutions 2004-2011


“Love Exiles” in chapter 7, Activism in Their Own interest, Migrants or Expatriates? Americans in Europe, by Amanda Klekowski von Koppenfels; Palgrave MacMillan series on Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship, ISBN 978-0-230-30078-1 (hardback) and 978-0-230-30079-8 (paperback)



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