"A Wrinkle in Time" Viewing Party

"A Wrinkle in Time" Viewing Party

If you would like to have a easy Black caucus event, you can have a "A Wrinkle in Time" Viewing party. It's a really easy event to put together. Find a place, date and time to watch the film. Maybe have a dinner or drinks before hand. You can also easily turn this into a GOTV event.

When the film comes out on DVD and BluRay you can still have a viewing party at someone's home.

When you create you event on Nationbuilder, remember to tag your event with "bc" so it will also appear in the GBC events along with your country committee's.

If you can't tag it yourself, just send a  the link from your event to blackcaucus@democratsabroad.org and we'll tag it for you.

Also, for Facebook events make The GBC and DA International a co-host by adding @Demsabroadgbc and @DemsAbroad in the co-host field. This will give your event a wider audience.

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