DACN Caucuses
DA China members are encouraged to participate in DA Caucuses at the Global and local level! Please use this page to connect and be updated on DACN caucus information and activities.
Message info-china@democratsabroad.org for more information.
DA Global Caucus Home
DA sponsors caucus groups, which exist to engage members with a particular area of interest in campaigns, initiatives and advocacy projects. All Democrats Abroad members are welcome to join them!
DA Global Caucus Liaison: Karen Frankenstein
DACN Caucus Liaison: Liz Blackbourn
Global Asian American & Pacific Islander Caucus
DA AAPI Chair: Emily Lines
DACN AAPI Organizer: Kevin Xin
The Democrats Abroad Global Asian American and Pacific Islander Caucus (AAPI) advocates on issues important to Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders both in the United States of America and living abroad.
The AAPI Caucus focuses on reaching out to AAPI voters living abroad, increasing engagement in civic and political life, and advocating for laws, policies, and programs that improve the lives of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.
We are also committed to highlighting AAPI history, culture, and the role of AAPI communities in fighting against racism, structural discrimination, and oppression. All Democrats Abroad members are welcome to join the AAPI Caucus.
DA Black Caucus Chair: Angela Fobbs
Reparations Task Force Chair: Antar Keith
DACN Black Caucus Chair: Terry Lee Watkins Jr.
DACN Black Caucus Organizing Team: Ginny Hunt
The purpose of the Global Black Caucus is to provide a forum for all DA members to better understand the issues and concerns affecting Black Americans, to help eliminate unconscious bias within the DA membership and in America, to help engage with Black voters living abroad and ensure that their needs are met within the DA community, and, where needed, to advocate for reforms to political issues. We encourage and facilitate Black Americans abroad to engage, become informed, and exercise their voting franchise.
The Democrats Abroad Global Black Caucus (GBC) is made up of DA members of all ethnicities from around the world who are willing and able to advocate on issues important to Black Americans within the United States of America and those living abroad. All DA members are eligible to join the GBC. We advocate for laws, policies, and programs that improve the lives of Black Americans and educate all people on the humanity of Black people.
2021 Juneteenth Event:
Global Disability Caucus Signup
DA Disability Caucus Chair: Marnie Delaney
DACN Disability Caucus Organizer: Liz Blackbourn
The Global Disability Caucus would like to build the broadest possible membership in this new and important team within Democrats Abroad!
The mission of the team of the Democrats Abroad Global Disability Caucus is to provide a voice for individuals with disabilities across its global membership. In addition to participating in voter and electoral support work the team will collaborate with allies within the Democratic Party and disability rights groups to ensure that all activities and venues are accessible; advocate on proposed legislation addressing disability rights; and educate and empower Democrats Abroad members and leaders about the issues impacting individuals with disabilities.
In addition to Democrats Abroad members with disabilities, we welcome and encourage the involvement of supporters of our members and our issues. We hope to form an inclusive, diverse, active and effective community which provides fulfilling experiences for all!
DA Hispanic Caucus Chair: Carlos Colao
Hispanic Heritage Month kicks off September 15th! Join us as we celebrate the history and culture of the U.S. Latinx and Hispanic communities!
The main goal of the DACN Hispanic Caucus has been to find more Latinx citizens around China. Through past events we have shared our history, culture, and political ideals, so in the future we can become a stronger voice to impact our communities back home. We call on DA Latin members to get in touch with our DA Latinx China community as we prepare for September Celebration during Latinx Heritage Month. - Anthony "Tony" Gonzales
Join members of DACN at Tacobout it Tuesdays, where we engage in discourse and action over delicious tacos. Please be on the lookout for future events: Events
DA LGBTQ+ Co-Chairs: Bob Vallier
The Democrats Abroad LGBT Caucus is the constituency group for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex members and any Democrat abroad who supports them.
The goals of the LGBTQ+ Caucus reflect the mission of Democrats Abroad to: engage and empower LGBTI Americans living abroad to vote in US elections; provide a platform for Democrats Abroad members, country committees and chapters to advance issues at the heart of the LGBTI community; support Democrats Abroad’s members in issues they face living abroad as LGBTI Americans, such as access to government services and benefits for same-sex spouses and family members, the legacy resulting from past discrimination and Defense of Marriage Act.
DA Progressive Chair: Bruce Murray
DACN Progressive Chair: Adam Bucky
ProDA is for members of Democrats Abroad (DA) who: embrace policies that will proactively advance the United States toward a society rooted in economic fairness and social, racial, and environmental justice, particularly for the most vulnerable people in our society; seek increased transparency, fairness and accountability in political processes; and support international cooperation, peace, and mutual respect.
Joining ProDA (Progressive Caucus of Democrats Abroad) adds your voice to the growing call for progressive change. You are welcome, whoever you supported in the 2016 election. You choose your level of involvement within our network of fellow citizens actively working toward an America that delivers on its promise of government truly of the people, by the people, and for the people.
ProDA is for members of Democrats Abroad (DA) who: embrace policies that will proactively advance the United States toward a society rooted in economic fairness and social, racial, and environmental justice, particularly for the most vulnerable people in our society; seek increased transparency, fairness and accountability in political processes; and support international cooperation, peace, and mutual respect.
ProDA works to get out the vote among progressive Democratic voters abroad, and engage Caucus members in advocacy for progressive policy positions. Our actions are grounded in the belief that when candidates embrace policies that more accurately serve the interests of the majority of Americans, potential voters at home and abroad will be more receptive to Democratic “Get Out The Vote” efforts.
ProDA activities: encourages voting abroad by progressive voters; provides resources for DA members to support progressive Democrat candidates; provides education on progressive issues; co-develops unique campaigns for activism with like-minded organizations; promotes and/or organizes community service to connect our values and actions; advocates for increased fairness, accountability and transparency in the Democratic Party; seeks cooperative and productive relationships with aligned groups such as the Congressional Progressive Caucus, state-level progressive caucuses, and other organizations composed of progressive Democrats and potential Democratic voters. ProDA does not endorse or support specific candidates in primary elections.
Members of ProDA will be encouraged to share their needs and expectations for DA and the Democratic Party, to be proactive in DA activities, and to work toward creating positive change in America and the lives of Americans abroad by making informed voting decisions in their home states.
Please attend our Tacobout It Tuesday events, which are held in person and online!
They call it Stormy Monday… but on Tuesday, there are tacos! And so for this #SummerOfAction, DA China’s Progressive Caucus inaugurated a new tradition. On Tacobout it Tuesday, we meet to eat, to discuss progressive priorities and to share a call to action.
We have so far held three meetings in Shanghai, with Zoom links provided for those who prefer to join virtually. Over delicious tacos we have so far examined the how the John Lewis Voting Rights Act differs from the For the People Act, and discussed the ramifications of filibuster reform. We’ve also talked about directions the caucus itself should take, and planned our future communications strategies. Most importantly, we’ve shared ideas for taking action! We’ve encouraged participation through Stacey Abrams’ Hot Call Summer initiative, and talked over how to easily send a message to your elected representatives through Resist.bot.
We plan to continue the tradition with future Tacobout Tuesdays to be held in other cities and online, as well as in Shanghai. Check for announcements as future events are scheduled.
July 2021 | Tacobout it Tuesday
September 7, 2021 | Tacobout it Tuesday - Part III
Special thanks to Global Caucus Liaison Karen Frankenstein and Global ProDA Chair Bruce Murray
Global Veterans & Military Families Caucus
DA Veterans and Military Families Chair: Michael Ramos
The Veterans and Military Families Caucus is made up of DA members from around the world who are willing and able to advocate on issues important to the veterans and their families within the United States of America and those living abroad. The Caucus welcomes any DA member.
Democrats Abroad (DA) honors the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces; their service deserves our deepest gratitude and respect. Government policies must reflect the interests of those who are serving and those who have served, including their families. This caucus will work within DA to achieve this.
We share and adhere to the principles and demands expressed in the platforms of both the Democratic Party and DA regarding veterans, active military and their families abroad.
We recognize and appreciate that all of the various groups, ethnicities, persuasions, identities, and beliefs that make up American society are present in our military; we share issues and concerns in common with the other DA caucuses. Discrimination has no place in the military and its ancillary organizations, nor the Veterans and Military Families Caucus.
The members of our armed forces, their families, and our caucus reflect the diversity of race, gender, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, color, ethnicity, ancestry, marital status, veteran status, and ability that make up American society. Discrimination, intolerance, hate speech, and bigotry have no place in the United States Armed Forces, Department of Defense, Department of Veterans Affairs, or our caucus.
Please feel free to contact the Veterans and Military Families Caucus: VeteransCaucus@democratsabroad.org
DA Women’s Caucus Chair: Ann Hesse
DACN Women’s Caucus Organizer: Liz Blackbourn
We are committed to fostering and promoting gender-informed perspectives in issues analysis, communication and policy-making for issues that impact women. We take action to address policies that negatively impact women and their families and so, by implication, the economy and our democracy.
DA Youth Caucus Chair: Miguel Madrigal
DACN Youth Caucus Chair: Kevin Xin
The Global Youth Caucus (GYC) officially launched last month after the 2020 DA Global Meeting and Convention. At the Regional and Global Conventions many of our fellow youth members were elected to be a part of DA 2020 Delegation to the Democratic National Convention. It has never been a more exciting time to be a GYC member.
The Global Youth Caucus is working to expand, which means we are looking for more volunteers! There are options to volunteer at the global, national, or chapter level - so pick what commitment is best for you and let us know how you want to get involved.
Looking for other ways to get involved at DACN? Join the Clubs
Book Club
DACN Blue Book Club Organizers: Kevin Xin, Pam Forbes, Tricia Williams
This is a DA Global Group, with a group of members involved here in China. DACN Book Club returns in September!
DA ECCC Council
Global Environment & Climate Crisis Council Signup
DA ECCC Chair: Dana Freling
DA ECCC Steering Committee Member: Liz Blackbourn
Join members of DA in China and around the world who are working to save Mother Earth!
Mission: the Environmental and Climate Crisis Crew (ECCC) is working to center bold climate and environmental action and policies. Sign up and you will be added to our Google Group. Look our for our next meeting announcement, coming soon!
The ECCC has Working Groups and Teams: Stewardship, Intersectionality, Voter Outreach, Watchdogs, Policy & Events, Communications
DA Seniors Caucus
DA Seniors Caucus Chair: Betsy Ettorre
DA Taxation Taskforce
DA Taxation Force Chair: Rebecca Lammers
DA Taxation Force Regional Members: Peter Fishbach, Carmelan Polce
The Democrats Abroad Taxation Task Force (TTF) was formed to 1) research U.S. tax policy as it affects Americans living outside the U.S. and 2) consider, develop and execute initiatives aimed at enacting reforms that resolve adverse impacts.
We support tax reforms that help reduce inequality, boost opportunity for all Americans and raise enough revenue, predominantly from those with the greatest ability to pay, to meet public needs.
For more information, reach out! TaxationTF@democratsabroad.org
Stay Informed on DACN Caucus Activities:
Event Calendars: DA China’s Caucuses host events and list them on our website here: Events - Democrats Abroad. DACN additionally uses an app called TeamUp. Find this calendar here: Democrats Abroad China Events | Teamup
While the DACN website and Wiki serve as DACN primary sources of information, Social media platforms are used to further inform DACN members. DACN currently uses Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and WeChat! (Our WeChat ID is searchable, add us today: Lizconsin.) Follow us on any platform to receive up-to-date DACN Caucus information!
DACN’s Ohio Team met with David Pepper!
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