Leadership Board

Democrats Abroad China held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) and elections on June 18, 2023.

Please refer to the DACN Meeting Minutes page to view the recordings, and find membership announcements in the Nominations & Elections Committee (NEC) Archive

Congratulations to the new Leadership Board, and a special thank you to all of our leaders and super volunteers!

DACN's Leadership Board celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month 2023

2023-25 Executive Committee Officers

* Note that any Board position which is vacant and has a designated e-mail address shall have all e-mails forwarded to dacn-chair@democratsabroad.org.

** Vacancies will be filled by appointment, then election. To state your interest, please email info-China@DemocratsAbroad.org and attend our monthly meetings. 

*** DPCA members are elected according to Democrats Abroad China Bylaws.

2023-25 Leadership Board Officers

  • Ginny Hunt, GOTV Coordinator
  • Pam Forbes, Events Coordinator
  • Vacant, Onboarding Coordinator **
  • Adam Bucky, Member-At-Large
  • Dustin Roberts, Member-At-Large

2023-25 Non-Voting Appointed Board Members

  • Alex Vanderpol, General Counsel 
  • Vacant, Deputy Communications Officer 
  • Vacant, Deputy Communications Officer 
  • Vacant, Deputy Communications Officer 

2023-25 DPCA Voting Members

  • Elizabeth Blackbourn ***
  • Terry Lee Watkins Jr. 
  • Josh Hoke
  • Tricia Williams

DACN's Leadership Board rings in the holiday season, 2022-23

2021-23 Executive Committee Officers

*Note that any Board position which is vacant and has a designated e-mail address shall have all e-mails forwarded to dacn-chair@democratsabroad.org.

★ DACN Member Alex Vanderpol was appointed by the Chair and Board to serve as Counsel on August 25, 2021. 

★ Eileen Walsh was elected unanimously by the Board to fill a Member-At-Large vacancy on September 11, 2021.

★ On February 2, 2022, Adam Bucky was elected unanimously by the Board to serve as Director of Communications.

★ On April 18, 2022, Patricia Williams was elected unanimously to serve as DACN's Secretary. (At a meeting on February 2, 2022, Tricia had been unanimously elected to serve as Member-At-Large. This position is now vacant.)

★ Democrats Abroad China was awarded a fourth DPCA Voting Representative in 2023.

2021-23 Members-At-Large

  • Ginny Hunt
  • Brian Kloosterman
  • Lisa Movius
  • Eileen Walsh 
  • Terry Watkins

2021-23 Non-Voting Appointed Board Members

  • Alex Vanderpol, General Counsel 
  • Vacant, Deputy Communications Officer 
  • Vacant, Deputy Communications Officer 
  • Vacant, Deputy Communications Officer 

2021-23 DPCA Voting Members

  • Elizabeth Blackbourn
  • Jacob Aldaco
  • Tricia Williams
  • Adam Bucky

★ Anders Hove became a DPCA Voting Representative during a Board meeting held January 14, 2022. Tricia Williams took over this role once elected to the position of Secretary on April 18th, 2022.  

★ Dustin Roberts was elected unanimously by the Board to serve as Information Technology Director on August 21, 2022. Dustin assumed IT-related treasury duties when Anders Hove relocated to DAUK.

★ DA China members voted unanimously to appoint Virginia Hunt to serve as Member-At-Large on March 21, 2023. Ginny will serve in this capacity until the end of the 2021-23 term.

A new Leadership Board was elected by the DA China membership on May 23, 2021

Congratulations to new Board members, and a big thank you to all who served during previous terms! 

To all who have served as leaders and volunteers of Democrats Abroad China, your work to build DACN is recognized and greatly appreciated. 

Chair Emeritus

  • Aaron Kruse, conferred in June 2020 
    DACN Chair 2017-2020

Previous Leadership Board Members

  • Ada Shen, pre-2017
  • Rich Welch, pre-2017
  • Faith Gary, pre-2017-2021
  • Aaron Kruse, 2017-2021
  • Elizabeth Jenkins, 2017-2021
  • Randi Miller, 2017- 2018
  • Joshua Lally, 2017-2019
  • James Flanagan, 2017-2019

  • Christopher Zombik, 2017-2019
  • Angela Bergeson, 2018-2019
  • Sarah Kimmett, 2019
  • Brittni Young, 2019-2020
  • Patrick Cranley, 2019-2021
  • Elaine Chow, 2019-2021
  • Devika Koppikar, 2019-2021
  • Alexander Lee, 2019-2021

  • Jenny Eveland, 2020-2021
  • Alexandra Smith, 2021
  • Kimberly Wong, 2018-2021
  • Cory Stroik, 2021
  • Adam Robbins, 2021-2022
  • Anders Hove, 2021-2022

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