Global LGBTQ+ Caucus Home
Opportunities for participation in our Global LGBTQ+ Caucus are as varied as our members. There is no "one-size-fits-all" level of involvement. We also encourage allies as well as LGBT DA members to join. The LGBT community would never have accomplished all that we have without the contributions and awesome support of allies, friends and family standing for a world that works for all, with no one left out.
1. Small groups or Individuals can join:
- Global town hall meetings and Webinars with speakers from advocacy groups and members of congress.
- Calls to action such as targeted letter writing, call-storms and protests announced on our Facebook page and website.
2. Medium-sized groups can additionally:
- Form a section for their own chapter: We encourage groups of any size to get together and start planning events for their own chapters or precincts.
- Sponsor a workshop weekend with your local DA chapter on any number of topics, and invite members from all over. Offer home-stays when possible.
An event like this can electrify and unify the entire chapter! We can help you. - Stage Events of all kinds: a march or vigil, fundraiser, GOTV at LGBT events
3. Large caucus sections:
LGBTQ+ caucuses in major cities are leading the way and providing an example of what groups in other cities around the world might aim for.
Some of their accomplishments include:
- Establishing working committees on legislative or policy issues
- Holding teach-ins, workshops, film nights
- Inviting internationally-known speakers for live or online events
- Lobbying, interfacing with legislative councils and groups in the U.S.
- Organized presence at Pride parades
- Media coverage (web, print, radio, TV).
Wherever you might be, we always have a need for volunteers to step up and take on responsibilities too, so please contact us at
Recent space activity
Space contributors
- Martha Mcdevitt-Pugh (1461 days ago)
- style