2024 October Swing State Surprise
Plan for Swing State and Swing Districts members who have not yet voted (“SNV”)
Step 1: Email
Email to all SNV members from their CC broadcasters asking them if they voted. Customized per country.
Members responding will be self-tagged
Step 2: Local Calling Plan
Call SNV members from a local phone number and ask them if they voted.
The team should be experienced phone bankers if possible.
A spreadsheet will be generated on Friday evening CET and distributed to the CC’s participating.
A script will also be shared.
The boxes to check are as follows:
Ballot Requested but not voted
Wrong Number
Delete Member
Any other update
After the calls are completed, the sheets will be sent back to the Help Desk and the IT team will update the tags for you.
If the member has other updates to their record (moved, new number, new email) please have your CC membership admin do the updates.
Sample Email | Sample Member Sheet |
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