2018 GOTV Voter Information Resources Home

GOTV Overview: GOTV 2018 Action Plan

Check out what's happening: DA's 2018 GOTV Calendar

      Current Voting Information: www.democratsabroad.org/voting

      Current Phonebanking Information: www.democratsabroad.org/gotv_phonebanking

      Voter Questions? Email the Voter Help Desk at: gotv@democratsabroad.org

      Upcoming Elections Deadlines for Overseas Voters: VoteFromAbroad on Facebook     please (thumbs up) Like this Page

Country Committees: Please designate your GOTV Coordinators on the: GOTV Country Coordinators form  
Click here for List of: /wiki/spaces/gotv2018/pages/6100388319

2018 Election Calendars:

> 2018 Chronological Election Deadlines (Upd: Sept 2018): List of all registration, request, ballot return deadlines, election dates – by DATE

2018 General Election Deadlines by State (Updated: Oct 2018)Deadlines for Overseas Voter Registration, Ballot Request and Ballot Return Dates

Errors found on FVAP.gov: Recommended updates to the State Voting Guidelines for the 2018 General Election (September 24, 2018)

DA website: www.democratsabroad.org/2018_election_updates: errors currently listed on FVAP.gov and recent changes or alerts

Calendars Based Solely on FVAP - Not Updated Per State Information:

> 2018 Election Deadlines Tracking Spreadsheet - sorted by Date [Not Updated Sept 2018]: Spreadsheet with all registration, request, ballot return deadlines, election dates–can be filtered and sorted

> Google Calendar: DA GOTV Election Dates: *Based on FVAP deadlines, NOT updated based on information provided by states (Sep 27, 2018): Use this link to add dates to your own calendar application

Add 45 day to Election Day reminder to your calendar

Primary, Special and Runoff Elections Calendars:

> 2018 Primary Elections Deadlines - by StateDeadlines for Overseas Voter Registration, Ballot Request and Ballot Return Dates

> 2018 Primary Elections: State Primaries by date

DA website: www.democratsabroad.org/primary_elections

> 2018 Special Elections: Federal and State

DA website: www.democratsabroad.org/special_elections

> 2018 General Runoff Elections: (to be held only if needed in AR, GA, LA, MS)


> Email Documentation from State SOSs and LEOs


> Overseas Voting in State Elections - by State (Sept 2018)


Guide to Submitting FPCA (Upd Sept 2018) - DA Branded - FPCAs Only

> FPCA Protections for Voters Abroad on DA website: [www.democratsabroad.org/fpca_protections_for_voters_abroad]

> FVAP State Submission Rules (*Not updated per state information*) - compiled lists - FPCAs and Ballots


> Electronic Ballot Submission Guide - By State (Upd: Sept 2018) - Ballots Only

> Electronic Ballot Submission 1 Pager (Upd: Sept 2018) - Ballots Only

> 2018 Ballot Return Deadlines - By DATE (Upd Sept 2018) - Ballots Only

> 2018 Ballot Return Deadlines - By STATE (Upd: Sept 2018) - Ballots Only

Election Calendars and Registration Deadlines

Voter Registration Table Materials:

Reference Documents for Volunteers:

> Voter Registration Table Setup (DA logo) - equipment and materials checklist

> Event Sign-in Sheet (DA logo)

> Guide to Submitting FPCAs (2018) (DA logo)

> 2018 General Election Deadlines by State (Updated: Oct 2018) (DA logo)

> Voter Registration FAQs (2018) (no logo)

Order FPCA and FWAB forms:

Request free FPCA and FWAB forms directly by email to FVAP at vote@fvap.gov. Provide your name, address, contact information, desired materials, and quantity. (Materials for Citizens Outside the U.S. on FVAP.gov)

Emails to GOTV Coordinators:

*For current GOTV information and updates, please email us to be added to the GOTV Mobilize channel: gotv@democratsabroad.org

2018 Global GOTV Overview - Jan 15, 2018

GOTV Update: Phonebanking "Request Ballot" - Jan 28, 2018

Overview of GOTV Materials - Apr 2, 2018 (via Mobilize)

Social Media:

VoteFromAbroad Facebook Page with non-partisan election posts.     please (thumbs up) Like this Page

NEW! Facebook event Study Abroad and Vote! Midterms 2018

Go to Social Media posts for links to live posts ordered by state, or find the text and graphics used in the Google Docs below. These posts can be shared, or the content can be copied to be used as needed.

Posts: General Election – Mail Ballot Early

Posts: Special Elections

Posts: March Primaries

Posts: May Primaries

Posts: June Primaries

Posts: Aug Primaries

Posts: September Primaries

Reference Materials


> 2018-19 Voting Assistance Guide (VAG) - September 2017

>> if using the VAG (book or PDF), remember to check for updates on the VAG Revisions Sheet

> FPCA and FWAB Quick Reference Guide (combined PDF for the redesigned forms)

> 2018 Primary Elections by State

> DoD Fax Service is for those voters who cannot send their election materials directly to their election officials. To fax your election materials, use the Transmission Cover Sheet. If you need to send your election materials to your election official by fax but do not have access to a fax machine you can email them to fax@fvap.gov and FVAP will fax your election materials for you. The service is fax only: if your state accepts your election materials by email you should email them directly to your election official. FVAP will not transmit email to email transactions. 

> U.S. Embassy and Consulate Email Addresses Handout

> Fact Sheets

Report: 2016 Overseas Citizen Population Analysis - September 2018

Report: 2017 Report to Congress - March 2018

Report: 2016 Post-Election Report to Congress: post-election survey findings - July 2017

Report: Survey of Overseas Voters - September 2016

U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC)



> Look Up a ZIP Code™ for residential addresses.

Statistical Atlas

> Browse State Election Districts.

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