GDC Fundraising

GDC Fundraising

Help GDC Crip the vote! 🌡️

Your donations:

  1. Ensure our platforms are ADA compliant.

  2. Get Out The Vote - meaning better enable Americans to register, ballot request and successfully return ballots!


Donate here: The Global Disability Caucus

Please contact us to purchase merchandise.


Templates for Stickers and Pins:

Circle shape, meant for pins and stickers.

GDC star logo in navy and medium blues.

“Disabled and Proud”

Black text. White background. Red, yellow, green, and blue diagonal lines.


Circle shape, meant for pins and stickers.

Democrats Abroad star logo in white.

“Disabled and Proud”

White text. Black background. Red, yellow, green, and blue diagonal lines.


Circle shape, meant for pins and stickers.

Democrats Abroad star logo in white.

“Disabled Veteran”

White text. Black background. Red, yellow, green, and blue diagonal lines.

Circle shape, meant for pins and stickers.

Disability pride flag.

No text or logos, so as not to trigger symptoms.

Black background. Red, yellow, green, and blue diagonal lines.


Merchandise designs explained:

Black - represents mourning and rage for victims of Ableist violence. Also portrays our community’s desire to protest wrongdoings and rebel against social stigma/norms.

White - represents invisible and undiagnosed disabilities.

Red - represents physical disabilities.

Green - represents sensory disabilities.

Yellow (Gold) - represents neurodivergence.

Blue - represents psychiatric disabilities.

Diagonal stripes  - represent cutting through barriers disabled people face. They further portray creativity and light cutting through the darkness of our Ableist world.



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