Post-Event Recaps

Post-Event Recaps

♿️ POST-EVENT RECAP | GDC Edition of CtD

On October 30, 2021, we held our first-member event since becoming official on September 18, 2021.  Our Global Disability Caucus (GDC) Edition of Connect the Dots (CtD) was a success and was well received.  Thank you to DA members who participated in our meaningful CtD discussion.  We ended 42 minutes later at 11:12am and are honoured attendees left wanting more.

At our Global Disability Caucus Edition (GDC) of Connect the Dots, we shared information on how and why we were launched and our current mission and objectives.  We also gave a brief update and then Int'l Secretary Beth Landry and some founding caucus members hosted breakout rooms to discuss issues that matter to our community, answered questions, shared ideas and explored ways for working together.


Being an Ally: What it means, what it takes - Denise Roig
Ways to Stop Disability Stigma: How can we reduce the stigma against people with disabilities? - Allyssa Schoenemann

    BR1: Accessibility - Heather Stone & Allyssa Schoenemann
    BR2: Disability Legislation - Marnie Delaney & Ken Sherman
    BR3: Intersectionality: Nonbinary Individuals with Disabilities - Beth Landry
    BR4: Mental Health Awareness - Elizabeth Blackbourn & Anthony "Mike" Nitz

Many thanks to our esteemed speakers and founding caucus members for helping make our event a great success!  We are also grateful for the continued support and guidance from Int'l Chair Candice Kerestan, Global Caucus Coordinator Karen Frankenstein, Global Social Media Coordinator Edgar Lopez-Vallejo, DA South Korea Chair & AP GOTV Coordinator Cory Lemke, and founding members of DA Connect the Dots.

“The Future is Accessible!”

Global Disability Caucus (GDC) Steering Committee,

Marnie Delaney, GDC Chair (France)
Elizabeth Blackbourn, GDC Communications Coordinator (China)
Pierre Filatov, GDC Secretary (France)
Max Macleod, GDC Events Coordinator (Canada)
Anthony “Mike” Nitz, GDC Legislation (Vietnam)
Denise Roig, GDC Member-At-Large - Americas (Canada)
Allyssa Schoenemann, GDC Education & Awareness (Germany)
Ken Sherman, GDC DNC Liaison (Canada)
Heather Stone, GDC Member-At-Large - Americas (Israel)
Lissette F. Wright, GDC IT Liaison (Canada)

If you have questions, please contact us at DisabilityCaucus@DemocratsAbroad.org.

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