GDC Strategic Plan
2022 Strategic Plan
GDC Steering Committee | |
Chair | Marnie Delaney |
Vice-Chair | TBD |
Secretary | Pierre Filatov |
IT | Lissette Wright |
Communications | Elizabeth Blackbourn |
Education & Awareness | Allyssa Schoenemann |
Legislation | Mike Nitz |
Events | TBD |
DNC Liaison | Ken Sherman |
Accessibility | Caroline Ruchonnet |
Americas | Denise Roig |
AP | Mike Nitz |
EMEA | Heather Stone |
The mission of Democrats Abroad Global Disability Caucus is to provide a voice for individuals with disabilities across its global membership. As defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), an individual with a disability is a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. The Democrats Abroad Global Disability Caucus will organize a disability rights agenda; work with allies within the Democratic Party and disability rights groups to ensure that all activities and venues are accessible; advocate on proposed legislation addressing disability rights; and educate and empower Democrats Abroad members and leaders about the issues impacting persons with disabilities.
Increase caucus membership to 200 by year end 2022.
Upgrade accessibility within Democrats Abroad to be consistent with ADA guidelines +
Build awareness of disability issues and importance of accessibility and diversity amongst membership
Provide opportunities to build a community of members with disabilities and with allies
Engage with voters, especially those with disabilities and provide assistance with voting process
Engage in advocacy for legislation of importance to this community
Provide information on resources available to people with disabilities
Overall Goal for Primary Targets: “Drive them to the Middle”
Members of our caucus
Other members of DA (including potential caucus members/volunteers)
Non-members abroad (esp.those with disabilities)
Voters voting in targeted races who need extra attention
DNC leadership & staff (esp. Disability Caucus)
Elected officials (Federal and State)
ExCom and other leadership
Potential donors
Accessibility and education partners
Strategies & Tactics
Enhancing Accessibility
Develop and roll out a plan to enhance accessibility for all members of Democrats Abroad.Implementation should include guidelines, training and guidance about resources
Conduct on-going awareness campaign using all media
Create focused education efforts around accessibility needs/issues as well as around various specific topics such as “invisible disabilities”, “chronic illnesses”, “mental health crisis”, “language”, “identity,” etc.
Build sustained communications to reinforce consciousness of scope of conditions which fall under the disability umbrella by on-going recognition of month/week/day dates
Building Safe & Supportive Community
Incorporate “understanding disabilities” into accessibility program training
Use social media and website to provide “snapshots” of positive behavior
Establish regular “chat room” gatherings for members with conversation starter and then free exchange of ideas and comments
Build repository of resources available for potential help to members
Demonstrate the benefit of an attitude of acceptance, patience and the understanding that almost everyone is carrying some kind of burden which may well be “invisible”
Increase Awareness & Understanding of Disabilities and Disability Issues
Conduct periodic educational events
Develop resource/information library
Recognize “Month/Week/Day of” dates and provide key facts to enhance awareness and understanding
Identify ways to demonstrate the experience of various disability situations
Include profiles of members and public figures with disabilities in our media
Create “event-in-a-box” program for countries
Request opportunity to present Information and accessibility plan at Annual Meeting and regional meetings
Developing Strong Leaders
Provide opportunities for Steering Committee members to lead events
Ensure that Steering Committee members are aware of DA organization, priorities, policies and challenges and have opportunities to participate in both global and local activities
As appropriate, encourage volunteers to implement their ideas for the Caucus
Develop strong, collaborative relationships with other caucus teams to enable broader views of what can be done within DA and how
Encourage Steering Committee members to develop their own teams of volunteers and to provide meaningful responsibilities for each of them
Engaging & Activating Voters
Quarterly coordination with Global GOTV objectives
Provide information for all registration, GOTV and Voter Assistance workers to enhance the effectiveness of our efforts with voters with disabilities. Promote and train using this information
Ensure that VFA website is as accessible as possible
Assess potential contribution to Global targets
Collaborate with State Teams, VFA, CC
Ensure members participate in Voter Engagement Training
Set up and publicize training and action opportunities with other teams
Identify opportunities to support and build on global strategies
Target races with significant Caucus relevance or balance-of-power implications
Attracting New Members for Democrats Abroad
Public relations campaign focusing on disability issues and the need/process to vote (VFA makes it simple and easy and can help with special situations)
Social media push directed to members of other Americans abroad groups\
Support efforts to reach those of voter lists of citizens abroad
Reach out to disability service organizations in countries to provide information for any American clients
Caucus member outreach to Americans in their circle of friends and acquaintances
Campus and company outreach,positioning VFA as a help for Americans Abroad - including those with disabilities
Build Membership to 200 and significantly increase Volunteer Numbers & Participation
Build an active and dynamic presence in DA globally
Support and encourage country leadership with “events in a box” and ensure their members are aware and supportive of Global activities as well
Welcome new members, identify ways to become involved in a range of different ways (be specific and take action asap) - don’t let potential volunteers “die on the vine” - pass them on if you can't give them a rewarding project right away
Share info and results with members generously - they like to feel like “insiders” and are more apt to stay involved
Connect via regions to reach countries efficiently with info and opportunities to become engaged
Build a clear connection between advocating for issues and voter engagement
Leverage opportunities to build awareness of DA via other organizations/groups
Identify potential new members within major communities with U.S. populations, including universities, business, gov’t, military,as appropriate and allowable
Where appropriate, given health situations, seek high-visibility locations with U.S. citizen populations and regularly promote Caucus issues as well as doing registration/GOTV
Execute communications program which is member-focused, accessible, coordinated and consistent, and which reaches our audience efficiently and effectively
Use voter registration efforts as opportunity to connect with voters and encourage membership/volunteerism
Use global, regional, local and caucus “help wanted” systems for recruitment of volunteers to enhance awareness of needs and options to ensure better “fit” and higher/longer level of commitment.
Develop format for volunteer needs description
Recruit for specific projects/needs
Establish central process for receiving and managing volunteer requests
Develop plan for obtaining feedback from all volunteers
Execute communications program which is member-focused, accessible, coordinated and consistent, and which reaches our audience efficiently and effectively
Coordinate with Global Calendar/priorities and amplify Global GOTV, fundraising, member recruitment, etc. plans and schedules where possible within framework of Caucus calendar
Explore creative vehicles for messaging
Identify ways to elicit significant press coverage
Establish strong and on-going social media presence
Maximize use of Internal DA communications
Encourage amplification of all communications by other Global and local entities
Help raise the funds necessary (goal is $75k in first quarter) for DA to execute overall plans, build and retain membership, strengthen resources and improve overall efficiency and impact. Goal: $200+
Tag all messaging with fundraising ask
Consider special event to help support GOTV efforts with caucus constituency - provide information on the challenges most relevant to our group
Assessment & Follow-up
Need to build into the process (assessment plans to be developed Q1):
Continuous improvement
Knowledge management
Priorities by Quarter
Develop accessibility plan
Membership drive
Build voter engagement plan
Support overall DA request-your-ballot plans
Commence awareness/education program
Explore community-building opportunities with members
February (tbd) DNC Disability Caucus event
March (tbd) allyship event
Fine-tune goals and assessment process
Build issue arguments - build the case for caucus members/constituents
Confirm legislative advocacy plans
Continue member recruitment and education/advocacy efforts
Establish community interaction opportunities
Support overall DA voter registration efforts
Roll out accessibility plan
Voter engagement training roll-out
April 7 - World Health Day - event on the huge range of disabilities
May 20 - Global Accessibility Awareness Day - ******global meeting*******
Continue to support voter engagement efforts
Build case/sense of urgency based on issues for people with disabilities
Disability issues for voters – communications push
July 26 - ADA Anniversary - Speaker tbd and legislative update - why you must vote
Explore fundraising component for ADA anniversary
Disability Pride Month (July)
Support DA GOTV efforts with focus on support for voters with disabilities
Monitor, document and address accessibility issues encountered by members and
others who contact VFA or other voter-registration platforms
October 10 - World Mental Health Day - mental health panel or speaker event
International Day of the Disabled Person - Caucus confab event (2nd annual)
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