BLC Weighted Proportionality proposal

Bylaws Committee Proposal

Country Voting allocation is based on a weighted percentage of the total number of DA International membership.


  • Creates more proportional voting strength for countries with large membership


  • reduces all countries under 200 members to one-half vote per chair or vice-chair

Initial Public Draft Documents of DPCA ByLaws committee -June 2010

  File Modified

PDF File bylaws cover memo.pdf

08-Jul-2010 by WikiAdmin-meO

PDF File DPCA Bylaws amendments-clean _draft 3_ _change 1_.pdf

08-Jul-2010 by WikiAdmin-meO

PDF File DNC Memo.pdf

08-Jul-2010 by WikiAdmin-meO

PDF File DPCA Bylaws amendments-marked _draft 3_ _change 1_.pdf

08-Jul-2010 by WikiAdmin-meO

PDF File DPCA Membership Certification.pdf

08-Jul-2010 by WikiAdmin-meO

PDF File Voting Chart W2.pdf

08-Jul-2010 by WikiAdmin-meO
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