Alternatives to radical changes of the Bylaws

Alternatives to radical changes of the Bylaws


This space is for the presentation and analysis of Bylaws Proposals that seek to minimize the controversies generated during 2010.

The Reconciliation Option

Proposed by Will Bakker, September 2010, as follows:

I propose that we not change the current system until we come to a more considered agreement as a group. Thus, I propose, as an amendment to the bylaws as they currently stand, with thanks to the Bylaws Committee for initiating the majority of the changes.

Section 7.2 Election of DNC Members

Each of the six elected members of the DNC shall be eligible to serve in such position for no more than two consecutive full terms and shall be elected for a term of four years at a meeting of the DPCA to be held during the year of the National Convention, to be chosen as follows:

(a) At Regional Conventions held pursuant to a duly authorized and accepted Delegate Selection Plan, the delegates elected under the Plan shall, following the election of National Convention Delegates, elect one member of the DNC from that Region by majority vote of members present in person or participating by proxy;

(b) The remaining members to represent Democrats Abroad shall be elected by majority vote of the DPCA (excluding the incumbent elected members of the DNC), as follows: The total number of votes shall equal two times the number of Country Committees and shall be allocated to the Country Committees in numbers equivalent to each Country Committee's percentage of the total Democrats Abroad membership certified in accordance with section 5.4(d) abofe, rounded to the nearest whole number.

The International Chair and International Vice Chair of the DPCA may not cumulate membership as ex officio members and as elected members of the DNC. Elected members of the DNC need not be members of DPCA. All members of the DNC must have their principal residence abroad and their number shall be equally divided between men and women.

Article Eight National Convention

Section 8.1 Delegate Selection

Delegates to the National Convention of the Democratic Party or Democratic Party Conferences shall be elected by the members of Democrats Abroad pursuant to procedures to be established by the DPCA in accordance with the Delegate Selection Plan of the Democratic Party of the United States and such other rules and procedures adopted by the Democratic National Committee.

All matters pertaining to the selection of Delegates to the National Convention of the Democratic Party or Democratic Party Conferences shall be decided by majority vote of the DPCA as follows: The total number of votes shall equal two times the number of Country Committees and shall be allocated to the Country Committees in numbers equivalent to each Country Committee's percentage of the total Democrats Abroad membership certified in accordance with section 5.4(d) abofe, rounded to the nearest whole number.

And let's talk about anything more in the Spring!

The John McQueen Option

John McQueen's voting proposal is the eldest proposal that has been widely distributed. It appears to have wide assent. John McQueen himself is widely respected.

I don't like it as much as other proposals, and a lot of people have other favorites -- but that's probably a hallmark of a good compromise!

I propose the following outline for a compromise package to offer to the DPCA as a whole:

  1. Amend only those bylaws strictly necessary to implement McQueen's voting scheme.
  2. Reject all proposals besides those necessary to accomplish (1) -- whether generated by the Bylaws Committee or Country Committees (e.g. Greece)
  3. Vote in Seoul on whether to hold a constitutional convention.

There are plenty of models for the convention idea, and we need not endorse one now. That should be discussed in Seoul, with presentations on the options. I would be happy to develop the presentation on those models.

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