3.6 Voting Strength Proposals
Proposals for Allocation of Voting Strength
Proposals submitted for determining the allocation of voting and voting weights to DPCA Members.
This summary page identifies each of the proposals submitted as modifications to (or retaining as unchanged) the Supplemental Voting System for Country Committees.
Please help elaborate and clarify this presentation.
Further details and specific bylaws language are contained in sub-pages.
Bylaws Committee Weighted Membership Proportionality proposal
Each country committee Chair, Vice-Chair, and potentially a Delegate receive a weighted number of votes based on the percentage of total DA membership in that country committee. As proposed, votes would currently range from 36-votes for Canada to 1-vote shared between a Chair and Vice-Chair from a country with less than 200 members.
BLC Weighted Proportionality proposal
Unchanged from Current Supplemental vote allocation proposal
To keep the current Supplemental voting structure based on membership number thresholds. All committees have one vote, over 100 members +1-vote, over 500 +1 vote, over 1000 +1 vote.
Congressional Plan (suggested by Kevin Prager)
Would mimic the US Congress' bi-cameral system – a solution that would instantly and separately calculate both equal (fair) votes and fully proportional
votes from all CCs – in which a "win" would require 50+% in both Fair and Proportional vote tallies.
Separating Fair and Proportional plan (suggested by Kevin Prager)
DPCA could make some decisions with proportional voting weights and others with fair voting weights, depending on their primary relevance to DA
members or DPCA members, respectively.
Separate Fair and Proportional Plan
Hybrid 1-country-1-vote and Proportional votes (suggested by Wayne Weigtman)
A) 1-country 1-vote for all DPCA business, and
B) McQeen country delegate plan, or some variation for resolutions and Delegate Selection Plan and convention delegate selection etc
Hybrid One-vote and Proportional
McQueen Plan with Delegates (suggested by John McQueen)
Countries under 2000 members retain the current supplemental vote allocations, over 2000 members receive additional votes to be distributed to delegates elected by the membership.
Chapter Delegates Representation
A variation on the McQueen Delegate Plan but with delegates distributed out to Chapter Chairs for Chapters having more than 200 members, or 20% of total country membership for countries over 1000 members.
Brager-Temple Plan (suggested by Bob Brager and Shari Temple)
To increase the supplemental votes allocated to countries exceeding a higher threshold. Keep the current supplemental voting allocation, but add one additional supplemental vote for each additional 2,500 members. So, additional votes for 2500, 5000, 7500, 10,000 members.
Bylaws Committee Three-Quarters Plan (released September 2010)
Three-quarters of votes allocated on strict proportionality with membership figures, with one-quarter allocated one-per-country-committee.
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