Amanda's Voting Charts

Amanda's Voting Charts

DA Secretary Voting Weight Graphs and Table

The proposed Voting Weight Graphs and percentage table distributed by Amanda KvK

On Sat, 6 Nov 2010, Amanda at secretary@democratsabroad.org wrote:

The proposed section 3.6 (the text of which is, as noted, attached) says that the total number of votes will be four times the number of Country Committees. We are 48 countries right now, which, multiplied by four, gives us a total of 192 votes. Of those, 1/4 – or 48 – are distributed on a one country-one vote basis, so each country gets one base vote. That leaves us with 144 to be distributed proportionally (as a % of membership).

Denmark, say, thus starts with 1 base vote. Denmark's members make up 0.66% of our total membership, so Denmark also gets votes totaling 0.66% of the 76,858 members that we were on 1 January 2010, or 0.98. So Denmark gets 0.98 votes plus the 1 base vote, which rounds to 2 votes.

In case you're worried about what happens to the math when we expand, I've now laid out an Excel sheet that is very easily updatable.

The attachments are:

1) a document with two graphs, the first of which shows the supplementary vote system with:
each Country Committee's % of overall DPCA membership (e.g. Denmark's 0.66%, Belgium's 1.46%, etc);
each Country Committee's % of overall Country Committee votes; and
the percentage that each country committee will hold of the TOTAL votes within the DPCA, i.e. the Country Committee votes plus the votes of the eight DPCA Officers (Intl Chair, Intl Vice Chair, etc) and the six DNC members, or 155.
The second graph has the same three elements for the proposed voting weights under Section 3.6:
each Country Committee's % of overall DPCA membership (e.g. Denmark's 0.66%, Belgium's 1.46%, etc);
each Country Committee's % of overall Country Committee votes; and
the percentage that each country committee will hold of the TOTAL votes within the DPCA, i.e. the Country Committee votes plus the votes of the eight DPCA Officers (Intl Chair, Intl Vice Chair, etc) and the six DNC members, or 206.
2) A table with all of the exact percentages of the above elements. The table also shows which countries are required to have delegates: no one individual may hold more than 3% of the total votes, or 6. For countries which have more than 12 votes (6 each for Chair and for Vice Chair), delegates are thus required in order for a country to vote its complete weight.

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