Blog from April, 2024

Tuesday, April 30, 2024


Trump Endorses Prosecuting Women Who Have An Abortion

  • In TIME interviews out this morning, Donald Trump endorsed prosecuting women who have an abortion and monitoring their pregnancies. 

  • In the same interviews, Trump:

    • Repeatedly refused to rule out signing a national abortion ban

    • Left the door open to signing legislation that could rip away access to IVF

    • Stood by his allies’ plans to unilaterally ban medication abortion nationwide if he is elected

  • These latest comments are just the most recent in Trump’s legacy of attacks on reproductive freedoms:

    • In 2016, Donald Trump said women should be punished for getting an abortion

    • He overturned Roe, unleashing extreme abortion bans.

    • He brags about it to this day, calling himself “proudly the person responsible” for overturning Roe.

    • And he believes that overturning Roe and the resulting extreme bans – like the near-total abortion ban that will go into effect in Florida tomorrow – that are punishing women and threatening doctors across the country are “working the way it is supposed to.”

  • With reproductive freedom on the line in November, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the only candidates in this race fighting like hell to get women’s freedoms back.

Vice President Harris Launches Nationwide Economic Opportunity Tour

  • Yesterday in Atlanta, Vice President Harris kicked off a nationwide economic opportunity tour to highlight how the Biden-Harris administration is lowering costs, supporting communities, and helping people thrive, including:

    • Historic investments in small businesses and achieving the fastest creation rate of Black-owned small businesses in more than 30 years

    • Creating a record number of jobs and increasing access to capital for underserved communities

    • Cutting the price of insulin and expanding access to health care

    • Forgiving more student loan debt than any administration in history and boosting investments in education

    • Lowering child care costs and connecting millions of households to affordable, high-speed internet

  • Vice President Harris is also outlining additional steps that she and President Biden are taking to continue this life-changing work:

    • Further addressing housing costs and increasing homeownership

    • Calling on Congress to restore the expanded Child Tax Credit that lifted millions of kids out of poverty

  • It’s a stark contrast with Donald Trump, who wants to rig the economy for himself and his ultra-wealthy friends at the expense of working families:

    • Trump was the first president since the Great Depression to leave office with fewer jobs than when he came in.

    • Trump’s tax scam gave massive handouts to the ultra-wealthy and big corporations at the expense of working families and Main Street businesses. 

    • Now, Trump is running to give a tax handout of more than $3.5 million per billionaire every year and about a $1.5 trillion windfall for big corporations, letting them use special loopholes to pay little to nothing in taxes while raising prices for Americans. 

    • Trump and his allies are planning to raise costs by cutting Social Security, eliminating the Affordable Care Act, and repealing limits on drug prices.


Please see below for key content we would appreciate your help in amplifying: 

News & Observer: Biden returns to North Carolina, visiting the city where Trump was forced to cancel

Washington Times: Biden ramps up Florida campaign to capitalize on ‘heartbeat’ abortion ban that starts this week

@BrookeGoren: In the same interview, Trump:

  • Repeatedly refuses to say he wouldn't sign a national ban

  • Left the door open to signing legislation that could ban IVF 

  • Stood by his allies, who are making plans to unilaterally ban medication abortion nationwide if he's elected

@BidenHQ: Project 2025 planner: We’re planning to stack Trump’s next administration with people who will do his bidding. We will fire thousands of civil servants to give Trump a team that can hit the ground running to enact our agenda

@juliahamelburg: This AM, as VP @KamalaHarris kicks off her economic opportunity tour. Rep. @StevenHorsford on CNN:

Biden and Harris have made historic progress. Relieving debt, creating jobs, lowest Black unemployment & record small businesses. VP's tour is centering people in those policies

@KamalaHarris: Donald Trump is to blame for this health care crisis.

@JoeBiden: Donald Trump learned the best way to get rich is to inherit it. 

When I look at the economy, I don't see it through the eyes of Mar-a-Lago. 

I see it through the eyes of Scranton. 

Want to help amplify the DNC’s message online? Join Reach to start receiving daily content updates and access to graphics and videos. Click HERE to join via desktop or mobile app.

Please note that individuals working for independent expenditures or Democratic primary campaign candidates are ineligible to join the DNC’s Reach.

There was a challenge to the validity of the elected Chair of the Mississippi State Party.

Dear DNC Member,

I hope your week is off to a wonderful start. As we previously shared, the Executive Committee of the DNC met on April 16 in Chicago, Illinois, alongside the meeting of the Association of State Democratic Committees. Thank you to those who joined us for a very productive meeting and tour of the Convention facilities.

We wanted to provide a brief recap of the meeting for all DNC members. You can find a summary of the meeting below.

In addition, we wanted to notify you that the Rules & Bylaws Committee will meet
virtually tomorrow, Tuesday, April 30, at 6:00 p.m. ET. You can watch the livestream of the
meeting on the DNC’s YouTube channel here.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact my office or me.




Jason Rae (he/him/his)


Democratic National Committee


Summary from the 2024 April Executive Committee Meeting

The DNC Executive Committee met on Tuesday, April 16 in Chicago, Illinois. We were honored to have a few special guests join us to kick off the meeting and give remarks, including a welcome from Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson.

Following the welcome from Mayor Johnson, we heard from the Democratic Governors Association represented by Governor Walz and from Lieutenant Governor Flanagan, who provided an update on the Democratic Lieutenant Governors Association. We also heard updates from Commissioner Dave Woodward with the National Democratic County Officials and Councilor Angela Rogensues with the Democratic Municipal Officials, who both detailed their organizations’ efforts to elect Democrats to local, county, and municipal offices. Our sister committees are all hard at work to ensure Democrats are represented across the country. 

During the Executive Committee Meeting, the Committee voted to elect Chair Harrison’s nominations for the 2024 National Convention Standing Committees. These nominations represent the diversity of perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences that make up our Party. You can find a description of each of the Convention Standing Committees here, and you can find a list of the Chair’s Standing Committee Co-Chairs and Members here

In addition, the Executive Committee heard presentations from the Democratic National Convention Committee on the preparations underway for our Convention in August. We also heard from Deputy Campaign Manager for the Biden-Harris campaign, Rob Flaherty, on the campaign’s digital strategy and DNC Senior Advisor Nick Bauer on the work to counter third party candidates.

Finance Chair Chris Korge reported that the Biden Victory Fund raised a historic high of $187 million through grassroots donors in the first quarter alone, $90 million of which was raised in March. 

ASDC President Martin announced that states are moving towards completion of their delegate selection processes and will soon shift their focus to the National Convention and November 5th election. Ken also shared that ASDC has never been stronger and will be crucial in electing Democrats across the ballot. 

The Committee heard from Vice Chair Henry Munoz who shared that the DNC and Biden-Harris campaign have also deeply invested in the Latino community, with the relaunching of the Presidente Council and creation of Latinos con Biden. 

Secretary Rae reported that his Office is hard at work preparing for the 2024 Democratic National Convention, as they are tasked with the certification of all 5,394 convention participants. The certification process will take place over the next three months. He also notified members that his team will be in touch with all DNC members in the upcoming weeks asking for information to complete their convention participant profile and asked that they respond as soon as possible. He also reminded attendees that our next full DNC membership meeting will convene the morning of Friday, August 23rd, following the Convention in Chicago. 

 Health Community Updates 

April 22, 2024

Remarks by President Biden on Lowering Healthcare Costs for Americans

On Wednesday, April 3rd, President Biden gave remarks on his efforts to lower health care costs. The President was joined by Senator Sanders (I-VT). "Bernie and I want to cap prescription drug costs at $2,000 a year for every American, not just seniors. We’re here today to talk about how we’re lowering prices and cracking down on un- — unfair competition in prescription drugs."

To read the President's full remarks, click here.

Biden-Harris Administration on the Care Economy

FACT SHEET: On One-Year Anniversary of President Biden’s Care EO, the Biden-⁠Harris Administration Celebrates New Progress toward Providing Care and Other Supportive Services for Workers

Workers cannot train for or stay in good jobs if they cannot meet basic needs, such as access to child care and transportation. That is why supportive services are critical to building the workforce necessary to carry out President Biden’s Investing in America (IIA) agenda. Building on the Department of Commerce’s historic requirement that companies receiving major CHIPS and Science Act grants provide child care for their workers, the President’s Executive Order on Increasing Access to High-Quality Care and Supporting Caregivers (Care EO) directed every cabinet-level agency to determine how they can require, preference, or encourage their own federal funding applicants to provide supportive services, including care, for workers.

On Wednesday, April 17th, Senior Biden-Harris Administration officials, Governor Tina Kotek of Oregon, Governor Kathy Hochul of New York, and Governor Maura Healey of Massachusetts along with tradeswomen, care advocates, and business community representatives convened for a Making Care Work event. Participants announced new actions that advance President Biden’s call to strengthen the nation’s Care Economy and discuss the importance of supportive services, including child care and long-term care, for building a skilled, diverse workforce.

To read the full fact sheet, click here. Watch the livestream here.

FACT SHEETS & READ OUTS: Biden-⁠Harris Administration Highlights Substantial Progress on the President’s Care Agenda During Month of Action on Care

During Care Workers Recognition Month, the Biden-Harris Administration is marking the progress we have made to make care more affordable for American families, support family caregivers, boost compensation and job quality for care workers, and expand care options. The President’s most recent budget proposes the following: affordable, high-quality child care and universal preschool; child tax credit; long-term care and family caregiving; and a national paid family and medical leave program.

To read the full fact sheet, click here.

On Tuesday, April 2nd, Tom Perez, Senior Advisor and Assistant to the President and Director of the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, and Jennifer Klein, Assistant to the President and Director of the Gender Policy Council, convened state leaders to discuss legislative efforts to pass paid family and medical leave for workers as well as to learn from states that have implemented successful programs.

To read the full White House readout, click here.On Thursday, April 11th, Senior Biden-Harris Administration officials hosted advocates from across the country, including early educators, home- and community-based care workers, family caregivers, veterans, people with disabilities, and older Americans. Participants in the convening highlighted the substantial progress the Biden-Harris Administration has made toward making care more affordable for American families, supporting family caregivers, boosting compensation and job quality for care workers, and expanding care options.  
As a part of Care Workers Recognition Month, the convening honored the coalition driving the care agenda in communities across the country and highlighted the stories of Americans from all care sectors: childcare, home- and community-based services for older Americans and people with disabilities, family caregivers, and paid family and medical leave.

To read the White House readout, click here.On Monday, April 22nd, Vice President Harris announced two landmark final rules that fulfill the President’s commitment to safety in care, improving access to long-term care and the quality of caregiving jobs. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect and to have access to quality care. Ensuring that all Americans, including older Americans and people with disabilities, have access to care – including home-based care – that is safe, reliable, and of high quality is an important part of the President’s agenda and a part of the President’s broader commitment to care. These announcements deliver on the President’s promise in the State of the Union to crack down on nursing homes that endanger resident safety as well as his historic Executive Order on Increasing Access to High-Quality Care and Supporting Caregivers, which included the most comprehensive set of executive actions any President has taken to improve care for millions of seniors and people with disabilities while supporting care workers and family caregivers.

To read the full White House fact sheet, click here.

Biden-Harris Administration Approach to Global Health

FACT SHEET: Biden-⁠Harris Administration Releases Strategy to Strengthen Global Health Security

The White House launched the U.S. Global Health Security Strategy (GHSS) to protect the health, lives, and economic well-being of the American people and people throughout the world. Building on progress achieved since 2019 and incorporating lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Global Health Security Strategy lays out a path to deliver on the goals in the 2022 National Biodefense Strategy and Implementation Plan and the bipartisan Global Health Security and International Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Act of 2022, which was enacted as part of the James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023

The 2024 U.S. Global Health Security Strategy sets out three goals to guide the United States’ affirmative agenda to advance global health security:

  • Strengthen Global Health Security Capacities through Bilateral Partnerships.

  • Catalyze Political Commitment, Financing, and Leadership to Achieve Health Security.

  • Increase Linkages Between Health Security and Complementary Programs to Maximize Impact.

To read the full fact sheet, click here.

FACT SHEET: Update on the United States Commitment to Expanding Access to Medicines Around the World

Since day one, Biden-Harris Administration has worked to ensure the United States is better prepared for the next pandemic. U.S. national security and prosperity depend on countries around the world being prepared to prevent outbreaks when possible, and to rapidly detect and respond to emerging infectious disease threats when they occur. 

The Biden-Harris Administration remains committed to expanding access to MCMs around the world, including through investments in innovation, research and development; building sustainable global manufacturing and supply chain capacity; providing vaccines, tests and treatments and support for their delivery; expanding pandemic response financing for MCMs; and strengthening legal and regulatory systems.

To read the full fact sheet, click here.

Reproductive Health: Statements from the President and Vice President on Protecting Reproductive Rights

Statement from President Joe Biden on Arizona Supreme Court Decision to Uphold Abortion Ban from 1864

Statement from President Joe Biden on Florida Supreme Court Decision
Remarks by Vice President Harris at a Reproductive Freedoms Organizing Event

FACT SHEET: Extreme House Republican Plan Would Cut Medicare and Social Security While Slashing Taxes for Big Corporations and the Wealthy

New state-by-state analysis shows how the Republican Study Committee budget would also worsen wait times for seniors who call for assistance with Medicare and Social Security

During his State of the Union Address, President Biden made clear that he will always stand up for America’s seniors and stand in the way of any Congressional Republicans who try to cut Social Security and Medicare. He laid out his vision for a future where we make the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share while protecting and strengthening these bedrock programs that hardworking Americans pay into their entire working lives.

Less than two weeks later, the Republican Study Committee—which speaks for 80% of House Republicans and 100% of their leadership—released an extreme budget that takes direct aim at Medicare and Social Security

To read the full fact sheet, click here.

White House Health Proclamations

Proclamation on Black Maternal Health Week

Proclamation on National Public Health Week

Proclamation on National Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Month

Proclamation on National Donate Life Month

HHS Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFO)

  • HRSA Nurse Corps Scholarship Program: Eligible nursing students can apply to the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program.  If accepted, HRSA will pay your tuition, fees, and other educational costs, along with a monthly stipend. In return, after you graduate, you work at an eligible health care facility with a critical shortage of nurses (critical shortage facility).  You are eligible if you are a U.S. citizen (born or naturalized), a national, or a lawful permanent resident; are an accepted or enrolled student in a nursing degree program at a United States accredited school of nursing; begin classes no later than September 30; don’t have any federal judgment liens; don’t have an existing service commitment; and aren’t overdue on a federal debt.  The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program application is open now through May 2, 7:30 p.m. ET.  For more information, visit HRSA’s website.

  • Opioid-Impacted Family Support Program (OIFSP): 
    The Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) Opioid-Impacted Family Support Program (OIFSP) supports training programs that increase the skills and knowledge of peer support specialists and other behavioral health-related paraprofessionals who provide services to families affected by opioid use disorders and other substance use disorders. Additionally, the program focuses on supporting children and adolescents in high-need and high-demand areas who have experienced trauma and are at risk for mental health disorders.  HRSA will award approximately $16.8 million to up to 28 grantees over a period of four years through this funding opportunity. Eligible applicants include state-licensed mental health nonprofit and for-profit organizations, such as universities, community colleges, and technical schools; domestic community-based organizations; and tribes and tribal organizations.  Applications are due by May 6, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. ET. You can find more information here.  

  • Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program (CCP): The CCP is a short-term disaster relief grant for states, U.S. territories, and federally recognized tribes. CCP grants are awarded after a presidential disaster declaration. CCP funding supports community-based outreach, counseling, and other mental health services to survivors of natural and human-caused disasters. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. For more information, visit here.

  • Emergency Community Water Assistance Grants: This program helps eligible communities prepare, or recover from, an emergency that threatens the availability of safe, reliable drinking water. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. For more information, visit here.

The White House Online

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Wednesday, April 24, 2024


North America’s Building Trades Unions (NABTU) Endorsed Joe Biden for Reelection

  • Today, in one of their earliest ever presidential endorsements, North America’s Building Trades Unions (NABTU) endorsed Joe Biden for reelection. 

  • Following the endorsement, the unions will kick off an eight-figure organizing program to mobilize their 250,000 members in the battlegrounds of PA, MI and WI.

  • As NABTU’s president said, Joe is “the perfect leader at the perfect time for this country and the working men and women who have built it.” 

  • In their endorsement, NABTU cited Donald Trump’s broken promises, and praised Joe Biden’s work to rebuild our nation’s infrastructure and the American middle class. Here’s the contrast:

    • Donald Trump looked union leaders in the eyes and promised to save their hard-earned pensions – he lied. President Biden actually got it done, helping save the pensions of hundreds of thousands of union workers and retirees.

    • While Donald Trump stacked his administration with anti-union officials who weakened worker protections and made it harder to organize, President Biden has built investments and union protections into his administration's accomplishments. 

    • After Trump turned “infrastructure week” into a punchline and failed to deliver on his promises, President Biden delivered transformative infrastructure legislation that is helping create thousands of new, good-paying union jobs. 

    • After Trump’s Tax Scam gifted billions to his wealthy pals and big corporations at the expense of working families, President Biden is fighting to cut taxes for hardworking Americans and make the super rich finally pay their fair share. 

    • After Donald Trump undermined union-supported registered apprenticeship programs, President Biden is strengthening, modernizing, and expanding them. 

  • The bottom line: NABTU knows that Joe has their back, and they have his. And now they’re getting to work.

President Biden Underscores Stakes of 2024 on Reproductive Freedoms in Florida

  • Yesterday, about a week before Florida’s more extreme abortion ban – which will impact the entire southeastern United States – goes into effect, President Biden gave remarks in Tampa on the stakes of this election for reproductive freedom across the country. 

  • The speech came as Trump and his allies have plans to ban abortion nationwide, while Trump brags that he is “proudly the person responsible” for overturning Roe and says that overturning it – and the extreme abortion bans that resulted – is “working the way it is supposed to.”

  • According to Trump, “working the way it is supposed to” means:

    • 1 in 3 women of reproductive age now live under an abortion ban.

    • Women are being turned away from emergency rooms, forced to go to court to seek permission for the medical attention they need, and left to travel hundreds of miles for health care. 

    • Doctors threatened with prosecution for doing their jobs.

    • Access to fertility treatments at risk for families desperately trying to get pregnant.

  • Just last week, Trump’s MAGA allies in Arizona once again blocked the repeal of the state’s extreme abortion ban from 1864 that has no exceptions for health, rape, or incest. 

  • Trump wants to make what is happening in Arizona and Florida a reality in all 50 states:

    • Trump has promised “to be leading the charge” in getting a national abortion ban passed.

    • Trump has said there should be “punishment” for women who have an abortion.

    • And Trump’s close advisors and allies have a comprehensive strategy to rip away access to reproductive health care, including banning medication abortion and restricting access to contraception, without the help of Congress.

  • With reproductive freedom on the ballot in November, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are fighting like hell to get women’s freedoms back.


Please see below for key content we would appreciate your help in amplifying:

CNN: Biden scores major union backing as its leaders attack Trump

MSNBC: 'Donald Trump is incapable of running anything': Union slams Trump in new ad

USA Today: Biden puts Trump on trial in Florida over state's six-week abortion ban

NBC News: Biden: Trump 'bragged' about overturning Roe v. Wade

Arizona Republic: 'Trump failed, Biden delivered' on infrastructure in Arizona, Biden campaign will argue

Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Biden campaign adds 10 new offices across Pennsylvania

@BidenHQ: President Biden: Trump says state abortion bans are working “brilliantly." There’s a six-week ban in Florida, before women know they're pregnant. Is that brilliant? Look at Arizona. That goes all the way back to 1864, before women had the right to vote. Trump has already taken us back 160 years. It should be a constitutional right, and it shouldn't matter where you live. It’s not about states' rights, it’s about women's rights

@atrupar: Biden on a national abortion ban: "As long as I have the power of the presidency, it's never going to happen."

@axios: "Don't inject bleach. And don't vote for the guy who told you to inject bleach," Biden tweeted.

He mocked Trump over his infamous suggestion that COVID could be treated with an "injection" of disinfectant.

@gardnerakayla: An off-script moment in Florida: a @UPS employee tells @JoeBiden "the only reason I have a pension is because of you." He adds: "You stood strong with us and we'll stand strong with you, sir."


Want to help amplify the DNC’s message online? Join Reach to start receiving daily content updates and access to graphics and videos. Click HERE to join via desktop or mobile app.

Please note that individuals working for independent expenditures or Democratic primary campaign candidates are ineligible to join the DNC’s Reach.

Hi there – Here are five stories from the states that we would appreciate your help in amplifying, including President Biden slamming Trump’s MAGAnomics agenda during his swing through Pennsylvania and blasting Trump’s extreme abortion ban in Florida one week before it goes into effect, North Carolina veterans hammering Trump ahead of the rally he had planned in Wilmington, and Vice President Harris condemning Trump’s role in abortion bans across the country.

Also as Black Maternal Health Week came to a close, Kansas Democrats highlighted Trump’s worsening of the crisis as President Biden and Vice President Harris work to address this critical issue.

  1. Philadelphia Tribune:

In North Philadelphia appearance, Biden paints contrast between himself and Trump

Key Point: “Biden painted the contrast between himself and Donald Trump for the upcoming election. ‘Donald Trump’s vision is one of anger, hate, revenge and retribution,’ Biden warned, referencing his opponent’s own words that threaten the tenets of free governance. ‘I have a very different view of America. We have hope and optimism, like I hope all of you do, the optimism Bobby Kennedy embodied.’ … White spoke to that optimism by highlighting the results delivered by the Biden campaign, including 2.5 million jobs for Black workers created in his first term, 60% growth in Black wealth, and Black child poverty reduced by 50%. He also said the Biden administration has appointed more Black women to federal judgeships than all prior administrations combined.”


Tweet This Article2. Star News: Ahead of Donald Trump rally, local veterans, elected officials voice support for Joe Biden

Key Point: “Cain, a U.S. Army veteran and former North Carolina assistant secretary for military affairs, calls it his ‘going to war’ hat -- it got him through three deployments in Iraq. It's the hat he pulls out ‘when it's time to get serious.’ ‘I'm a military veteran, a father, a feminist and an educator,’ Cain said. ‘And what we need in this state is to get Joe Biden elected as president and to not have Donald Trump anywhere near this state. Unfortunately, he's here today.’ Cain was among a group of local elected officials and veterans that gathered in Wilmington on Saturday ahead of the former president and presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee's visit to the city. … The group largely spoke against Trump's views on reproductive care and voiced support for the Democratic presidential nominee, President Joe Biden.”


Tweet This Article3. WFLA: ‘We’re going to hold Trump accountable’: President Biden speaks on abortion rights at Tampa campaign stop

Key Point: “Speaking at Hillsborough Community College, Biden addressed those who feel defeated among the alleged ‘backslide’ of women’s rights and believe it’s ‘inevitable.’ … The President called Florida’s six-week abortion ban ‘one of the nation’s most extreme anti-abortion laws.’ … Biden slammed Trump and Republicans nationwide for efforts to ban IVF and birth control after the Supreme Court overturned Roe, a decision that stood for 50 years. ‘Now in America today, in 2024, women have fewer rights than their mothers and grandmothers had, because of Donald Trump,’ Biden said. Biden promised to veto a nationwide abortion ban if one reached his desk. He urged women to use their electoral ‘power’ to vote out anti-abortion candidates.”
 Tweet This Article4. Wisconsin State Journal: In Wisconsin, Kamala Harris ties Donald Trump to Republicans' ongoing abortion challenge

Key Point: “Underscoring the continuing role abortion plays in Democrats’ plan for the fall election, Vice President Kamala Harris told supporters in La Crosse Monday that Wisconsinites’ ‘fundamental principles and ideals’ will be on the ballot after the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark decision struck down Roe v. Wade nearly two years ago. ‘There is a direct nexus between where we are on this subject and elections,’ Harris said at a campaign event at the La Crosse Center following an announcement earlier in the day that the Biden administration would start requiring nursing homes to abide by minimum staffing levels and have a registered nurse available around the clock. ‘And on this subject in particular, there is a clear line between where we are now and who is to blame.’”


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  1. Kansas City Star:

GOP war on women’s rights hits Black moms especially hard. Kansas, we can do better | Opinion

Key Point: “Donald Trump has normalized extremism and has set the precedent that our freedoms aren’t guaranteed. When he was in office, he sabotaged Medicaid expansion across the country, proposed cuts to Medicaid and has promised that he’ll ‘totally kill’ the Affordable Care Act if elected to a second term — which would rip insurance coverage from more than 3 million Black Americans. And let’s not forget: Trump appointed the three Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v. Wade, creating a reproductive health crisis. In fact, 68% of OB-GYNs say the fall of Roe has worsened their ability to manage pregnancy-related emergencies. Black women are losing their lives at a disproportionate rate because of it.”

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