April 16, 2024 Executive Committee Meeting Recap

Dear DNC Member,

I hope your week is off to a wonderful start. As we previously shared, the Executive Committee of the DNC met on April 16 in Chicago, Illinois, alongside the meeting of the Association of State Democratic Committees. Thank you to those who joined us for a very productive meeting and tour of the Convention facilities.

We wanted to provide a brief recap of the meeting for all DNC members. You can find a summary of the meeting below.

In addition, we wanted to notify you that the Rules & Bylaws Committee will meet
virtually tomorrow, Tuesday, April 30, at 6:00 p.m. ET. You can watch the livestream of the
meeting on the DNC’s YouTube channel here.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact my office or me.




Jason Rae (he/him/his)


Democratic National Committee


Summary from the 2024 April Executive Committee Meeting


The DNC Executive Committee met on Tuesday, April 16 in Chicago, Illinois. We were honored to have a few special guests join us to kick off the meeting and give remarks, including a welcome from Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson.

Following the welcome from Mayor Johnson, we heard from the Democratic Governors Association represented by Governor Walz and from Lieutenant Governor Flanagan, who provided an update on the Democratic Lieutenant Governors Association. We also heard updates from Commissioner Dave Woodward with the National Democratic County Officials and Councilor Angela Rogensues with the Democratic Municipal Officials, who both detailed their organizations’ efforts to elect Democrats to local, county, and municipal offices. Our sister committees are all hard at work to ensure Democrats are represented across the country. 

During the Executive Committee Meeting, the Committee voted to elect Chair Harrison’s nominations for the 2024 National Convention Standing Committees. These nominations represent the diversity of perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences that make up our Party. You can find a description of each of the Convention Standing Committees here, and you can find a list of the Chair’s Standing Committee Co-Chairs and Members here

In addition, the Executive Committee heard presentations from the Democratic National Convention Committee on the preparations underway for our Convention in August. We also heard from Deputy Campaign Manager for the Biden-Harris campaign, Rob Flaherty, on the campaign’s digital strategy and DNC Senior Advisor Nick Bauer on the work to counter third party candidates.

Finance Chair Chris Korge reported that the Biden Victory Fund raised a historic high of $187 million through grassroots donors in the first quarter alone, $90 million of which was raised in March. 

ASDC President Martin announced that states are moving towards completion of their delegate selection processes and will soon shift their focus to the National Convention and November 5th election. Ken also shared that ASDC has never been stronger and will be crucial in electing Democrats across the ballot. 

The Committee heard from Vice Chair Henry Munoz who shared that the DNC and Biden-Harris campaign have also deeply invested in the Latino community, with the relaunching of the Presidente Council and creation of Latinos con Biden. 

Secretary Rae reported that his Office is hard at work preparing for the 2024 Democratic National Convention, as they are tasked with the certification of all 5,394 convention participants. The certification process will take place over the next three months. He also notified members that his team will be in touch with all DNC members in the upcoming weeks asking for information to complete their convention participant profile and asked that they respond as soon as possible. He also reminded attendees that our next full DNC membership meeting will convene the morning of Friday, August 23rd, following the Convention in Chicago. 

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