February 2020 Newsletter
Global Presidential Primary: Find a Voting Center near you
Voter protection: The challenge for 2020
2020 DPCA Global Convention: You’re invited!
"The other side shall be heard as well." - Seneca Podcast series sheds light on casting our votes
ERA update - Call Congress to remove the artificial deadline
“Do you really believe that life is fair, Senor de la Vega?"
Members of the Hamilton/Burlington/Niagara and Toronto DA chapters met with Chris Fahey (second from left) and Bonnie Kane Lockwood (third from right), staff members for Representative Brian Higgins (26th district, NY), to talk about tax implications for Americans abroad. | “The majority of us aren’t making millions or trying to hide our money in secret Swiss bank accounts. We just want to live simple, ordinary lives. The amount of stress that comes along with the U.S. tax system is overwhelming. It is extremely complicated and expensive to navigate. We live with a real burden that Americans living in the U.S. simply don’t understand.” – Michigan voter living in the UK Seven members of the Hamilton/Burlington/Niagara and Toronto chapters drove to Buffalo in late January to meet with the staff of U.S. Congressman Brian Higgins, 26th District of New York. (Close to 200 DA members in Ontario vote in his district.) The subject: taxes, taxes, taxes. At a round table with Bonnie Kane Lockwood, Higgins’ director of special projects, and Chris Fahey, the congressman’s deputy chief of staff for special projects, DA members presented their case. Weighing in via teleconferencing from Australia was Carmelan Polce, chair of DA’s Taxation Task Force. Ken Sherman, past chair of the Hamilton/Burlington chapter and member of the Democratic National Committee, explained that Americans living abroad must file taxes both in the U.S. and in Canada. “There are over 6.5 million Americans like us who are suffering serious personal and financial harm because we are subjected to taxation both in the United States – even if we have no U.S.-sourced income – and in Canada where we live. Most of us are filing zero-dollar tax returns in the U.S.” Click here to read more on DemsAbroad Canada's efforts to support global lobbying on tax rights. |
Global Women's Caucus news
Roaring into the 20's Raising awareness around climate-friendly candidates, policies, lifestyle and the special role women can play will be the over-arching goal for DA’s Global Women’s Caucus in 2020. Join the Women’s Caucus – http://www.democratsabroad.org/wc -- and “help propel a ‘blue-green’ wave of new leaders into power on election day!” says Ann Hesse, chair, Democrats Abroad Global Women’s Caucus. Save the date to save the earth! Trash clean-ups, clothing swap meets, packets of “bee-friendly” wildflower seeds handed out with VoteFromAbroad labels. The Global Women’s Caucus Climate Team is teeming with ideas on how to mark the 50th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22. Whether it’s partnering with climate organizations or sponsoring a Dems Abroad event, there will be many ways to mark this important day. Check your DA chapter’s website and FaceBook page for details. |
"Justice cannot be for one side alone, but must be for both."
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Chapter Spotlight: Edmonton builds community
The Edmonton chapter never holds an event without red, white, and blue balloons. | Since Kimberly Johnson took over as chapter chair of DA’s Edmonton chapter last March, it’s been one surprise after another. First, that students at the city’s post-secondary schools – Edmonton boasts two main universities, plus tech and community colleges – would become the chapter’s base. “We have a fair chunk of international staff and students,” explains Kimberly, who teaches a unique combination of art, science and medical history at the University of Alberta. “We basically do voter registration all year long on campus.” Also surprising, she says, has been “finding out how many Canadian-born kids with American parents we now have as members who didn’t even realize they were able to vote. The worse things get, the more excited people are to discover this!” Realizing after the 2016 election that “there were no sidelines left to sit on any more,” Kimberly stepped up as chapter chair after serving as head of communications. “I’m still running our Instagram account. With only three of us in leadership, we run Edmonton with a skeleton crew.” Even so, the chapter hosts an ambitious roster of events from regular debate watches to postcard-writing sessions to Thanksgiving dinners. “We also do what we call Sanity Sessions,” Kimberly explains. “We had one right after the Kavanaugh nomination.” Held in a campus pub, these are a “big source of relief and comradeship. People just want to talk to somebody, for someone to say, ‘No, this is not normal. We’re all worried.’” Click here to read more about how Edmonton is building community. |
Volunteer Spotlight: Riley takes on the Maritimes
Riley Nielson-Baker, chair of the re-activated Atlantic Provinces chapter, is working to extend DA membership to places like Wolfville, Nova Scotia. | After moving to Halifax from Coral Springs, Florida, six months ago to pursue a master’s degree in public administration, Riley Nielson-Baker emailed Democrats Abroad, asking, “Hey, is there an active chapter here?” When told there wasn’t, Riley answered, “Well, there’s going to be.” Since the new chapter hosted its first debate watch last August, it’s been all systems go. “There was no shortage of pubs to choose from for a debate watch,” laughs Riley. “Halifax boasts the largest number of pubs per capita in North America!” Six months in, DA’s Maritimes chapter now numbers 620 members in all four Atlantic provinces: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI, and Newfoundland. “We’re all one chapter,” Riley explains, “though most of us are in and around Halifax. We’re working on adding representatives from the other regions.” It’s adding up in terms of participation, too, with high attendance at meetings and new volunteers stepping up in new positions. Riley’s especially encouraged by the “big spike in our chapter’s membership, beginning on New Year’s Day,” and with the response to a panel the chapter held in December at Dalhousie University on political culture under Trump. For sure, there are hurdles, especially getting on the radar of local media, “getting our voice heard.” Personally, there’s the work/life balance challenge since Riley is not only chapter chair during an election year, but also a full-time grad student and a volunteer for both the national and provincial chapters of the NDP in Halifax. “It’s hard to not do everything.” Click here to read more on how Riley's motivation is re-energizing the Atlantic Provinces chapter. |
New how-to video on phone-banking
Phone-banking has proven to be one of the most effective Get Out the Vote tools in our Democrats Abroad arsenal. Learn how to become a successful phone-banker with a new phone-banking training video. If you haven't tried phone-banking previously watch the video to see how simple it is when you're calling members of DA: www.democratsabroad.org/phonebanking |
“Justice based purely on laws is about as accurate a portrait created out of large low-resolution color pixels.
If you stand back far enough it looks good. Justice should be viewable under the microscope. And for that it
needs to be based not on law but on truth." - Vera Nazarian
Mark your February & March calendars
With the Iowa Caucus and New Hampshire Primary behind us, it’s time to rev up for the next two intense months of primaries and debates: February 19: Ninth Democratic Primary Debate (Las Vegas, Nevada) February 22: Nevada Democratic Caucuses February 25: Tenth Democratic Primary Debate (Charleston, South Carolina) February 29: South Carolina Democratic Primary March 3: Super Tuesday! Primaries in: Alabama, Arkansas, American Samoa, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia and Democrats Abroad (our primary runs through March 10) March 10: Idaho, Michigan, Missouri, Mississippi and Washington Primaries, North Dakota Caucus March 15: Eleventh Democratic Primary Debate (Phoenix, Arizona) March 17: Arizona, Florida, Illinois and Ohio Primaries March 23: Results of Democrats Abroad Global Presidential Primary announced March 24: Georgia Primary March 28: Puerto Rico Primary Check your local chapter's website and FaceBook page for news of debate-watch gatherings in your area. |
DemsAbroad Canada chapters & volunteers in action
Debate #7 – The first Mississauga debate watch drew Dems Abroad members from Mississauga, Hamilton, Brampton, and Oakville. | London-area Dems Abroad members will soon be distributing lawn signs to give next month’s Global Presidential Primary a boost. | Not above the law -- Bitter cold didn’t faze members of the Toronto and Hamilton chapters from raising signs and voices across from the U.S. Consulate on Dec. 17, the evening before Congress filed articles of impeachment for Donald J. Trump. |
We can’t win in 2020 without you. It takes a village to do all the things we need to do. There are many opportunities for volunteers available: - Phone banking Please send an email to DemsAbroad Canada Volunteer Manager Jamey Shick and indicate which area you'd like more information on. |
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Visit us on the Web Please consider making a donation to support our 2020 Get Out the Vote Efforts |
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