Phone Number Formatting

Phone Number Formatting

Guidance on Formatting Phone Numbers in DA Membership Database

If we don't have accurate and usable phone numbers in our database then we can't reach our members for verification or to keep them informed of important voting deadlines. We need to be able to reach our members both through direct member-to-member dialing and with automated phone-banking dialing tools, like CallHub.

How to format and fix phone numbers in the DA NationBuilder database

Here's how to enter or edit a phone number in our database to make certain that it’s internationally usable for both humans and calling services. A phone number in our database should always:

  • begin with " + " immediately followed by the country code ...
  • then a single space [ SP ]...
  • then the destination/carrier/region code (with no leading zero)...
  • SP ...
  • then the rest of the digits, optionally with spaces according to local custom...
  • with no letters, no parentheses, no dots, and no hyphens

So, each number should be in the following format:

+ {country code} SP {destination code} SP {remaining digits}

+ {country code} SP {destination code} SP {remaining digits, spaced locally}

Some examples:

+33 1 23456789 (the minimum necessary)

+33 1 23 45 67 89 (local custom)

+44 12 3456789 (minimum)

+44 12 345 67 89 (local custom)

You can use the following on-line tool to check or reformat phone numbers singly or by uploading lists of them.


We are using what is displayed here as the "International format".

More details and examples of how to ensure that member phone numbers are valid and usable are provided on the following page:

What's a "usable" phone number and why do we need them?

On-line Phone Number Formatting Tool

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