MOV-CC PhoneTool Report Request Form

MOV-CC PhoneTool Report Request Form

Request a Local Country Committee PhoneTool Report

A PhoneTool Report provides a Country Committee with an easy to review list of member's phone numbers with labeling that identifies numbers that are incorrectly formatted or likely Invalid.

  1. Use the form below to request a PhoneTool Report for your country committee.

  2. Send any additional questions to our DA PhoneTool HelpDesk: phonetool-helpdesk@democratsabroad.org
    (Please use a descriptive Subject line in your e-mail. For example: "Estonia PhoneTool Report request")

  3. See below for a summary of instructions on correcting numbers in the PhoneTool Report

Updated: 28 Nov 2018

Instructions for making corrections to numbers in the PhoneTool Report

Please give the linked Google Sheet a close review, and let us know if you think the green standardized/normalized numbers are OK to be loaded into the NationBuilder Membership database.


Any changes should be entered in the blue phone_number or mobile_number columns.

There are 5 reporting columns for each phone type in the database: Phone (landline), Mobile, Work, Fax:

  1. phone_number ” ( blue highlight) – the number as currently listed in the database – this is the column where you will enter any phone number corrections
  2. phone_upd ” – proposed action for modifying the number
  3. phone_validity (orange highlight) – whether the number is interpreted as Valid, Likely Invalid, Invalid, or else is a mobile number to be deleted from landline field and moved to the mobile field
    (Please do not enter the same number in multiple fields. Mobile numbers in the "phone" (landline) field will be deleted and moved to the Mobile field.)
  4. phone_normalized (green highlight) – the new phone number format after analysis and processing by the program
  5. phone_type ”: Landline, Mobile, or VOIP

(Note: many members do actively use US-based +1 phone numbers as their valid phone number, so don’t always assume that a +1 number is wrong.)

*Making phone number corrections in Google Sheets:

There are 2 columns where you can make corrections in the spreadsheet.

  1. Column D: phone_number
  2. Column I:  mobile_number

Each of these columns is highlighted in BLUE .

If you find numbers where you can identify what needs to be corrected to possibly make a Valid number, please make those corrections DIRECTLY in the spreadsheet, in the appropriate blue column (once again, don’t enter the same number in multiple fields).

Only Use Country Code Prefix, not "+" (plus) symbol

When you manually type a corrected number, please use this format:

  • Start the number with the the Country Code Prefix, followed by a Space [SP]

{country code} [SP] {destination code} [ SP] {remaining digits}
e.g.: 52 415 234 5678 or 36 70 234 5678 or 1 202 234 5678

Google sheets (like other spreadsheets) will give an "Error" message if you type in the "+" sign into a cell.
The PhoneTool program will automatically add the "+" sign to the number when it is updated in NationBuilder.

Please highlight any changes you make in RED for us.

What will happen when you inform us that you have finished your review:

  1. The IT Team will process any manual changes that you have made in the Google Sheet
  2. The IT Team will update the NationBuilder database with all of the corrected phone numbers.

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