Best Practices for Admins

Best Practices for Admins


  • NEVER share your login with anyone.
  • Never put the password in an email to ANYONE, including Helpdesk.
  • Never write to helpdesk with both the login and password in the same message.
  • Let helpdesk know as soon as someone should no longer be admin for your country/chapter.  
    We will delete the login, and make any necessary password changes.
  • Use your assigned INFO-COUNTRY login for Email Blasts or Membership administration, and your PERSONAL email login for News and Event posting.



    • Do not retain lists of your country/chapter members for longer than one month.
    • Always make sure your list is password protected.
    • Do not store your spreadsheets on a public drive or public computer.
    • If you store your lists on a network drive (for example, DropBox, ICloud or Google Drive) make sure that access control to both the documents and the drive itself is strictly controlled.
      • In other words, please don't store your member list in the same Dropbox/Google Drive folder that you share with your spouse and kids as well as anyone on your local committee.
      • Use a separate folder that is only available to DA volunteers who need access, such as your Chair or your Secretary.



    • ANYONE with access to members’ data (spreadsheet, paper list etc.) must have a confidentiality agreement on file. People who have submitted a form to global DA are tagged with “Confidentiality Signed” in the database.
    • Keep track of who you share spreadsheets with, even if they are lists on paper. Remind them that they are forbidden from using this information beyond DA purposes (membership check, phonebanking, voter registration). When they no longer need the spreadsheet have them return the list to you and, if relevant, ask them to certify that they have deleted all copies of the data.


Email Blasts/Mass Mailings

  • ALL email blasts (mass mailings) must be sent from Nation Builder.
    • This includes:  Monthly newsletters, event announcements, sub-group meeting announcements - ANYTHING that is not a response to an individual member question or email.
    • WHY:  This ensures that emails are only sent to current members, and not people who have changed their minds about membership - in DA, or your chapter or caucus.

Individual Emails

  • As much as possible, write and/or reply to individual members from their member record in the database.
  • In all replies and messages, clearly identify your DA role in your Sender name, also in your email signature, along with your DA forwarding address, if you have one.
  • If you receive replies from members in your own mailbox, delete the replies once they are no longer needed.


These requests need to be acted on within 48 hours. 

  1. If a member asks to be deleted from the database, please ensure they aren't just moving to another country and want to be members there.   If they don't respond to your inquiry after 48 hours:
    1. Send an email to GDPR-HelpDesk@democratsabroad.org with the name and member number of the person who wishes to be deleted and a copy of the deletion request correspondence. THIS IS CRUCIAL.
    2. Add the tag "delete member" to the member's record. (Note: use this exact tag - no uppercase or underscore/dash between the 2 words!)
    3. Make sure you no longer have any data on this person on your computer or email program.

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