Do's and Dont's under GDPR
Do's and Dont's under GDPR
DO'S!! | DON'TS |
Keep your members' information as up-to-date as possible. | Change their location based on Facebook, LinkedIn, social media, or any other online services, databases, or directories. |
When a member contacts you with new information, update relevant information like address, email address, phone numbers, etc. | Store unnecessary or random information in the database under notes or any other field. i.e. "Member lives with partner and their brother's name is Adam." |
Send monthly updates or meeting notices as email blasts using Nationbuilder. | Send monthly updates or meeting notices from your personal email address. |
Answer any individual member email from the personal email account that you use to receive the info-xx email alias. | Send ANY unsolicited emails, text messages, or social media private/direct messages to your members from your personal email address or personal accounts. Unsolicited in this case means messages that are NOT a response to a member query sent via email/facebook/twitter/etc. |
Use Facebook (Public Posting on CC or Chapter pages) and Nationbuilder to communicate with Members. | Start using the latest, hottest messaging systems with your member groups (like Slack, WhatsApp or WeChat.) |
Phone bank/call members who are expiring if email outreach does not work. Use only the contact information that is provided by the member in the database, do not call members that are marked "Do Not Call" | Call a member using phone numbers that are not listed in the member's database records. Do not use phone numbers and contact information from other sources which we do not have permission to utilize (Facebook, LinkedIn, White Pages, etc.). |
Inform IT ASAP of any member who wants to be deleted. | Save that person's email address or other information "just in case". |
ASK if you have ANY questions. We might not even have an answer, but we will help you find one! Email us at helpdesk@democratsabroad.org. | Decide it is all too complicated and start saving all your member information on your own computer, or in a notebook somewhere at home. This is definitely not compliant with your Confidentiality Agreement AND GDPR. |
Keep Calm and Carry On ... doing the amazing work that you are doing! |
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