DA-CCEP -- revised March 2019

DA-CCEP -- revised March 2019

Democrats Abroad Country Committee Election Procedures: DA-CCEP (revised March 2019)

Revised update of the DA-CCEP

An update to the Democrats Abroad Country Committee Election Procedures (DA-CCEP) providing guidance on the standards for holding an election of Country Committee officers.

The following Election Procedures are considered the minimum standard for Democrats Abroad Country Committee (CC) officer elections.

  1. CC elections should be held in the first half of every odd numbered year.

  2. An independent Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC) of at least 3 CC members shall conduct the elections.

  3. NEC members may not be candidates for office.

  4. Notice of elections should be distributed not less than 30-days prior to the election.

  5. Voters must be members of DA in the local CC prior to the election.

  6. Members must be residents of the country (see section 5.2).

  7. Absentee voting precludes nominations from the floor for any position for which there is a declared candidate.

  8. Proxies, if allowed, are limited to two per person, and are not transferable.

  9. Ballots should be counted publicly or with observers present.

  10. Results of an election should be promptly announced.

  11. Challenges to an election must be raised to the NEC within 30 days.

  12. Election results must be sent to the International Secretary and RVC within 15 days after the election.

  13. A copy of current CC Bylaws must be sent to the International Secretary, RVC, and Counsel by 31 January of each year, and immediately subsequent to any revision.


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