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Tips and Guidance for in-room WebEx Moderators

At times, such as our Global DPCA Meetings, we need to combine remote WebEx participation with a gathering of people in a conference meeting room.

Participants in a meeting room can easily forget about the remote participants on WebEx. Having one or more dedicated WebEx moderators will help keep the meeting together and create a more positive experience for everyone.

These Moderator Tips are intended to provide orientation and guidance to moderators who may be new to WebEx and help them to create a successful and productive meeting.


Moderating the Meeting

  • Test your pc/workstation prior to the meeting. Ensure the audio works.  Use a headset where possible
  • login to the WebEx meeting using "Moderator" in your name – so people know what roll you are playing, and can turn to you for support
  • keep active discussion going in the WebEx chat box so that people know you are there
  • enforce the **Hand Up to "Everyone" in the chat box rule to keep a clear indication of who is in the Queue to speak next
  • provide a regular update of the names of people in the Queue by retyping the list in the chat box
  • don't let the people in the room forget about the WebEx participants – you are there to represent them and speak for them in the room
  • keep all participants on MUTE if they are not speaking to the meeting
  • -
  • -help ensure that participants that are having technical issues do not derail the meeting
  • you may need to type questions to the speaker into the chat area so that everyone can understand what's being said

Hardware and Technical Setup
