Blog from May, 2024

Dear DNC Member, 

Please see below for a memo from the Biden-Harris campaign about their actions ahead of the Presidential Debate in Atlanta, Georgia on June 27. 


Jason Rae (he/him/his)


Democratic National Committee


When Donald Trump was president, he made it his personal mission to try and rip health care away from millions of Americans. He gifted tax breaks to billionaires on the backs of the middle class. He lost more American jobs than any president in nearly a century. He called the heroes who gave their lives for our country “suckers” and “losers.” And when the country needed leadership amid a once-in-a-lifetime crisis, he tear gassed citizens and encouraged Americans to inject themselves with bleach to ward off COVID, while hundreds of thousands of Americans died as he mismanaged the pandemic.

But that was just the beginning.

When Trump lost the 2020 election, he snapped.

He tried desperately to cling to power, and encouraged a violent assault on our nation’s Capitol, cheering on a mob that threatened to hang his own vice president. He calls those January 6 insurrectionists “patriots.” He takes credit any chance he gets for overturning Roe v. Wade and ripping away the freedom for women to make their own health care decisions – and he would go even further in a second term, supporting punishing women and banning abortion nationwide. He constantly echoes the words of dictators and invokes the language of Nazi Germany – embracing political violence on the stump, warning of a “bloodbath” if he loses again, and pledging to rule as a dictator on “day one.”

This is the Trump agenda in 2024. And on June 27, it will be on full display in primetime for the American people to see in 4K. Joe Biden will hold Donald Trump accountable for all of it on the debate stage – and he’s raring to go.

This road to the Atlanta debate begins in earnest today with “Snapped,” the campaign’s newest ad, which features two-time Academy Award-winning actor Robert De Niro. Airing on national TV, in local markets, and digitally across every battleground state, the ad highlights how Trump’s unhinged pursuit of revenge and retribution has only grown since he lost the 2020 election. While he was out of control as president, he is running to go further: threatening to be a dictator, calling to terminate the Constitution, and warning of a “bloodbath” if he loses.

As President Biden said last week when he challenged Donald Trump to debate, the President has a list of things he’d like to talk to Trump about:

  1. How Trump was the architect of the repeal of Roe – and wants to go even further in a second term;

  2. How Trump attacks our democracy, continues to embrace political violence, and spreads conspiracies about the election he lost, and plans to punish his enemies, silence his opponents, and incite more chaos, division, and violence if he regains power;

  3. And how his economic plans, from his billionaire tax giveaways to his plans to gut Social Security and Medicare, would make him and his friends richer and jack up costs for the middle class – the same fraudulent and self-centered approach he’s taken his entire life.

In the month leading up to that first debate, the Biden-Harris campaign will zero in on Trump’s dangerous campaign promises and unhinged rhetoric. We will make sure that the voters who will decide this election are reminded of the chaos and harm Trump caused as president – and why they booted him out four years ago. Trump and his lagging campaign will be left to explain to voters why he embraces political violence, brags about abortion bans, threatens to repeal the Affordable Care Act and cut Social Security and Medicare, and puts greedy corporations and himself over American workers again and again.

Team Biden-Harris will drive these key themes across the entire campaign in the lead-up to the debate, including through new paid media efforts, earned media opportunities, and on the ground organizing and battleground events to bring the stakes of this election to every voter who will decide it.

The campaign will organize around key moments, including:

  • The anniversary of the Dobbs decision, which took reproductive freedoms away from millions of women, which Trump says he's "proud" to have done.

  • The anniversary of the Pulse nightclub shooting, where a weapon of war was used to murder 49 people – a tragedy to any normal person, but to Trump just something we should all just “get over”

And while we focus on these key issues in the run-up to Atlanta, Team Biden-Harris will also continue to bolster its outreach and organizing programs around other mobilizing issues with the communities that will decide this election.

All the while, we should expect Team Trump to do what it does best: nothing. Their bare-bones campaign would take a few Truth Social rants with a MAGA rally sprinkled in over having their candidate out there talking about the issues that Americans care most about. Because when Trump’s abortion-banning, billionaire-shilling, election-denying agenda is on the ballot, it’s a loser. Just like him

As we head into the summer, the choice between Joe Biden and Donald Trump – between a leader who fights for everyday Americans and a chaos agent waging a self-obsessed campaign of revenge and retribution – is continuing to crystallize for voters. And the stakes are painfully clear: Our fundamental rights and freedoms, our economic opportunities, and our health care are all on the line.

While the stakes of this election are clear, so is the case for Joe Biden. He is prepared to bring that case to the American people in Atlanta on June 27. Donald Trump said he would debate any time, anywhere, any place – and now he can hear it for himself. If he shows up.



Paid for by Biden for President

Hi there – Here are five stories from the states that we would appreciate your help in amplifying, including President Biden traveling to New Hampshire where he continued to deliver for our nation’s veterans,  First Lady Jill Biden and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff rallying for reproductive freedom in Michigan, and, in contrast, Republicans alienating voters through their extreme agenda of attacking health care and reproductive rights, while flailing in their outreach efforts to voters. 

  1. New Hampshire Bulletin:

Biden touts PACT Act benefits for veterans in Nashua visit

Key Point: “President Joe Biden was in New Hampshire Tuesday to talk up his efforts to expand health benefits for veterans, most notably the PACT Act, which he signed into law two years ago. … The PACT Act legislation expands health care benefits for veterans exposed to burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic substances. It adds more than 20 ‘presumptive’ conditions that allow veterans to receive benefits without having to prove exposure during their military service caused their health condition.”
 Tweet This Article2. Midland Daily News: First Lady Jill Biden, Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff rally women at Midland campaign event

Key Point: “While her husband is ‘lifting up women,’ Biden said Trump has ‘spent a lifetime tearing us down and devaluing our existence,’ and ‘wants to punish women who are seeking reproductive health care.’ … Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff echoed Biden's criticism of Trump, saying that ‘we need more women leaders’ and asking the crowd to remind people of what it was like during Trump's first term. … President Biden and Vice President Harris care about the things everyone cares about, Emhoff said, including good paying jobs and reproductive freedoms.”
 Tweet This Article3. Boston Globe: State parties play a critical role in elections — are Democrats or Republicans best positioned in 2024?

Key Point: “Republican state parties in several critical battleground states are dealing with waves of inner turmoil, ranging from leadership turnover to financial struggles. Meanwhile, Democrats are confident their state parties are all rowing in the same direction after making a point in recent years of prioritizing them after electoral losses that left Republicans in control of many state legislatures. ‘[State parties are] the essential building blocks to victory,’ said Ben Wikler, chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. ‘In this moment, Democratic state parties, especially in battleground states, are vibrant, energized and focused, and we’re watching Republican state parties fall apart.’” 


Tweet This Article4. Star Tribune: A rousing Minnesota unwelcome for Donald Trump | Opinion

Key Point: “Trump's record on abortion has proven especially unpopular and damaging to Minnesota Republicans. Two-thirds of Minnesotans believe that reproductive care should be accessible for women who need it. … Make no mistake: If Donald Trump became president again, he would lead the charge in banning abortion in Minnesota and override the will of Minnesota voters. … Again and again, he has promised to ‘terminate’ the Affordable Care Act and rip away health insurance from millions of people who depend on the law for access to high-quality, affordable health care. … Minnesotans support Biden and our Democratic candidates up and down the ballot because of their dedication to defending our democracy, protecting reproductive freedom and creating a better future for working families. If Trump knew better, he would follow through on his promise not to return — now, he's in for yet another rude awakening this November, when Minnesota voters will reject him for a third time.”


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  1. The Times-Picayune:

Louisiana lawmakers advance bill classifying abortion pills as controlled dangerous substances

Key Point: “They are concerned that making it more onerous to prescribe misoprostol and mifepristone will delay their use, leading to more dire situations for pregnant and postpartum women. Hundreds of doctors signed letters against adding the two medications to the state’s list of controlled dangerous substances. In a letter to Sen. Pressly, nearly 300 Louisiana physicians and medical students said that classifying the drugs alongside medications like Xanax and Valium would result in ‘fear and confusion among patients, doctors and pharmacists, which delays care and worsens outcomes.’ … Drugs on the state’s list of controlled dangerous substances require a special license and have stricter storage requirements. Patients and prescribing doctors are tracked by the Louisiana Board of Pharmacy.”

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)Wednesday, May 15, 2024

DAILY TALKING POINTSAfter Trump’s Failures, Biden Takes on China to Protect American Workers

  • Joe Biden is taking new actions to protect American workers and businesses from China’s cheating and unfair trade practices.

  • President Biden’s strong leadership at home and abroad is delivering for the American people after four years of broken promises by Donald Trump, who ceded leadership in industries of the future to China — and even created new tax incentives for corporations to ship American jobs overseas.

  • Thanks to President Biden’s leadership, we are witnessing the great American comeback:

    • Over $860 billion invested by the private sector in these industries of the future.

    • Nearly 800,000 manufacturing jobs created and factory construction doubled.

    • The trade deficit with China is the lowest in a decade – lower than any year under the Trump administration.

  • It’s a stark contrast with Donald Trump, whose trade deal with China failed to increase American exports or boost manufacturing.

    • Trump launched a trade war with China that was a “failure in every possible way.”

    • Under Trump, China’s exports in some critical sectors like EVs and batteries actually increased.

    • U.S. manufacturing and factory construction fell under Trump.

    • And Trump is the only president since Herbert Hoover to have left office with fewer jobs than when he started. Under his leadership, the country lost nearly 3 million jobs.

  • Now, Trump is promising a new 10% across-the-board tax on imports that would cost typical American families roughly $1,500 a year more on basic items, like many groceries and medicines.

  • The bottom line: While Joe Biden is working with our allies to join forces in outcompeting China, Donald Trump is undermining alliances, threatening jobs, and proposing increasing costs for families by $1,500.

President Biden Is Lowering Health Care Costs, Trump Wants to Increase Costs and Take Away Coverage 

  • The fate of affordable health care is on the line this November: while Joe Biden is fighting to lower costs and expand access to health care, Donald Trump will side with his Big Pharma donors to increase costs and take away health coverage from those who need it most.

  • During his first term, Trump was one vote away from repealing the Affordable Care Act, and he repeatedly sabotaged the law, leaving 2 million more Americans without insurance. Now, he is pushing to “terminate” the ACA again and repeal President Biden’s legislation that builds on the ACA to further lower health premiums and prescription drug costs.

  • Trump is openly campaigning on a promise to: 

    • Rip away health care from as many as 45 million Americans 

    • Gut protections for over 100 million Americans with preexisting conditions 

    • Cause uninsured rates for communities of color to skyrocket

    • Kick millions of young people off their parents’ coverage

    • Raise health care costs by thousands of dollars a year for millions of Americans

    • Raise seniors’ prescription drug costs by hundreds of dollars per year

    • Allow insurance companies to rip off Americans with junk insurance products

    • Gut Medicare

  • President Biden and Vice President Harris are the only candidates in this race lowering costs and expanding access to health care:

    • Took on Big Pharma to lower prescription drug costs and cap insulin at $35 a month for seniors 

    • Bolstered the ACA to lower premiums, saving millions of Americans an average of $800 a year

    • More Americans have health insurance than under any other president — driving record low uninsured rates, particularly in Black and Brown communities

    • Protecting and strengthening Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid against extreme MAGA attacks


Please see below for key content we would appreciate your help in amplifying:

@JoeBiden: Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020. Since then, he hasn’t shown up for a debate.

Now he’s acting like he wants to debate me again.

Well, make my day, pal.

ABC News: Biden announces new China tariffs on electric vehicles, solar, chips and more

Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Biden campaign launches Health Care Provider events throughout commonwealth

The Federalist: RNC Has Few Operatives On The Ground In Swing States, Local GOP Leaders Say

@UnidosUSAF: There’s a lot at stake in 2024 for our country and our democracy, and the stakes are especially high for the nation’s nearly 64 million Latinos. UnidosUS Action Fund today is proud to endorse President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for re-election. -  @JMurguia_Unidos

@BrianSozzi: In an exclusive interview, @YahooFinance had the honor of spending time with the  @POTUS inside the @WhiteHouse. What I discussed with the President:

The President’s new targeted tariffs on China.

Hi there – Here are five stories from the states that we would appreciate your help in amplifying, including local health care professionals and providers endorsing President Biden, First Lady Jill Biden touting investments in our children’s future through public education funding during her Arizona visit, and the start of Infrastructure Week, which highlights the administration’s historic investments in building our country and creating good paying jobs across the U.S., as Republicans still struggle with intraparty conflicts under Trump’s abysmal leadership.

  1. Pennsylvania Capital-Star:

Biden campaign launches Health Care Provider events throughout commonwealth

Key Point: “Local doctors, nurses, midwives, and other health care providers are expected to emphasize what’s at stake for health care in the 2024 election at events this week in Pittsburgh, Lancaster, Scranton, and Erie. … According to the Biden-Harris campaign, 420,000 Pennsylvanians signed up for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act this year. About 5.2 million Pennsylvanians with pre-existing conditions could be denied coverage or charged thousands more if Trump ‘terminated’ the ACA, plus over 7 million residents would no longer be guaranteed free cancer screenings, annual check-ups, and other care services, the campaign said. About 2.4 million women in the state would be at risk of losing access to affordable birth control and contraception if the ACA were repealed.” 

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2. Arizona Republic: Trump would make US education system less fair, first lady Jill Biden argues in Phoenix

Key Point: “‘Donald Trump does not want to strengthen our public education system. He wants to destroy it. Just look at who he appointed to be Education Secretary,’ the first lady said, pointing to DeVos' longtime advocacy for school voucher programs. … President Joe Biden, on the other hand, has steered the country’s education system more through federal action and investment in public schools. One of his signature priorities while in the White House has been addressing student loan debt. With his effort challenged or blocked in court, he has said alternative actions by his Education Department have resulted in $160 billion in debt relief for nearly 4.6 million borrowers as of May 2024. … Biden has also proposed expanding free community college, and his administration has partnered with the country’s community colleges to meet rising labor demand for his manufacturing-oriented policy agenda.”

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3. NC Newsline: Biden administration touts NC investments to kick off “Infrastructure Week”

Key Point: “A $110 million grant from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will fund the replacement of the 60-year-old Alligator River Bridge in North Carolina’s Outer Banks. Last year, Asheville Regional Airport, in partnership with the Federal Aviation Administration, broke ground on a $15 million project to replace its 62-year-old air traffic control tower. A $35 million grant will fund a terminal expansion project that will bring the airport into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. This past December, the U.S. Department of Transportation announced a $1 billion high speed rail line connecting Raleigh to Richmond that is expected to reduce travel time between the two cities. These are all tangible impacts that President Joe Biden’s administration, with the passage of four major infrastructure and clean energy laws in 2021 and 2022, is having in North Carolina and across the country.”

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4. WisPolitics: Bill Kaplan: Biden delivers for Wisconsin | Opinion 

Key Point: “Not since FDR has America had such an accomplished record for regular folks like President Biden’s. It’s not promises but legislation passed and being implemented to make life better, no matter where you live. There are still problems but Biden has the leadership skills and wisdom to resolve. Unlike Trump who runs on Trump first and America last, Biden delivers for regular folks.”

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  1. Atlanta Journal-Constitution:

PG A.M.: Internal feuds flare ahead of Georgia GOP annual convention

Key Point: “A week before hundreds of activists gather in Columbus for the Georgia GOP’s annual convention, the party is facing new internal turmoil. With many mainstream Republicans following Gov. Brian Kemp’s lead and steering clear of the organization, a MAGA-friendly activist base led by former state Sen. Josh McKoon has taken the reins of the party. On his watch, the party has tried to restore ties with state leaders while steering more than $1.8 million toward the legal defense of a trio of party figures charged in the Fulton County election interference case. But that hasn’t quelled the feuding within the party.”

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The White House Logo

5/9 2:00 PM ET White House Office of Public Engagement Biweekly Aging, Disability, and Health Communities Call

Please join us for a presentation by Melanie Fontes Rainer, Director of the Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Demetre Daskalakis, MD, MPH, Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; and Donald A. Prater, DVM, Acting Director, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, U.S. Food & Drug Administration.
WHAT:         Biweekly Aging, Disability, and Health Communities Call
WHEN:         May 9, 2024, 02:00 PM ET
WHERE:       Register in advance for this webinar

 ASL and CART will be provided.

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Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Split Screen in Wisconsin: Joe Biden Is Keeping His Promises After Trump Failed To Deliver

  • Today, President Biden will join Microsoft in Racine, WI to announce a $3.3 billion investment to build a new data center.

  • It’s the latest example of Joe Biden keeping his promises after Donald Trump failed to deliver. 

  • In 2017, with a golden shovel in hand, Trump promised the “eighth wonder of the world” and 13,000 manufacturing jobs at ​​Foxconn in Racine – that manufacturing boom never came.

    • Trump gave massive handouts to and cut red tape for a foreign-owned company. 

    • 100 homes and farms were bulldozed and over $500 million in taxpayer dollars were invested to prepare for Foxconn. 

    • The promise of a gleaming manufacturing campus never came to be.

  • Under Trump’s watch, Wisconsin lost 6,000 manufacturing jobs – including 1,000 in Racine. 

  • Since President Biden took office, 178,000 jobs have been created in Wisconsin, including nearly 4,000 new jobs in Racine – a third of them in manufacturing. 

  • Again and again, Trump broke his promises to American workers:

    • Trump promised autoworkers in Michigan that they would “not lose one plant” – in reality, GM shuttered their 78-year-old plant in Warren. 

    • He promised workers in Northeast Ohio that manufacturing jobs were “all coming back.” Instead, less than two years later, GM shuttered its Lordstown plant and auto companies laid off thousands of workers. 

    • In total, six auto plants across the country closed under Trump’s watch. 

    • Under President Biden’s leadership, investments in construction of new factories have more than doubled.

  • There’s only one candidate in this race delivering for working people, and that’s Joe Biden.

Vice President Harris To Hold Trump and MAGA Republicans Accountable For Their Assault on Reproductive Freedom in Pennsylvania

  • Today, Vice President Kamala Harris and Sheryl Lee Ralph will be in the Philadelphia suburbs to underscore the stakes of the election for reproductive freedom.

  • Across the country, we are seeing in real time the chaos and cruelty Trump created when he overturned Roe and unleashed extreme abortion bans that are threatening women’s lives and punishing doctors.

  • Trump continues to brag about being “proudly the person responsible” for overturning Roe, saying that it is “working the way it is supposed to.” Because of Trump:

    • Over 1 in 3 women of reproductive age in America now live under an abortion ban.

    • Women are being turned away from emergency rooms, forced to beg for the medical care they need, and left to travel hundreds of miles for health care. 

    • Doctors are being threatened with prosecution for doing their jobs.

    • Access to fertility treatments is at risk for families desperately trying to get pregnant.

  • Just last week, millions of women lost even more freedoms when a near-total abortion ban went into effect in Florida, impacting abortion access across the southeastern United States.

  • If given the chance Trump will make things worse – in an interview last week, he confirmed he:

    • Supports states’ ability to prosecute women who have an abortion.

    • Supports allowing states to monitor pregnant women.

    • Refused to rule out signing a national abortion ban or legislation that could rip away access to IVF.

  • The bottom line: Donald Trump owns the state of abortion rights in our country today. He is proud of it, and he wants to make it worse. 


Please see below for key content we would appreciate your help in amplifying:

Newsweek: Retired Americans Warn About Social Security's Future Under Donald Trump

Axios: Scoop: Biden campaign targets Trump family separation policy in new ad

WAGA: VP Harris blames Trump for Georgia abortion ban on heartbeat law anniversary

@JulieR2022: We all remember the horrific images of babies being ripped from their mother’s arms as a result of Trump’s family separation policy. Let’s organize like hell to make sure he never sets foot in the Oval Office again!

@MariaCardona: NEVER. AGAIN.

@Jemsinger: Project 2025 agenda: Trump raising prices on families without congressional approval

@bluestein: I’m in Midtown Atlanta, where Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff is marking the “unhappy” five-year anniversary of Georgia’s anti-abortion law with dozens of young abortion rights supporters. “We have moved backward in terms of healthcare and access.” #gapol

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