DNC Talkers’ Toplines - May 15, 2024


)Wednesday, May 15, 2024

DAILY TALKING POINTSAfter Trump’s Failures, Biden Takes on China to Protect American Workers

  • Joe Biden is taking new actions to protect American workers and businesses from China’s cheating and unfair trade practices.

  • President Biden’s strong leadership at home and abroad is delivering for the American people after four years of broken promises by Donald Trump, who ceded leadership in industries of the future to China — and even created new tax incentives for corporations to ship American jobs overseas.

  • Thanks to President Biden’s leadership, we are witnessing the great American comeback:

    • Over $860 billion invested by the private sector in these industries of the future.

    • Nearly 800,000 manufacturing jobs created and factory construction doubled.

    • The trade deficit with China is the lowest in a decade – lower than any year under the Trump administration.

  • It’s a stark contrast with Donald Trump, whose trade deal with China failed to increase American exports or boost manufacturing.

    • Trump launched a trade war with China that was a “failure in every possible way.”

    • Under Trump, China’s exports in some critical sectors like EVs and batteries actually increased.

    • U.S. manufacturing and factory construction fell under Trump.

    • And Trump is the only president since Herbert Hoover to have left office with fewer jobs than when he started. Under his leadership, the country lost nearly 3 million jobs.

  • Now, Trump is promising a new 10% across-the-board tax on imports that would cost typical American families roughly $1,500 a year more on basic items, like many groceries and medicines.

  • The bottom line: While Joe Biden is working with our allies to join forces in outcompeting China, Donald Trump is undermining alliances, threatening jobs, and proposing increasing costs for families by $1,500.

President Biden Is Lowering Health Care Costs, Trump Wants to Increase Costs and Take Away Coverage 

  • The fate of affordable health care is on the line this November: while Joe Biden is fighting to lower costs and expand access to health care, Donald Trump will side with his Big Pharma donors to increase costs and take away health coverage from those who need it most.

  • During his first term, Trump was one vote away from repealing the Affordable Care Act, and he repeatedly sabotaged the law, leaving 2 million more Americans without insurance. Now, he is pushing to “terminate” the ACA again and repeal President Biden’s legislation that builds on the ACA to further lower health premiums and prescription drug costs.

  • Trump is openly campaigning on a promise to: 

    • Rip away health care from as many as 45 million Americans 

    • Gut protections for over 100 million Americans with preexisting conditions 

    • Cause uninsured rates for communities of color to skyrocket

    • Kick millions of young people off their parents’ coverage

    • Raise health care costs by thousands of dollars a year for millions of Americans

    • Raise seniors’ prescription drug costs by hundreds of dollars per year

    • Allow insurance companies to rip off Americans with junk insurance products

    • Gut Medicare

  • President Biden and Vice President Harris are the only candidates in this race lowering costs and expanding access to health care:

    • Took on Big Pharma to lower prescription drug costs and cap insulin at $35 a month for seniors 

    • Bolstered the ACA to lower premiums, saving millions of Americans an average of $800 a year

    • More Americans have health insurance than under any other president — driving record low uninsured rates, particularly in Black and Brown communities

    • Protecting and strengthening Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid against extreme MAGA attacks


Please see below for key content we would appreciate your help in amplifying:

@JoeBiden: Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020. Since then, he hasn’t shown up for a debate.

Now he’s acting like he wants to debate me again.

Well, make my day, pal.

ABC News: Biden announces new China tariffs on electric vehicles, solar, chips and more

Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Biden campaign launches Health Care Provider events throughout commonwealth

The Federalist: RNC Has Few Operatives On The Ground In Swing States, Local GOP Leaders Say

@UnidosUSAF: There’s a lot at stake in 2024 for our country and our democracy, and the stakes are especially high for the nation’s nearly 64 million Latinos. UnidosUS Action Fund today is proud to endorse President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for re-election. -  @JMurguia_Unidos

@BrianSozzi: In an exclusive interview, @YahooFinance had the honor of spending time with the  @POTUS inside the @WhiteHouse. What I discussed with the President:

The President’s new targeted tariffs on China.

The importance of these tariffs on trade.
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