Guidance for the submission of resolutions (May 2022)

Guidance for the submission of resolutions (May 2022)

Last major update: 13 April 2022

Links to key information on DPCA resolutions for 2022

https://democratsabroad.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/6959792343/Text guide to resolutions 2022.pdf?api=v2 - Text instructions for the process to submit a resolution and to the process of adopting resolutions, posted to Leadership Mobilize channel, 6 April 2022. (This text also appears below.)

https://democratsabroad.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/6992527579/Resolutions%20Education%202022%2020mar2022.pdf?api=v2 - Slides from first educational session, 20 March 2022

Educational sessions in March 2022 - Recording of the video educational session, 22 March 2022

Number one best advice

Contact resolutions@democratsabroad.org to get personalized advice and help from a member of the Resolutions Committee. Only DPCA members may submit resolutions for a DPCA Global Meeting but the committee can help other DA members navigate the process.

Resources to consult as you consider whether to draft a resolution

Past instructions for the resolutions process: Until the new comprehensive instructions are available, these are useful. We don’t expect any major changes to the process, aside from some additional information required of those submitting resolutions, so that the Resolutions Committee can keep DA leaders informed of new submissions.

A list of all archived DPCA resolutions: While no past resolution is a perfect model, you should use this archive to get a sense for the style and substance of resolutions passed by the DPCA in past years.

DA Mission: The actions proposed by a resolution should be compatible with, and preferably reinforce, the central mission of Democrats Abroad. The “Whereas” clauses of a resolution may directly refer to elements of the mission.

DA 2020 Platform (if policy-related): This is the current and authoritative statement of DA’s position on policies that directly affect Americans abroad as well as those that may not. New resolutions that propose policy positions must make clear the changes or additions relative to the DA 2020 Platform. You may find that your preferred position is already in it!

DA Charter (if governance-related): A resolution that affects internal governance must be compatible with the DA Charter. (Amendments to the DA Charter are handled by the DPCA Bylaws Committee.

Contact info for task forces and committees: The Resolutions Committee strongly recommends you contact any relevant global groups that may be working on issues or policies related to those of your resolution.

Advice for each type of resolution, including format

Please consult this document, published by the DPCA Resolutions Committee on 2 March 2022. You can download the PDF document using this link.


Instructions for DPCA resolutions

Text as posted to Leadership Mobilize Channel, 6 April 2022


Requirements and deadlines relevant to the resolutions process are described below for DA members who may like to write a resolution, for DPCA members who may submit resolutions for consideration, and for DPCA members who will vote on resolutions.

This document is available on the DA wiki space for DPCA Resolutions and any changes will be noted there. The DA wiki also has plain-language advice and instructions, additional resources, and links for resolution authors, a recording of the educational session and presentation from March 22, and resources for DA leaders who want to develop events or initiatives around DPCA Resolutions. The front page of the space is https://democratsabroad.atlassian.net/l/c/7m0Ky4ft

In April, the Resolutions Committee will host office hours for specific consultations, discussions, and clarifications. WebEx details and timezone conversions are available on the DA wiki space linked above.

Thursday April 7, 5-6am DC time Monday April 11, 9-10am DC time Wednesday April 13, 2am-3am DC time

The Resolutions Committee is always available for questions, comments, and clarifications at resolutions@democratsabroad.org


Roles and definitions

Primary sponsor: A member of the DPCA who takes official responsibility for submitting a specific resolution for consideration. The primary sponsor is also officially and ultimately responsible for providing contact information, responses to the Resolutions Committee, and any confirmations needed up to the publication of the Resolutions Committee’s final report for the Global Meeting.

Author(s): Individual(s) identified by the primary sponsor as having composed the resolution; an author may also be designated by the primary sponsor as the contact person for the dashboard and as the individual responsible for changes to the text.

Resolutions Committee: Volunteer members of Democrats Abroad, with the chair of the committee appointed by the International Chair, who organize the process of submitting resolutions and provide editorial suggestions to authors.

DPCA members: Have responsibility for adopting resolutions, or not, at the Global Meeting. DPCA members may have privileges throughout the process, such as the ability to speak first or access to DPCA-specific resources such as the DPCA channel on Mobilize.

DA members: Are welcome to attend hearings and to participate in online discussions about submitted resolutions. The texts of resolutions will be available to DA members but the contact information and summaries (on the dashboard) will be restricted to leaders with the general password for the DA wiki.

Co-sponsor: A DA member who indicates support for a specific resolution using the form available in the week before the Global Meeting, after the final texts of all resolutions are distributed.


Process for DPCA decisions on resolutions

  1. Beginning April 2, 2022, information about all resolutions submitted to date will be available on the Resolutions Dashboard (https://democratsabroad.atlassian.net/l/c/QEn541oZ ). Informal discussion on the DA-Discussion Mobilize group may be initiated at any time by primary sponsors.

  2. Draft texts must be submitted by April 21 (and more details about submission appear below). Draft texts will be available to DA members in a Draft Resolutions Report published approximately April 29. Invitations to discussion will be posted by the Resolutions Committee on the DA-Discussion Mobilize group.

  3. Two or three global hearings will be conducted by the Resolutions Committee approximately during the period May 2-10. Hearings will consist of a semi-formal discussion of each resolution and may affect the order of consideration at the Global Meeting.

  4. Final texts will be available in a formal Resolutions Report to be published one week before the Global Meeting, May 14.

  5. The form where a DA member can become a co-sponsor of any given resolution will open on May 14 or after final texts are available after the hearings, whichever is later, and will close on May 18.

  6. The order of consideration – determined by the International Chair – and the complete co-sponsor lists will be available on the DA wiki by May 20. Proposed special rules for debates and decisions during the Global Meeting are likely to be distributed to DPCA members by this date. These special rules may or may not include the custom of recognizing the primary sponsor or author as the first speaker.

  7. Decisions regarding amendment and passage of resolutions – or not – will be made by the DPCA during the Global Meeting. Resolutions can be adopted by a majority vote of the DPCA. (See DA Charter 3.6(e) for more details.) Resolutions will be taken up in the published order of consideration unless any special procedural motions are adopted during the meeting. Sponsors and authors will have no special role in responding to amendments, debate, or procedural motions during the global meeting.


Process for the submission of resolutions

Note: Due to the limited time available for resolutions on the agenda of the upcoming Global Meeting, the criteria for the addition of policy-oriented resolutions will be strict. Resolutions about policies not directly related to Americans abroad or not essential to DA’s success in increasing turnout for 2022 midterm elections are likely to be assigned low priority or not included on the agenda at all.

  1. Optional: A prospective author or primary sponsor may contact the Resolutions Committee at any time for advice and guidance on writing a resolution. The committee has been ready to help since mid-March.

  2. Through an email to Resolutions@DemocratsAbroad.org, the primary sponsor submits title, initial text, names and titles of author(s) if different, contact information (email and optionally phone number) for self or a designated contact (perhaps an author), a summary (maximum 100 words), and any appendices (footnotes or links).

    • The Charter-mandated submission-deadline is April 21 but the process works better when resolutions are submitted as early as possible. There is no disadvantage to the primary sponsor or authors, because changes to the initial text will be possible until May 12.

    • A primary sponsor may designate an author as contact to take responsibility for changes to the text and for contact information available to DA leaders. Retracting this designation is only possible in extraordinary circumstances. No more than one author may be designated for this role.

    • An author who does not yet have a DPCA member as a primary sponsor may contact the Resolutions Committee for guidance and ask that the resolution be listed provisionally on the dashboard.

  3. Members of the Resolutions Committee (editors) will be assigned to coordinate editorial suggestions with the primary sponsor or designated contact of each resolution.

  4. Editors will request any missing information or needed clarifications. Editors will update the dashboard with the resolution title, sponsor/author names, contact information, and summary.
    - Based on the title and summary, a primary sponsor or designated contact may be contacted by DA leaders regarding their resolution. While replying to these inquiries is optional, it is highly recommended.

  5. Editors will make initial comments and suggestions and a discussion can follow (by email exchange, videoconferences, or other mutually convenient means of communication). In addition, the International Chair or members of the International Executive Committee may contact primary sponsors or designated contacts after April 21.

  6. The primary sponsor or designated contact can make changes prior to the publication of the Draft Resolutions Report around April 29. (Primary sponsors and designated contacts will be kept informed of the exact deadlines.)

  7. Primary sponsors or designated contacts should plan to attend hearings to discuss the resolutions with DPCA members and other DA members, around May 2-10.

  8. Editors and the primary sponsor or designated contact can collaborate on final changes to the resolution’s text in response to feedback from hearings and online discussion.

  9. Primary sponsor or designated contact confirms the final text by May 12.

  10. Primary sponsors and authors may encourage co-sponsors to attach their names to the resolution during the week before the Global Meeting.

  11. Primary sponsors, co-sponsors, and authors relinquish control of their resolutions to the DPCA for the Global Meeting on May 21-22.

  12. Primary sponsors, co-sponsors, and authors may examine the Resolutions Committee’s report to the International Secretary on the results of the Global Meeting.


Notes on engaging members

Information on resolutions received by the Resolutions Committee will be available on our Dashboard (https://democratsabroad.atlassian.net/l/c/QEn541oZ ). The titles and summaries on the dashboard can inspire ideas for member engagement on social media or at events.

DA leaders are encouraged to use the contact information on that page to collaborate with the authors and primary sponsors of resolutions to build interest in particular resolutions. Draft texts may be shared with the primary sponsor’s consent.

The draft texts of resolutions will be available to DA members generally, who are welcome to attend the hearings on resolutions tentatively scheduled during May 2-10. Depending on the circumstances of those hearings, DPCA members may have priority in speaking, but we plan to allow DA members generally to join the queue and speak.

The final texts of resolutions will be available to DA members generally. The Global Meeting will be open, so any interested member may see how the DPCA decides on the resolutions on the agenda. Please note that only DPCA members normally have the right to speak on motions during Global Meetings.


Resources on the resolutions process

The Resolutions Committee has assembled useful resources on the DA wiki. If you are considering writing or submitting a resolution, we urge you to consult past resolutions and the DA mission statement. If your topic addresses internal DA structures, review the DA Charter. If your topic is a matter of public policy, review the DA Platform of 2020. All of these documents are linked here: https://democratsabroad.atlassian.net/l/c/sTG0NNu2 [this page!]

We also urge you to consult any global committees or task-forces that may already be working on the policy or project that you have in mind. If you’re not sure whom to contact, your Regional Vice Chair (RVC) or regional team will help.

All these topics were covered in our educational sessions. You can find the slides and a recording here: https://democratsabroad.atlassian.net/l/c/L69opaSd


Information previously posted to the DA wiki

Upcoming office hours on the resolutions process

Join members of the Resolutions Committee for informal consultations on any aspect of the process. We are available by email (or to make an appointment for a call) at resolutions@democratsabroad.org

Thursday 7 April, 5:00am DC time

Melbourne, Australia Thu, 7 Apr 2022 at 19:00 AEST
Japan Standard Time, JST Thu, 7 Apr 2022 at 18:00 JST
Singapore, Singapore Thu, 7 Apr 2022 at 17:00 SGT
New Delhi, India Thu, 7 Apr 2022 at 14:30 IST
Nairobi, Kenya Thu, 7 Apr 2022 at 12:00 EAT
Brussels, Belgium Thu, 7 Apr 2022 at 11:00 CEST
Washington DC, USA Thu, 7 Apr 2022 at 05:00 EDT
Santiago, Chile Thu, 7 Apr 2022 at 05:00 CLT
Vancouver, Canada Thu, 7 Apr 2022 at 02:00 PDT

Meeting Title = DPCA Resolutions Office Hours

Date and Time = Thu, 7 Apr 2022 05:00:00 – US Eastern Time

Host Provided Local Date/Time:

Duration = 1 hours

Meeting number = 23083948404

Meeting Password = dems

Meeting URL: https://democratsabroad.webex.com/democratsabroad/e.php?MTID=ma60e5b393564340f3dec8debba07e84c

Monday 11 April, 9:00am DC time

Melbourne, Australia Mon, 11 Apr 2022 at 23:00 AEST
Japan Standard Time, JST Mon, 11 Apr 2022 at 22:00 JST
Singapore, Singapore Mon, 11 Apr 2022 at 21:00 SGT
New Delhi, India Mon, 11 Apr 2022 at 18:30 IST
Nairobi, Kenya Mon, 11 Apr 2022 at 16:00 EAT
Brussels, Belgium Mon, 11 Apr 2022 at 15:00 CEST
Washington DC, USA Mon, 11 Apr 2022 at 09:00 EDT
Santiago, Chile Mon, 11 Apr 2022 at 09:00 CLT
Vancouver, Canada Mon, 11 Apr 2022 at 06:00 PDT

Meeting Title = DPCA Resolutions Office Hours

Date and Time = Mon, 11 Apr 2022 09:00:00 – US Eastern Time

Host Provided Local Date/Time:

Duration = 1 hours

Meeting number = 23035653457

Meeting Password = dems

Meeting URL: https://democratsabroad.webex.com/democratsabroad/e.php?MTID=m114e6946710800b0cda0e917578305d0

Thursday 13 April, 2:00am DC time

Melbourne, Australia Wed, 13 Apr 2022 at 16:00 AEST
Japan Standard Time, JST Wed, 13 Apr 2022 at 15:00 JST
Singapore, Singapore Wed, 13 Apr 2022 at 14:00 SGT
New Delhi, India Wed, 13 Apr 2022 at 11:30 IST
Nairobi, Kenya Wed, 13 Apr 2022 at 09:00 EAT
Brussels, Belgium Wed, 13 Apr 2022 at 08:00 CEST
Washington DC, USA Wed, 13 Apr 2022 at 02:00 EDT
Santiago, Chile Wed, 13 Apr 2022 at 02:00 CLT
Vancouver, Canada Tue, 12 Apr 2022 at 23:00 PDT

Meeting Title = DPCA Resolutions Office Hours

Date and Time = Wed, 13 Apr 2022 02:00:00 – US Eastern Time

Host Provided Local Date/Time:

Duration = 1 hours

Meeting number = 23187246305

Meeting Password = dems

Meeting URL: https://democratsabroad.webex.com/democratsabroad/e.php?MTID=m314d22be516e37d269db0981d640a176

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