DA Sweden Annual General Meeting Minutes 2018

DA Sweden Annual General Meeting Minutes 2018


  • Executive Committee Members
    Present: Alexander Lange, Jeffrey Cheng, Suzanne Samuels, Sarah Thomsen, and Alexander Arcelay
    Present by Proxy: Sigma Dolins, Kim MacKay

  • DA Sweden Members:
    Present: Julie Hansen, Cheryl Boardman, Jill Zordan, Jessica Sandberg, Kathy Kelley, Jamiee Bensky, Philipp Marra, Michael Ulrich, Alissa Lindo
    Present by Proxy: Hermes Taylor-Weiner, Deedee Gierow, Peter Hjertsson, Adrianne George, Frank Beal, Lisa Fondelius, Cordelia Lindh, Kurt Mitman, Megan Case, Elizabeth Clark, Flor Pineiro, Ian Higham

  1. Chair Alexander Lange called to order the AGM of 2018 at 11:02 AM.

  2. Jeffrey confirmed a quorum was determined with 28 members participating. 14 in person and 14 by proxy.

  3. Alexander Lange moved to approve the agenda of the meeting, the motion was seconded by Alex Arcelay, approved by a show of hands, no objections.

  4. The minutes of the last Annual General Meeting for 2017 were read by Jeffrey. Alex Lange moves to approve Minutes from 2017 minutes. This motion was seconded by Cheryl Boardman, approved by a show of hands, no objections.

  5. Alexander Lange presented the 2017 DA Sweden Country Chair Report. (linked below on wiki page) Highlights: more than 50 events, including 10 simultaneous events across the entire country as a test run to gear up for Voter Registration in 2018. Jeffrey moves to approve the chair’s report, this motion was seconded by Julie Hansen, approved by a show of hands, no objections.

  6. Alex presents the Treasurer’s Report on behalf of Courtney Berry. (linked below on wiki page). Alexander Lange moves to conditionally approve treasurer’s report (pending the alteration to correctly balance Assets and Liabilities)- this motion was seconded by Alex Arcelay and approved by a show of hands, no objections.

  7. Cheryl Boardman moves to discharge the ExCom from liabilities as required by Swedish Non Profit Organization rules, the motion is seconded by Allisa, approved by a show of hands, no objections.

  8. Alexander Lange presents his year in review presentation. Chapter Chair reports are available (linked below on wiki page)

  9. The Meeting was adjourned at 11:40 AM

Reports Attached:

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