2019 DA-Hungary AGM

2019 DA-Hungary AGM

AGM Announcement and Call for Nominations

From: DA Hungary <Info-Hungary@democratsabroad.org>
Date: Fri, Feb 22, 2019 at 11:48 AM
Subject: Annual General Meeting (AGM) 27 March 2019

Democrats Abroad

Dear Member,

We know you are probably as concerned as we are with the way our President and the Senate are ignoring the issues that are important to all Americans such as healthcare, LGBT and Women's rights, curtailing voters rights, and gun control to name a few.

Democrats have an exciting time coming up with many very talented candidates in the running and Presidential Debates starting as soon as June of this year.  We need to prepare now to turn out the vote for the 2020 election.

As Democrats Abroad we have the ability to provide all Americans living abroad with the information and the opportunity to vote in their local, state and federal elections.  This is why we have asked you to consider volunteering some of your time to actively assist us in this process.  One simple way you can participate is to join our Annual General Meeting. 


As Democrats Abroad Hungary is a legal representative of the Democratic Party we are required to hold this meeting every year to maintain our eligibility.  There is a quorum requirement for the meeting to be certified so it is important for you to attend.  

The AGM and Elections will be held:

AGM Democrats Abroad Hungary   
Wednesday, 27 March, 2019
Mozsár Kávézó, Nagymező utca 21 
H-1065 Budapest


Please plan on joining us for this meeting, we need you. 

We hope to see you soon!


The Nominations and Elections Committee of Democrats Abroad – Hungary (DA-HU) is accepting nominations for leadership positions within DA-HU. If you would like to be a part of the bigger picture by working to protect our democracy from the forces that threaten it, please consider raising your hand to run for a position on the Executive Committee of Democrats Abroad Hungary.   The open positions are: 

  • Chair  
  • Vice-Chair
  • Secretary  (Takes minutes at all meetings and provides copies to the Executive Committee)
  • Treasurer  (Keeps financial records)
  • Legal Counsel (Law degree not required, just a working knowledge of Robert's Rules of Order)
  • Member At-Large (2 positions)

All registered members of DA-HU are eligible for office according to the Bylaws. 

Submit your nominations to the Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC) to the following address:  NEC2019@demsabroad.hu

Nominations MUST be received by Monday, 11 March 2019:

Name:                 _____________________________________________________

Desired Position :  _____________________________________________________

You may also include a photo and a campaign statement of any length (either in the body of the e-mail or by attachment), both of which are optional.  Please note that only your name, photo and campaign statement will be posted on the website. However, you also have the option of posting a contact e-mail address, if you so choose.

Self-nominations, as well as nomination of another person, with their consent, are both accepted.

Nominations & Elections Committee


DA-Hungary Bylaws proposed Revisions – March 2019

In order to bring the DA-Hungary Bylaws into greater coherence with recent modifications to the DPCA International Charter (the International Bylaws) the following modifications have been proposed to the DA-Hungary Bylaws: 

Article 4.1 Members of the Executive Committee
The DA-HU Executive Committee shall be composed of the elected Officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Counsel), two Members-at- Large, and one or more Voting DPCA Representatives or Non-Voting DPCA Representative, in accordance with Article 4.9 . The chairs of the Standing Committees and Ad Hoc Committees shall be observer members of the Executive Committee without voting privileges.

4.2  Male/Female Balance Leadership Diversity
Following Democratic Party and DPCA policy, the Chair and the Vice-Chair shall be of the opposite different sex.

Insert Article 4.9 Voting DPCA Representative and Non-Voting DPCA Representative
(Note: Current Articles 4.9, 4.10, and 4.11, will be shifted down to become Articles 4.10, 4.11, and 4.12, respectively.)


In response to the voting allocations distributed to Country Committees by the International Secretary after each year’s annual membership count DA-HU may elect Voting DPCA Representatives and/or Non-Voting DPCA Representatives in order to facilitate appropriate representation within DPCA.


In election years, the ExCom may direct the Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC) to include on the ballot Voting DPCA Representatives (if DA-HU is assigned more than 2 votes), or a Non-Voting DPCA Representative, or both should the ExCom deem appropriate.  An elected Voting Representative or Non-Voting Representative shall be a member of the ExCom with voting privileges.


At International meetings and other circumstances when votes are taken by the DPCA, the Chair, Vice Chair, and any Voting DPCA Representative(s) shall having equal voting strength among the votes assigned to DA-HU. No person voting for DA-HU shall carry more than one (1) vote, exclusive of any proxy votes allowed by the DPCA Charter. The Country Chair and Vice Chair shall each have one of the votes assigned to DA-HU.


A Voting Representative or Non-Voting Representative shall be considered, with the Chair and Vice-Chair, a member of the DA-HU delegation to DPCA with the right to carry proxies.



DA Hungary

Democrats Abroad 

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