Democrats Abroad France

General Inquiries:

National Leadership

ExCom Leadership & Contact lists: National, Chapter and Caucuses

Welcome to the Democrats Abroad France wiki page! Here you will find resources and documentation specific to our country committee. You will find: leadership contacts, communications & media relations guidelines and GOTV tools to help in the planning and execution of events and voter outreach activities. Should you wish to view the global Democrats Abroad wiki pages, please go to the DemsAbroad Wiki Home.


All DA France Executive Committee meetings are open to all DA members to observe.
Next Monthly DA France ExCom WebEx will be : Tuesday, 25 August 2020 at 7PM.
To join, please email for Webex details.




GOTV France Volunteer Hub

Work with the GOTV France team, or on your own! Here's a list of actions, training, and other resources.

Sign up to volunteer!

Tell us what you're good at, and what you like to do. We'll get back to you with ways you can help win the White House, flip the Senate, and hold the House in 2020!

Get trained to help register voters

Call and text Americans in France to be sure they've gotten a ballot and VOTED

  • more information on the fall GOTV campaign coming soon

Do you know of places around you where Americans might pass by? See if you can post this flier there!

(Download and print)

  • university campus or student hangouts
  • international schools
  • cafes
  • shops with exotic American food (smile)
  • etc

Frequently Asked Questions on VoteFromAbroad

Break glass in case of emergency

  • Issues with USPS mail delivery in the United States are now pushing us into emergency territory. We'll be contacting voters in the following states to tell them to vote NOW with the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) so they can get their vote counted even if their official ballot is delayed.
  • More detailed information on exactly what the FWAB "emergency ballot" is and how it works is coming here soon.
  • The battleground states that currently have mail-only ballot return:
    • Georgia
    • Kentucky
    • Michigan
    • Minnesota
    • New Hampshire
    • Ohio
    • Pennsylvania
    • Texas
    • Wisconsin

Voter Protection Issues

If you want to send in a voter protection issue--from possible voter suppression issues to a state website being inaccessible to overseas voters--please report them to the DA Voter Protection team at:

Maya Buchanan and the team will follow up and hopefully help find a resolution.


Recent space activity

Space contributors

Ada Shen

Robin Guinot

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  • style