October 2019 Newsletter

October 2019 Newsletter

October 2019

Welcome to the first issue of the Democrats Abroad CanaDA Newsletter!

Through the newsletter our goal is to share with you the many activities underway globally, nationally, and locally supporting the interests of Americans living abroad.

We are a true grassroots organization. As a 100% volunteer organization from top to bottom, we are 100% self-funded through the generous support of our members. Democrats Abroad members across Canada and elsewhere throughout the world are working on issues affecting all Americans living abroad. I ask you to keep that in mind as you take in the scope of work you’ll read about below.

Each newsletter will also showcase one of our several chapters or interest groups, plus spotlight one volunteer’s engagement with DemsAbroad Canada.

Below you'll also read the winners of the raffle to see Michelle Obama in Hamilton, ON plus 3 other prizes.

I hope you find this compilation of the highlights of DemsAbroad work to be informative and motivates you to become a fellow volunteer.

Democratically yours,

Steve Nardi
Chair, Democrats Abroad Canada

DemsAbroad Super Tuesday Presidential Primary Petitions

Super Tuesday Primary States in orange

Democrats Abroad is one of 12 "States" holding a Primary or Caucus on Super Tuesday, March 3, 2020. DemsAbroad has just launched our petitions platform for Democratic presidential candidates who want to add their name to our primary ballot next year.

Each candidate needs to collect 300 signatures from Democrats Abroad members by January 6th, 2020 in order to be included on our Global Presidential Primary ballot. So far sixteen candidates have signed up, and we are now sharing the petitions far and wide.

Click here for more details on how to sign candidate petitions.

"In a room where people unanimously maintain a conspiracy of silence, one word of truth
sounds like a pistol shot." - Czeslaw Milosz

Have Your Say in the DemsAbroad 2020 Platform

Ken Sherman, Tom Perez,
Steve Nardi (l to r)

One of the DemsAbroad Platform Committee's first tasks this year will be to help kick off DA's Kitchen Table Talks, a joint effort of the Global Executive Committee, the Resolutions Committee and the Platform Committee.

Kitchen Table Talks are small group events held by Democrats Abroad members to talk about policy issues that matter to Americans abroad, and to give members a chance to let Democrats Abroad know their thoughts and experiences around these issues.

Kitchen Table Talks are a great way for members to help inform and shape the 2020 Democrats Abroad Platform, and they run from October through December, 2019.

Click here to read more on how Kitchen Table Talks work and how you can take part to inform our 2020 Platform.

Citizenship Denial to Children of Military Abroad

Julia Bryan, DA Global Chair

The children of some U.S. military members and government employees who are born abroad will no longer automatically be considered citizens of the United States, the Trump administration announced on Aug. 28th. 

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issued a policy explaining the agency will not count those children as "residing in the United States" to get automatic citizenship under the Immigration and Nationality Act.

Military members and government employees who are citizens stationed abroad with their families can apply for their children's citizenship, according to the policy. The change will take effect Oct. 29, USCIS said, and applications submitted before then will be subject to the automatic policy. 

Click here to read the statement from Julia Bryan, the Global Chair of Democrats Abroad.

"You have to remember one thing about the will of the people: It wasn't that long ago that we were swept
away by the Macarena." - Jon Stewart

Push for ERA: Virginia Voters Could Take it Over the Top

Count them: 4,764 postcards signed and sent by Democrats Abroad to Virginia voters in a push to (finally) ratify the Equal Rights Amendment. With all positions in the Virginia House and Senate up for election on November 5, it’s an opportunity to flip two Republican-held seats. Virginia House chair Kirk Cox, in fact, has made it his business to block passage of the ERA for the past several years. “It would be a pleasure for us to help kick him out,” says Shari Temple, DA Global IT Team chair, who worked with VAratifyERA to spearhead DA’s postcard-writing campaign in September.

With 58 Dems Abroad volunteers and teams working around the globe, more than 2,700 cards were posted to Cox’s district, another 2,000-plus sent to Republican Chris Jones’ district.

Click here to read the full story

The U.S. Remains in the Universal Postal Union

In mid-September DemsAbroad Canada encouraged Americans to contact their Representatives and Senators to voice their concern for the potential of the U.S. to withdraw from the Universal Postal Union. We are pleased that the member countries were able to reach an agreement. We thank every American who contacted their Representatives and Senators on this important issue!

While the risk of the U.S. withdrawing from the UPU has passed, the work by DemsAbroad to ensure access to the ballot box by Americans living abroad continues.

Click here for the full statement from Democrats Abroad on the Universal Postal Union

“Waiting for Donald Trump to be a good president is like leaving the landing lights on for Amelia Earhart.”
                – Garry South, Democratic Strategist

Chapter Debate Watch Parties

Toronto Debate Watch Party

The 2020 Democratic Presidential Primary season officially kicked off for Americans on June 26th & 27th with the first round of candidate debates.

Chapters across Canada have been hosting local Debate Watch parties, providing an environment for Americans and some interested Canadians to come together to watch the depth of our candidate field for 2020.

Come out for the next debate watch in your area on October 15th!

Check out your chapter Events page here for their next debate watch

Are You at Risk for Having Your Passport Rescinded?
Tax Filing & Estate Planning Webinars

We understand that the Federal Passport Revocation Policy that was enacted as part of the 2015 FAST Act has come into effect.  The IRS is providing the State Department with the names of persons with outstanding and unresolved federal tax debts of $52,000 or more.  Those being subjected to this provision should have been provided with notice and opportunities to cure under the policy's implementation rules.

Click here to read about our latest expat tax advocacy meetings on Capitol Hill.

DemsAbroad Canada will be presenting webinars on tax filing requirements with the IRS as an American living in Canada, plus Estate Planning. Watch your Inbox for webinar announcements in October & November.

"Elections belong to the people. It's their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds,
then they will just have to sit on their blisters." - Abraham Lincoln

Chapter Spotlight: Vancouver Brings Them In

Vancouver Chapter members at the Lights for Liberty Rally

Close to 80,000 Americans live in Vancouver, and Susan Brennan, chair for DA’s Vancouver Chapter Chair and Membership Secretary for DA Canada, is determined to reach every one of them.  “We Americans do seem to find each other,” she says with a laugh. “I think we’re more assertive, especially Americans who leave the U.S. and live elsewhere. Maybe it’s a pioneering spirit.”

The Vancouver chapter got its formal start  in 2008 when DA held its global meeting in the city.  Early leadership  crafted by-laws and a constitution, a structure that now supports almost 3,700 members, the second largest chapter after Toronto. The growth was slow and steady, before a sharp uptick in 2016. “In 2012 we had 30 people vote in our Global Presidential Primary,” says Brennan, adding this was the year she got actively involved. “In 2016, that number jumped to 125.” The 2018 mid-terms brought in 100 people to watch the returns, many of whom have now become members and active volunteers.

Click here to read the full story on how the Vancouver Chapter is working towards 2020

Volunteer Spotlight: Victoria DA Member Finds His Voice on CallHub

Michael Stevenson

As an audiologist, Michael Stevenson is used to listening to people. Since moving to Victoria from Washington in 2007 and joining DA’s Victoria chapter, he’s had ample opportunity to put his listening skills to use. “I was drawn to phone banking because of the time flexibility in making calls and the efficiency of working from home,” says Stevenson, who is consistently the Canadian top caller for CallHub. “I’ve enjoyed being able to call in the morning, afternoon or evening, depending what works for my schedule.” He admitted feeling uncertain at first about how well the program worked, “but those fears were quickly allayed. Training was provided and resources were available when needed. CallHub provides basic contact information, history of calls and ease in updating contact information or requesting follow-up services.”

Click here to read more on Michael’s experience as a CallHub volunteer.

Congratulations to the Winners of the Raffle to see Michelle Obama + 3 Other Prizes

An Evening with Michelle Obama

Through the generous support of our members, DA Canada was able to operate a call center in 2018 which contacted 20,000 Americans living abroad to assist with registering for their ballot or sending their ballot in. Voting by Americans overseas increased by 300% and delivered the numerical difference of victory in several races!

Our goal for 2020 is to double the efforts and we're very grateful to those members who participated in our recent raffle for 2 tickets to see Michelle Obama in Hamilton, ON plus 3 other great prizes. This is a starting point to us achieving our 2020 goals.

Congratulations to the following prize winners:

Elizabeth Greene - London, ON
2 Tickets for "An Evening with Michelle Obama" in Hamilton, ON on Oct. 11th

Michele Marques - Aurora, ON
Welcome to Canada toque with message sewn from MAGA hat threads

Elaine La Chappelle - Burlington, ON
Pair of Democratic Donkey cuff-links

Wendy Burton - Oakville, ON
Stephen Colbert book, "Whose Boat is this Boat? Comments that don't help in the aftermath of a hurricane." as stated by Donald J Trump.

Thank you again to the individuals who generously donated the prizes and to those who generously donated to our Get Out the Vote efforts for 2020! If you'd like to make a donation to DemsAbroad Canada please click here.


We can’t win in 2020 without you. It takes a village to do all the things we need to do. We have many opportunities for volunteers available:

- Phone banking
- Progressive, Women's or LGBTQ+ Caucuses
- Local Get Out the Vote activities
- IT or Communications

Please send an email to DemsAbroad Canada Volunteer Manager Jamey Shick and indicate which area you'd like more information on.


Democrats Abroad Canada

(877) 336-2008




  Visit us on the Web

Please consider making a donation to support our 2020 Get Out the Vote Efforts

DA Canada

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