Resolution establishing the travel fund, March 2014

Resolution establishing the travel fund, March 2014

WHEREAS the interests of the Democrats Abroad organization are best served when guided by the diverse and representative voices of our membership;

WHEREAS in-person participation is critical to making one’s voice heard;

WHEREAS many active members cannot participate in person due to the high cost of attending international meetings;

BE IT RESOLVED that the Democratic Party Committee Abroad (DPCA) set up an internal travel fund for those DPCA members with demonstrable need and proven commitment to the organization;

AND LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED that the International Chairperson, in consultation with the International Treasurer and the DPCA Executive Committee, will set the amount of such stipend;

AND LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED that the International Chairperson will appoint a committee to design and implement a transparent mechanism to request and accept applications for the stipend in a timely manner and with a preference for a registration contribution on a voluntary basis.


Passed at the 2014 DPCA Global Meeting in Washington, D.C.

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