2019 DPCA Resolutions

2019 DPCA Resolutions

Draft Report on Resolutions considered at the General Meeting of the DPCA online, July 20, 2019

Draft Report on Resolutions considered at the General Meeting of the DPCA, May 17-19, 2019

Resolutions to be considered at the Online DPCA Global Meeting, July 20, 2019 

April 17, 2019 was the deadline to submit resolutions for consideration during the Global DPCA Meeting in Washington DC, May 17-19, 2019.

Resolutions submitted after that date may be scheduled for consideration after the meeting in May.

The most current packet of resolutions was released on May 15, 2019. It includes two changes from the distribution on May 2: one additional resolution on electronic ballot options and an update to the resolution on the scrutiny of U.S.-based venues. All changes must be made during the Global Meeting, although discussion before then of possible amendments and revisions is not only allowed but encouraged.

The DPCA Resolutions Committee conducted a WebEx session on April 24, 2019 to review the submitted resolutions and facilitate discussion, with the goals of improving the resolutions and reducing the time needed for discussion during the Global Meeting in May. The following message from Susan includes a link to the recording of that session.

 Message with Recording Link

Please find below a link to the recording of Wednesday online meeting on Resolutions.   Many thanks to Merrill Oates for making this available, and thanks also to  Sue Alksnis who valiantly kept track of the starting time for each resolution, (see list below the recording link).

Susan Vaillant

for the resolutions committee

2:05 Closure of immigration services – 

2:12 NPV

2:17 Closer scrutiny for venues DA uses for meetings

2;30 RVC elections under global NEC

2:40 Medicare For All

3:02 Arian Ardie resolution

3:05 Green New Deal

3:09 Renewable Energy

3:25 Gun Violence

3:42 VFA Integrity and Sustainability

Document of resolutions submitted by DPCA members, as of April 22, 2019:

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