2020-06-08 Meeting notes

2020-06-08 Meeting notes


Hispanic Caucus Steering Committee May Meeting 


Wednesday May 27: DC 3:00 PM / San Jose, CR 1:00 PM / Paris 9:00 PM / Dubai 11:00 PM

Attendees: Amerika Garcia Grewal | Chair of the Hispanic Caucus Steering Committee, Deputy Regional Vice-Chair Asia Pacific, Affirmative Action Committee Member

Miguel Madrigal | DACR Treasurer, Hispanic Caucus Vice Chair, Youth Caucus Steering Committee - CR

Lissette Wright | Global Treasurer, Democrats Abroad | Treasurer, Democrats Abroad Canada | Hispanic Caucus Steering Committee Member

Michael Ramos | DA Hispanic Caucus; DA Affirmative Action Committee; DA Veterans and Military Families Caucus; DA Australia (Victoria); DNC Labor Council

Orlando Vidal | DNC Member, Middle East & Africa Regional Liaison - DA Hispanic Caucus , UAE Legal Counsel

Thorin Engeseth (partner attended as representative) | Hispanic Caucus Chair, Germany; Hispanic Caucus Steering Committee Member

Nelleke Bruyn | Hispanic Caucus Steering Committee Member

Luis Jimenez | Hispanic Caucus Steering Committee Member

John Chudy | DAG Chair

Nicole Ratliff

Connected offline, time zone conflict:

Gregory Dolezal | Secretary, DAVN - DA Hispanic Caucus

Thursday May 28:  Suva, Fiji 7:00 AM / Melbourne, Australia 5:00 AM

No RSVP, not present

Michaele De Rivera

William Prescott

Luis Ore-Ibarra

Bernardo Javalquinto

Gil Carbajal

Lori Smith

Edgar Lopez-Vallejo

Robert Jay Glickman

Ana Blackstad

Carlos Colao

Dee Dee Camhi

Donald Betts

Maria-Elena O'Rourke

Meagan Lopez

Alison Maciejewski

Marybeth Yarosh

Melanie García

1.       Icebreaker: Which powerhouse Latina do you identify with? 

2.       May Update


a.       DA sending at least 6 Hispanic delegates to DNC in August,

b.       DA Resolution in Spanish -

"the hisp. caucus steering cmte submitted a bilingual resolution in oct. 2020 that will be brought up at the june 7th global meeting which simply acknowledges and celebrates the broad field of diversity in the 2020 Democratic presidential race. but this resolution's pp. 1-2 are in spanish, and pp. 3-4 are in english. as the u.s. has never had an official language, the resolution is partially to make a statement on how our Party is supposed to be inclusive as opposed to exclusive, and acknowledging the voting electorate of non-native-english is important. Will Prescott in MX is the lead sponsor. There isn't anything controversial about the resolution but we can surely expect some dpca voting representatives to argue against it cuz of the english text coming second, not first."

c.       DA Resolution for a Standing Diversity and Inclusion Action Committee

Able to Vote Topics:

3.       Recruitment messaging for countries in the Americas, ie DR –

Luis Eduardo is in DR right now, can take the lead on this, Jose Miguel will support. Can also tag in DA-MX comms and DAHC Traductores team

4.       Not addressed - Phone banking support – voter registration

5.       Great support! HC Translators bit.ly/2020-DAHC-traductores

6.       Need Members: HC Social Media bit.ly/2020-DAHC-comms

7.       Need Members: HC Issues & Events bit.ly/2020-DAHC-events

8.       Need Members: HC Meme Team bit.ly/2020-DAHC-images

Motivated to Vote:

9.       Open Webinars – speakers needed. DA will provide logistical support.

Wishlist: Castro brothers, Bill Richardson, Beto O’Rourke, Javier Becerra, Stacey Abrams, Michelle Grisham, Xochil Torres Small, Jessica Cisneros

10.   Eng/Esp caucus statements for the web site.

Issues: Statehood for Puerto Rico/caring for people first, A path to citizenship for DACA recipients as well as TPS holders, holding border patrol accountable for the militarization and genocide at the border, closing down the detention centers, and removing the criminalization of asylum seekers, Reproductive Rights and healthcare for women in detention centers, Answering “Why don’t politicians take the Latino vote seriously?”, Residency based taxation. Request that all topics be discussed by the steering committee prior to pursuing.

11.   Phone banking support – persuasion, focus on specific races

12.   Social Media Posts –

FB Carlos Osorio, Amerika, Miguel, Julia Bryan, Jeffrey Cheng, Luis Jimenez. Need more support on twitter. If adding IG need two more members to commit to regular Instagram posts. 

13.   Defer to next meeting: Candidate endorsements for those primaries already completed


14.   Steering Committee minimum attendance being discussed in other caucuses - what do you think? Ex: Steering Committee members are required to meet online at least once every 3 months and preferably at least once a month and best every meeting.

Discussion: inconclusive, move discussion to email for those who could not attend

15.   Need 90 second slide presentation with our plans for next 5 months. Also need voice-over in English/Spanish.

5 month plan: webinars, GOTV activities, increased social media push. Will work on with Luis, Lissette, Nicole, Monsy. 

16.   Global Convention endorsements.

Our DNC, delegate candidates have asked 1) That electors vote for them, 2) Public endorsements, 2a) Speak to other electors and DA members about who we support.  

June Events:

17.   Leo Perez Minaya 3 June 2:30 PM, lead Miguel Madrigal. RSVP at https://www.democratsabroad.org/june_2020_meeting_reuni_n_de_junio_2020 Spanish language meeting 

18. 10th June 21:30 Madrid Time – Reunión de organizadores de eventos [Local time] Carlos Colao

19. 17th June 3:00 PM DC Time – Steering Committee Meeting [Local time]

20. Social hour (TBA) – Organizer needed

21. Webinar (TBA): How to organize a DA webinar

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