DA Mission: The actions proposed by a resolution should be compatible with, and preferably reinforce, the central mission of Democrats Abroad. The “Whereas” clauses of a resolution may directly refer to elements of the mission.
DA 2020 Platform (if policy-related): This is the current and authoritative statement of DA’s position on policies that directly affect Americans abroad as well as those that may not. New resolutions that propose policy positions must make clear the changes or additions relative to the DA 2020 Platform. You may find that your preferred position is already in it!
All these topics were covered in our educational sessions. You can find the slides and a recording here: https://democratsabroad.atlassian.net/l/c/L69opaSd
Information previously posted to the DA wiki
Upcoming office hours on the resolutions process Join members of the Resolutions Committee for informal consultations on any aspect of the process. We are available by email (or to make an appointment for a call) at resolutions@democratsabroad.org | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thursday 7 April, 5:00am DC time
| Monday 11 April, 9:00am DC time
| Thursday 13 April, 2:00am DC time